Trying to reinstall MSFS but nothing happens - please help

I am in the microsoft store, trying to reinstall the Premium Deluxe version of the sim (which I own). The system prompts me to select the drive on my PC, but when I click on ‘Install’ nothing happens. . . I saw a video on YouTube where that step started the installation automatically. Does anyone have a suggestion? I have been trying for about an hour and still nothing. thanks

Close MS Store, go to Windows Settings > Apps > MS Store, then advanced options, then reset.

Then restart your PC, launch MS Store again and check for updates.

I followed thsese exact steps an hour ago… but just retried and still nothing. I reopened the ms store after restarting my PC, selected the edition of MSFS I own, and I am still where I was before. Is there any other way to reinstall? I am signed into Microsoft on this PC (if it helps)…

If the install button does nothing at all, then it’s not an issue with MSFS but with MS Store itself. Seems to have happened to a fair few people recently.

You could try reinstalling MS Store via powershell, then restarting PC, launching MS Store again and checking for updates (especially any for gaming services)

Topic moved into #bugs-and-issues:performance for installation assistance.

I selected “Method 1” from Powershell and typed the 2 suggested commands (I got this from an internet search). There was no error after typing the first command, but no success w/reinstall. So I then typed the second command and received error messages.
I am not sure how to move on from here (?)… I could try “Method 2” but before I keep hitting the same wall, let me know if there’s some written document that you can share, or that is available in this forum.

Error messages on the second command should be ok (it tries to update all windows app packages, some of which are unneccessary/in use).

Just restart your PC now you’ve run both, then open MS Store, make sure you’re still signed in, then check for updates to gaming services etc. Then try MSFS install again

Still nothing… the store is showing that apps and games from the store have the latest updates :confused:

Hmm, and what happens now if you find MSFS in the store, does the install button work?

Install via Xbox app and make sure that xbox app and gaming services is up to date.
// Xbox app ver. 2107.1000.28.0
// Gaming Services 2.53.28001.0

Run Xbox app and click icon “My collection”.
Double click msfs and select install.
Choose a drive etc.

Click view progress

@AeroCaptain4321 > I tried, but did not work. Thank you all for your help… weird application…

TenPatrol (another user / tech support) in the meantime sent me a message in this post with a different suggestion… I hope it works.

I am getting an error (0x0000001) when I try to download to my driver from the Xbox app. I am not sure how to check the version of the Xbox app. . . I tried reinstalling the Xbox app but the Microsoft store tells me it’s already installed (owned by me)…

Which version of windows are you running ?
how to check : click on spyglass and type winver + enter

my Windows 10 updates are the latest. I am running Version 21H1 (OS Build 19043, 1052)

ok , thats good .
in the store did you install Xbox … the app ?

Store > My Library > Installed

Yes. This is what I have been working from

go back 1 page where you can see flight simulator And flightsimulator deluxe.
according to picture you need to install ( green button)

Click my collection > then top right of the screen manage installs

ye both not installed use the manage install button at top right

Correct. I could no longer launch the sim from the pinned shortcut today, so I uninstalled the sim and wanted to reinstall a fresh new one