Turn live weather off you must! *Yoda voice*

I can confirm that turning off live weather makes the sim run smoother and you will no longer have to deal with CTDs. I’m on SX.

Just try it and report back :smiley:

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I haven’t used live weather for months, for the simple fact that I hate how it transitions when it updates the weather info… Could be flying in clear weather then just like magic, clouds appear all around you…


Haha, yeah just like “magic”, new conditions pop into view. Agreed.

Keeping it off has multiple advantages then.

That happened only one or two times to me and I always use live weather …maybe a connection/server problem

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Yup, those sudden transitions have put me off live weather too.
And it can and does cause performance issues too - so Live Weather stays OFF for me too

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I always use Live Weather and whereas the transitions (extremely rare where I fly), I never had any stuttering or CTD issues.


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Try flying more locations, especially heavily populated cities and towns, and at different times…:sweat_smile:

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I fly London, New York regularly in busy times. I honestly don’t encounter issues. I have had maybe two CTDs till date, both linked to the mods in my community folder.


Has anyone seen the issue where clouds will be too high? I’m talking about regular clouds not storm clouds. I’ll climb up to FL390 and I still can’t get above the clouds. If I switch to REX WF the clouds appear as they should, well below my plane. But REX introduces a whole other set of issues. If I switch back to Real Weather the clouds are above me again. I can’t be the only person seeing this.

Live weather is awesome! I wouldn’t fly without it. Best weather depiction in any flight sim so far!


I do all the time. No problems.

Never, I only fly with live weather.


Live weather is awesome! Today flying through rain squalls. The transitions are superb.
I’m a big critic but I think right now live weather is working the best it has…very realistic!

It is amazing and feels very real there’s no refuting that. But it causes more stutters than usual - depending on your location - and causes the game to become sticky, slow responding and more prone to CTDs. I’m on Xbox. Maybe things play out differently on a PC with a mini nuclear reactor… :sweat_smile: