Trying to eliminate engine throttle cut off on takeoff

I have an alienware laptop with a GTX 1070 gpu. I use the X-56 throttle and joystick. On takeoff roll what will happen is a part way down the runway the throttles will cut off. the things I have done so far to prevent this are… 1. Turn Video settings down to low. Turn off Auto Throttle. Turn off auto braking, Turn off all flight assists… Can you please suggest anything else. Also when on final, everything is going ok and then the throttle will cut off on its own. It’s very consistent. Please help… I have been using MSFS since the early 1990s…

Hi @WIRigDriver ,

We’ve moved your topic into the User Support Hub.

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Is this happening on all planes or are you flying something specific?

I was able to turn off AI and Auto throttle and get airplanes to finally not cut power like they were doing. I don’t know specifically which switch was the one that made it work in the end, but for right now its working. thanks