I’m flying the A320 for the first time, after watching countless videos and tutorials. The take off is flawless, and everything is great…then! Boom, the jet while climbing to cruise just suddenly starts very violently rolling left and right. This gets worse and worse until it just flips over, and drops out of the sky. Now as far as I can see there is no problem with the plane itself, all the parameters were right and set, and even turning off the AP didn’t help. There were two clues though, pictured below, green arrows appearing on the right wing and then the left wing, just before the the plane tipped. I assume turbulence bug?
So, the pictures are telling that your aileron and multifunction spoilers are rolling your aircraft to the left and right.
You could also see the same behavior of the flight controls on the FCTL ECAM page.
Which versio of the FBW mod are you using?
Rolling to left and the right is also a sign, that the aircraft is stalling. I am not a A320 expert, maybe the aircraft tries to prevent the wing tipping over with moving the FCTLs by itself. Did you monitor your speed? Depending on your speed, retracting the flaps will decrease the stall speed of the aircraft.
Maybe also try to turn off ELAC 1 and SEC 1, so you can double check that these computers don’t cause that problems.
Ok, the Stall protection will not have any influence on the ailerons, so we should proceed checking for a bug in the ELACs or SECs.
Most definitely wasn’t anywhere near stalling. Climbing through angels 25 at 260 knts. There were no warnings, and the rocking started slow and got worse and worse…until.
Oh and latest version of the mod.
Stable or Dev version? On the left hand overhead you have some switches named ELAC and SEC. Try to switch them off and try again.
Stable, will have another go later today.
This has been answered several times
Shut off the SEC 1 system (top left on ovhd panel)
It will fix
or better still install the latest dev build. This was a fault with both the default A320 and FBW version after one of the updates from Asobo.
I fly the A320 NX daily and those issues went weeks ago.
Pardon me for missing it!
Moral of the story is do some research first…
Try the developer version. It is also available on the github side of FBW. The stable version is known to have issues at the moment.
Yep all good now with the developer version installed. Thanks for the advice EP. Must remember, next time to do some more ‘research!’
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