Ever since I installed MSFS 2020 update 12 I started experiencing an issue with the default 787-10’s battery switch, it basically wouldn’t turn on, I wasn’t even able to use the forward or aft external power sources or use the APU. I hadn’t flown the 787-10 since the last update prior to 133.8.0 and the electrical system was working fine. I am on version 133.8.0.
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Bindings for that switch and avionics went away for both 747 and what you are experiencing. I use mouse, that works. I do not know what choices to use for binding those actions to a switch. However, my binding on both those actions work in F-14 and all my planes in X-Plane so aint got clue.
I have been using the mouse to activate and deactivate switches and many other items on the overhead and the instrument panels, and most of them still work, except of course the ones that power up the electrical system. I also found out that the same issue is occurring in the default 747-8i, if I try to activate the battery on it using the mouse. nothing happens, and the same when I try to activate the APU switches. I am able to activate the external power sources by using the mouse, but it doesn’t do any good without the APU.
Just used it tonight, and it all worked. Check mouse binding in settings and make sure nothing got changed. Some of them require a “right click” to make work.
I’m not sure what you meant by “mouse binding”, I’m assuming you referred to the settings in the flight simulator. I’ll enclose a screenshot from the mouse settings, and I don’t think anything has changed since the last update.
I also should mention that the battery switches still work fine in the GA aircraft that I’ve flown, such as the Cessna 172, Beechcraft G58 Baron G58, the King Air, and the Bonanza.
Everything still works fine in the PMDG 737-800, I can still activate the battery switch with the mouse.
I even tried using a default key combination on the keyboard (Cntrl-B) to switch on the battery in the Boeing 787-10 and it still failed to activate it. So it had to be something in the last update that broke the electrical system on both MSFS’ default Boeing heavy airliners.
It doesn’t sound like you’re understanding the feedback you’re getting. We are saying that there is nothing wrong with either aircraft electrical systems. They’re both working fine.
The problem seems to be isolated to your system only.
Therefore it is either a bad install, some hardware issue or pilot error.
Same for me. Removing this addon or updating (recent update came out fixing the issue).
Whenever you have an issue, you should consider testing the addon with the issue when no other addons are loaded in the Community folder. This will easily tell you if it’s a mod conflict or an issue with the addon.
Hi, thanks for the help. Are you referring to the two sub-folders in the Community folder, named “Uwa light mod - B748” and “Uwa light mod - B787-10” ? If that’s the case, I wish I knew about that prior to deleting and reinstalling all the contents of the …\Official\OneStore, which I spent about 6 hours doing a couple of days ago. That solved the problem but without putting all the Uwa light mod sub-folders back in the Community folder. I did keep a back-up copy of the Community folder on a different storage device, so I might try putting the two named sub-folders into the new Community mods just to see if that breaks the electrical systems on both aircraft.
I’ve already tried your solution and it didn’t work; prior to deleting and reinstalling the entire contents of the …\Official\OneStore\ a couple of days ago, which seems to have solved the issue.
Did you find the issue? I am having the same exact problem however, it worked just fine until moments ago after installing the “Heavy Division” mod. It’s not corrupted files.
When you referred to the “Heavy Division”, are you talking about a sub-folder in the Community folder called “B78XH” that got created by a script called Kuro_B787-8_Installer.bat in folder Kuro_B787-8_Installer? If so, I had all the aircraft prefixed with “Kuro_” in the name installed in the Community folder, and when I reinstalled all ot the default aircraft in MSFS (as I mentioned previously) I decided to leave out all of the add-on 787 aircraft that were created by “Kuro”. I suspected that particular add-on had caused the issue.
I saw that after checking the code more closely. It works just fine if it loads in at an elevated state (not cold and dark) but even that little consequence bugs me, so thanks for confirming my suspicions.
All I was looking for was a way to import SimBrief into the 787-10.
Any advise there? I love the FBW A320 integration and using my iPad as the MFD adds to the realism.
hey i facing the same problem i tried to reintall the full game and it didnt work also i tried to delete the 787 folder and download again how to solve the battery switch