Tutorial: HP Reverb G2 and WMR - High Quality VR video capture

In this video i just captured an area of my desktop stereoscopic mirror, after quadrupled the windows desktop resolution with nVidia DSR.

steps below:

  1. you need a capturing software that can decide which
    area of your screen should be captures (I use bandicam)

  2. Activate Motion Reprojection in OpenXR for smooth video

  3. Start WMR portal
    3.activate DSR-factor (4x) in nvidia 3d settings
    4.change desktop Resolution to the new quadrupled resoltion. (this has no noticeable impact on vr performance.

  4. start bandicam

  5. start MSFS 2020 , maximize window

  6. choose youre flight , switch to VR mode, start the Flight

  7. When the stereoscopic mirror appears, adjust the capturing area rectangle of youre capturing software (I caputured left eye)
    ! with bandicam, once the rectangle is adjusted, you dont have to do it not anymore !

  8. record flight

That looked incredible smooth!

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thank you @RallyHawk76. I made a second one…this methos works very well.

MSFS VR is the ultimate VR Experience. I can hardly go back to another VR game.
Insane Night Ride HP Reverb Gameplay Capture, very taxing scenery, especially while recording

modded Chicago in VR is pure awesomeness

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How did you manage to get 16:9 format from a stereoscopic capture of one eye? In my case, the stereoscopic mirror has two round screens, basically, as if I was looking through the lenses. If I try to capture the whole shape of one eye, it won’t be in a shape of 16:9 but like a square. I bought the game through game pass, so it’s Microsoft store, not the Steam. Maybe you are playing in SteamVR (are you?), it’s prolly different for you. So I have to limit myself to the G2 portal recording app, I don’t know any other way to get the 16:9 format at this point.

I’ve got the same thing going on.
Which app are you using?


Absolutely incredible. I know this plane is agile and flying with damage low is easy, but I’ve never seen something like this Chicago flight.

How is it so smooth? Motion reprojection?

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