Triple screen performances

hi all
now that SU10 and nvidia drivers are out, what performances do you have using triple screen ?
im at buying a new GPU and was wondering what is the best choice for now ? Do you think a 3070 can handle a 3x1440 using DLSS ?
Many thanks

I have a RTX 3080. i run 3 X50" led tvs at 4k and i get 40+ FPS in a city . 60 + over less dense areas. settings on med/ high , DLSS DX12
icore9 at 4.5 ghz 32 gig ram with all SSD . Cant stress enough about going to ssd drives .
I keep MSFS on a separate drive.

HA! I have the same question :wink: two 1440p monitors is pushing my 3070 pretty hard.

What is your VRAM usage / allocation there? My biggest worry here is VRAM, DX12 over-allocates my 3070 already by up-to a gig with one monitor @1440p. (worst case I’ve seen on latest driver)

Plan on running 3x @ 1440p + two touch screens for airmanager (May install another smaller GPU or use a USB video driver to drive those).

this is what i end up thinking after some reading and your reviews - im afraid a 3080 would be the minimum for anything decent above 1080p

You can use RTX 3060 and connect 3 Screens each on 4k and will be fine with 30+ FPS.
And you can check this video too FS2020 Sim Update 10 Benchmark | Multiple Monitor Test | 4k vs 2K vs 1080p | Surprising RESUTS ! - YouTube.

I know this is an old thread but do you recall what resolution you were running your 4K monitors at because your FPS is unheard of. I have 3 x 27” monitors and RTX3080 and I can barely hit 40 FPS even with the DLSS4. Even using AutoFPS. Very impressive.

I flew last night again and i get a steady 35-45 FPS But my terrain is set at 145 and object detail is at 85.Most settings are medium. Any higher with 3 monitors kills it, All led tv are at 3840X2160 . I tried lowering the resolution no difference.
Dont use frame gen useless. I am also on performance DLSS. But it is smooth and thats all I really want.

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