Trouble with glide scope in Vision Jet

I’m fairly new to MSFS Pc version but have around 30 flight hours. I’ve got down the ILS approach process in the Diamond DA62 and have enjoyed flying the DA62.

I’ve flown the SR22 a good amount as well and like that plane. I’m partially trying to fly planes I may actually fly one day if I go through with getting my PPL.

On the Vision Jet, I am having trouble with the ILS approach process. I can catch the LOC no problem. Making sure my flight plan looks good, understand the airport Plate, etc I think I understand well enough. In the DA62, I hit the LOC, get down to the correct ALT per the plate to catch the GS, GS catches and the plane just about lands itself.

With the Vision Jet, I can’t catch the GS and it must be some setting I’m not engaging or something. I’m GPS all the way in, catch the LOC, then the GS never engages. I’m getting to the correct ALT, but GS never engages. I think it’s something about the G3000 I don’t understand. I tried some of the same approaches in the TMB that also has G3000 and I can’t get GS to engage there either.

Is there something obvious I’m missing? In the DA62, as long as I have the CDI on GPS and am at the correct ALT, the LOC and GS engage no problem. It’s not working that way in the Vision Jet.

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im wondering the same thing,sometimes I can count on the ILS or even with rnav approaches it will bring the plane right on down to the runway but now it is catching the glide slope but not bringing it in so I end up following the scope down myself,I wonder if this is a glitch ,bug or just my skills not up to part?..nevermind the latter :roll_eyes: