Tune to frequencies by clicking NAVAIDs in VFR Map

Hi Asobo,

it would be nice if searching a navaid would be easier than going through the Garmin 1000 database.
Could you please add navaid frequencies in the map and it would be great to transfer by
right clicking on it to nav1 or nav2.

We do not have all nav charts at home or whatever source.




Quite good addition!

I remember that from XP11 and can be fine for some users…

Actrually this is available in the maps, it’s just a bit hidden feature.

When you select the departure and arrival in the map, you can open open “Filters” below the screen. The you get several option to customize your map, including NAVAIDS at the end of the list.

Now you get a circle with a square at the end of runways wilt ILS frequencies, just click it to see the frequency and other information.

Note: the symbol is at the end of the runway, so you need to set your arrival to the other end of the runway. E.g. the correct frequency for runway 10 is at the opposite runway 28 side …

Thank you I know this feature but I need it in-flight.
In FSX you could open the map and just search for these things.

In X-plane this is so easy to use.

It is a bit laborious in-flight to search by NRST in the Garmin.

Ok, that is the real thing but on the screen these windows are so small.

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he probably missunderstand that, how simply you can tune freq to aircraft if you’re on World map??? Ok, it is quite good feature for vote.

An additional feature would be very handy - one that has appeared over in XPlane for some time. That would be the ability to click on a VOR , NDB or airport in the VFR map and have the option to automatically tune that VOR in either the number one or number two radio (or both).

This would be of particular use here, since there is no way that I can see offhand to discover the frequency of a navaid on the VFR chart (here, too, XPlane has the ability to display info about any airport or navaid on the map just by clicking on it). Oh sure, I have the ability to look that up on any of three major EFB’s that I use in real world flying, but I am as lazy as the next pilot when it comes to labor saving! Right now, we cannot even click on the navaids or airports, or at least when I try, nothing happens.

This would be a good addition to the sim.


Great idea, voted and watching with interest!