It all depends on circumstances. My 100 mbps connection isn’t enough to keep up with the bursts it needs in the middle of London.
However it also depends on server load and data congestion. The tests I posted were from Sunday, network usage from FS2020 rarely went over 40 mbps. (Ookla speedtest reported 97 mbps down available) When I tried again on Monday, it mostly got up to 80-90 mbps, yet still with frequent pauses. Very different from the day before.
I pinged the 3 different servers it was grabbing data from during the flight and the ping times were all under 20ms. Just a few ms more than ping times to my nearest speed test server (13ms)
Today’s test, fill the rolling cache with London City to Heathrow, to find where the next bottleneck is.
First, filling the cache on an early (here) Tuesday morning, the server is sending data much much faster than on Sunday afternoon. Still too slow to keep up though, 100mbps is not enough. London data could use a lot of refinement, for example this is fully resolved
Also 27 GB allocated, 10.5 GB active working set. (and it keeps going up from there when the sim starts falling behing)
Some snapshots along the way, network use is mostly maxed between the pauses
~39 seconds from pause to stop receiving data
~27 seconds from pause to stop receiving data
~22 seconds from pause to stop receiving data
~26 seconds from pause to stop receiving data
~19 seconds from pause to stop receiving data
After getting it all in the rolling cache, trying a full speed flight (stress test at max terrain)
Departure 23.7 GB allocated, 12GB working set
It quickly turned into a mess, 16GB physical ram is my biggest bottleneck
30.8 GB allocated, Page file use is through the roof with 300 hard faults / sec
(Still some network use but the scale is now 0 to 10 mbps)
It does still get some decent scenes in (probably looking a lot better looking behind)
Network use very low, disk not all that stressed, 32.5 GB allocated, page file gets hammered
And then the sim completely falls behind
After leaving the PG area it can’t catch back up
And finally gives up the ghost over Heathrow over 40GB allocated
Now if my ram upgrade would finally ship I could see how much the difference to 32GB faster ram makes.