Triple monitors working great

Im using 3 55 inch tvs now. I have a couple of questions. 1. I have my screens at 90 degree angles and I sit in between them. Ive seen so many triple screens set at about 45 degrees. Does the beta have the ability to zoom out in the left and right screen only? When I zoom center cockpit screen, they all move. 2. When I have the screens tweaked to where i like them on a specific aircraft, can I save those settings for just that aircraft? I am having to readjust all of the screens to tweak when I pick different aircraft. Is there an advantage to speading the screens out at 45 degrees vs. 90 degrees. I understand this is beta, so im being patient. I am LOVING this setup. Im running a 3070 GPU and am entertaining upgrade to 3090. Thanks!!

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It’s a basic beta version!

What you want is not possible at the moment.
Many users want a multi monitor support that can do the things you mentioned, but I think we’ll have to wait a while for that will be possible. I don’t know how far Asobo will go with multi monitor support.

Thats all very well, because you have 3 large screens, that you can more or less sit ‘inside’ them, with your side screens at 90’ to your main… Thats basically all you can do with multimonitor support at the moment… Its no good to people like me, with 3 27’ monitors, side monitors at maybe 35’… who want support for the likes of NVidia surround, where you can tell it your side angles, and bezel width etc…
I can’t see them doing much more to this tho, it will end up like the replay tool… Just release it like this, and do no more to it :frowning:

Let Asobo look at the solutions that other game developers already have made and make something with the same possibilities. It’s not necessary to copy it, but Asobo can learn from it.
I now use NVidia surround, but that is also not perfect, because with that option it is not possible to correct the viewports of the left and right monitors so they are stretched.
The only good solution is that it is possible to create 3 separate viewports for a triple monitor configuration.

I appreciate the feedback. It seems that I always want more than I have. Im tickled with it so far. I just like to make sure Im using every stich of horsepower. Will using the NVidea app, fix this?

Disregard, i just saw last post. Thanks everyone! Flight Velocity panel next!