Twich streamers as Co-Pilot Avatars

Wouldn’t it be a good idea if we could have the familiar faces from the Twitch streams (Friday Flynight, possibly Q&A) as avatars for the co-pilot seat?

And I mean only the boys and girls who attend on the Twitch streams, not some faceless Moderators.

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Want jane & seedyL as avatars :sweat_smile:


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i would love to have @simtom2’s blank 3d stare next to me :joy:
And Jayne needs to have the stall horn included right?


I would fly on that airplane everyday :smiley:

opens blender and starts modeling

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Now Microsoft need to hire someone called Jesus. :slight_smile:

Nope, no , hell no , i’d rather have a dog as co pilot

I miss TheFlyingFabio a lot :cry:. His explanations were priceless.

He became a flight instructor and is now flying planes IRL. Because of how busy IRL flight instructor job is, he hasn’t had the time to stream. He puts updates out every so often on discord.


Yeah, yeah, I know :wink: I’m on his Discord! I’m really happy for him.

“C’est la vie!” as we say in French. People follow their own paths, and streaming daily might become boring or not as exciting as being able to fly in real life at some point. I completely understand his choices and I’m glad he’s succeeding

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Always struck me as a waste of such talent & experience, to have a commercial pilot & profession, just Streaming a Flight Simulator game.
(but great to be Home all the time with the family)

Please for him to see him have the option to be back in a Real Plane.


True enough. I’d rather be here at work doing IT for real, than at home playing one of those PC building sims. :slight_smile:

Tagging @WombiiActual for no apparent reason…


No. Not for me anyway.


lmao thank you for the tag

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