Turtle Beach VelocityOne yoke not recognized by flight simulator on Xbox One Series X

exchange it.

[quote=“Krash111, post:19, topic:481566”]
go to ‘device-manager’ in Windows , scroll to the bottom, you’ll see x-box gaming device : xbox controller … double-click, click ‘driver’, click update driver, click ‘from my computer’, click ‘let me pick from list’ … there you’ll see ‘usb gaming device’ … click update … go back out , and now the Velocity is shown in ‘Hid Devices’ … and in-game ! …


I’m having the same problem. I’m on Xbox one and can’t install the full version so using FS in cloud gaming and FS does not detect the VelocityOne Yoke. I’ve tried everything.

Thank you sooooo much for this post Krash111!!! It worked great for me :+1: :smiley:

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Just got Xbox and velocity one yolk, flew a couple flights with velocity one yolk before updating yolk software, it worked fine. After updating velocity one, Xbox won’t recognize it in the control option window. Tried rebooting ,no luck.

[quote=“Krash111, post:23, topic:481566, full:true”]


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I ended up uninstalling MSFS and reloaded it. everything works fine now.

I can’t wait to try out the proposed solution. I don’t want to wait for the reload and update to take up all my time

Ok, I’m back to square one again. I updated VelocityOne yoke to Ver 140 I think and shouldn’t have because FS2020 is not recognizing the yoke again, only the throttle. Been through all the steps above and nothing works. Back to my trustworthy CH. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. :anguished:

Ask in their discord

Thanks Majorlag, I’ll check into that.

I had the same problem. I solved it by going into Xbox front end shutting MSFS off and rebooting . Might be worth a go

Same here (Xbox One S) as of this post. When you get to the MSFS screen that says…“Press any button to start”… pressing any button on the VelocityOne does nothing.

So MS releases the sim with Xbox One S support but no joystick support? WTH! Maddening to say the least.

When I fully stop my Xbox, I unplugged every thing, mouse, V1F yoke. Then when I start the console, I launch MSFS, once I am on the menu, I plug the mouse. Test if it works ok. then I plug V1F yoke or stick. It always works for me this way!

The problem is NOT software or calibrations. It’s a bar magnet inside that comes loose in shipping. Search for “fix magnet inside Velocity One” for instructions to take top off, put magnet in place, and recalibrate.

I have been dealing with the same problem of the Yoke on VelocityOne Flight not being recognized while the Throttle quadrant was recognized. I discovered the posting by Krach111. Updating both drivers under the Xbox gaming device as he described solved the problem and both Yoke and Throttle quadrant now show up in MDFS Control Options.