I noticed in 2024 that at a certain time of night, or when you pan the camera to a dark enough point in the scene, the sim will add a grey filter to the entire screen, it seems a like a new addition to the eye adaption thing they have got in the sim. In 2020 this was not a thing, the night/dark scenes would look dark and not washed out. Could this be looked at, or atleast give us the chance to disable it?
If i turn on the domelight, it completely goes away. Same for the landing lights when in flight, it will remove the grey filter effect, jarring and unrealistic to see such a sudden change in contrast.
Basic Description:
In both HDR and non-HDR modes, I’ve noticed that areas that should appear black, like the night sky or dark spots in a forest, are actually rendered as grey. For example, when looking down at the grass in the middle of a forest, the blacks don’t have the deep, OLED-like quality you’d expect. Even the weather UI element appears darker in comparison. (See attached image for reference.) This issue persists in both HDR and non-HDR modes on my system.
Is this a bug or a intended behavior?
Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons?
No but only aircraft; so should be irrelevant.
All the time
look at dark spots in the middle of the night
All Ultra Settings; OLED Monitor
Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?
Many issues may be due to an outdated graphics card. Please state your Graphics Card Driver Manufacturer (NVIDIA, Intel, AMD) and Version:
NVIDIA (latest)
Image of looking down at the ground in the middle of the night (UI Weather Element as reference)
It’s definitely a sim issue, because it CAN display proper blacks as long as there is something else on screen. Used ReShade here to measure the HDR picture. Just put me on a random runway at night in the A400, nothing special and easy to replicate.
Looking back from the cockpit with some lit elements on screen looks fine. Minimum Nits of 0.01 are fine and look good on my OLED screen.
And then just pitching the camera down a bit to look in the pitch black at the back of the cockpit it starts raising the black levels to average and minium of about 0.45 Nits, which looks like a muddy brownish haze that looks terrible. Can even see that on the screenshot here, when comparing to the ReShade elements, that the black is nowhere close to being proper black.
Probably a bit of code here trying to make kind eye adaption? If so, please remove. Can’t see anything either way, and the raised blacks just look terrible on an OLED screen. And we always got the option of the flashlight to see where we are going
have the same issue as well. to be fair the whole lighting is completely wild. The bloom is unreal. and then this darkness thing that happens when there is a lightsource vs no light source.
I wouldnt expect them to actually fix this any time soon, because msobo.
But I hope they can at least fix the landing/taxi lights on the aircraft.
Yea, Starfield was also horrible. But at least they were consistent there, so it was an easy fix with ReShade by just pulling down the black levels. Since it is not consistent here and just happens below a certain global illumination, a fixed value doesn’t work here.