Trim issue last update

I am using MSFS on PC (Microsoft Store version).
I have noticed since the last update that the elevator trim centers itself. When you use the trim, about 4 or 5 seconds later, the trim returns to its previous value. We must constantly operate the TRIM to stay level. You can actually see the trim display go back to zero on the new display captions.
This is the same behavior using the yoke Trim, the USB Trim wheel, the Saitek Multi Panel Trim or the Trim directly in the cockpit with mouse.
Any idea or update to fix the problem is welcome!
Thank you

I’m also having a trim related issue, although not exactly the issue described above. In flight everything seems normal, with the effects of trim giving the correct response.
On approach i have been suddenly nose diving towards the runway after crossing the threshold, without the ability to correct, always resulting in a ground impact.

Whilst parked and trying to troubleshoot the issue i noticed that this;

Results in this;

That’s not right, is it?

Jumped in the DV-20, and the result was the same.

Looks like some of their Assistance AI copilot options or are ON - this update reset all the options under Assistance to ON.

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The trim doesn’t work at all. It works like a slow-motion yoke and comes back to zero. So frustrating for me as well on all small planes. And I have turned off all AI assistance.