Trying to set mixture and prop pitch to X56 throttle wheels

Hi - I’m a bit stumped. I have two problems I’m hoping the brains trust can help me with:

  1. I’m trying to set mixture and prop pitch to the top and bottom knurled wheels on my X56.

Under controls I’m selecting mixture increase/decrease to Joystick L-Axis Z- and Z+; and increase/decrease prop pitch to Joystick R-Axis Z+ and Z-, which are the rotation of the wheels as I turn them.

However, in game they don’t result in any movement of the relevant controls. I can manually click and drag on mixture for instance, but can’t move them with the controls on the throttle. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong, would appreciate nay help please.

  1. Since update 7, hitting F12 to take a screenshot (Steam version), also immediately centres the view. F12 is only assigned for Liveries in the hangar view; and my trackir profile doesn’t use F12 for anything. Any hints appreciated.



those are key assignments. Axis should be assigned to controls like “Mixture (0-100)” or similar. Going off the top of my head here. In general anything that says increase or decrease is meant for a keystroke.

Ah thank you! It should be Propellor axis (doesn’t have trim in the name) and Mixture axis! All fixed now.

Still got the F12 view centering issue though. No trackir profiles use F12 except for default, and I don’t use default profile in MSFS 2020.

I edited the title hoping folk could help with my problem 2:

  1. Since update 7, hitting F12 to take a screenshot (Steam version), also immediately centres the view. F12 is only assigned for Liveries in the hangar view; and my trackir profile doesn’t use F12 for anything. Any hints appreciated.