Unable to Access Redbull Bullseye Landing Event

I’m unable to access the Bullseye Landing Event even though it’s shown on the homepage:

When clicked I’m prompted in to install even though it already is:

After the other issues I had with the sim not handling it’s dependancies properly I ended up doing a complete reinstall, can’t believe it’s still broken after that. The roaming and base folder were deleted prior to reinstall but maybe it keeps files elsewhere.

Any suggestions how to resolve?

Hi @GrungeSlayer
Are you launching it from the “activities/landing challenge/epic” rather than the box on the upper left of the home page?? The home page apparently just takes you to the marketplace, even if you have it installed.


Well that’s nicely consistent considering the other “adverts” (Maverick and First Flight) take you straight to the activity.

I’m sure it worked the first time I did it but it’s been a month or so.

Thanks for the tip, a good enough workaround.

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