Trees beside runways

Can anyone tell me why I suddenly have trees showing close to runways. Doesnt seem to matter where but as an example NZAA Auckland NZ which plainly does not have trees on it.

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But it probably has bushes or something that looks similar and as the AI seems unable to tell the difference between bushes and trees you get lots more trees than there should be.

Have a sticky beak at YSHL…it also occurs in major cities and many other airports throughout the game…as well as trees growing out of rock surfaces… been an issue since Noah was a boy…have lodged it with Zendesk a number of times…still no action.


How about a tree right at the threshold? (That’s hidden until you are close) :man_facepalming: This was at CYQR.

I also have trees growing out of rivers etc weird!

I would think this should be a fairly simple fix, just flagging the inside of the airport boundaries to not allow tree generation. (IF AIRPORT=TRUE THEN TREEGEN ALLOW=FALSE)

Yeah, I know that’s not real code, just saying… do a basic check for the airport regions and tell, “Hey, NO trees here, mmmkay?” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You would be amazed how many trees the sim is positioning that have no earthly business being there. I must have deleted tens of thousands of them by now in areas I am working on.

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Excuse my ignorance…sounds as though you have a digital chainsaw…is that something that can be shared? ( my software skills are a tad below zero)

You have to use the SDK and to be honest it would be a good idea to have a look at some YouTube videos on using it, its too complicated to explain in a post. Have a look for Flying Theston, he has a whole series on the subject and the first two are the most useful to get you started.

But to remove trees, you just place a polygon over the trees you want to delete. Then in the properties window for that polygon which needs to be bright pink (i.e selected) so you can edit its details, you just click the Vegetation box then set the Vegetation density slider all the way to the left and it will remove all vegetation within the boundary of the polygon.

Thanks mate, appreciate your tips and quick reply.