Unable to control flight start

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Brief description of the issue:

Please watch the video.

After recent updates, at the start of the flight
It spins out of control.
The cockpit will zoom out.
After pressing the Fly button, I haven’t touched anything.
There are cases where I can return the zoom and cases where I cannot operate it at all.
Joystick input is 0. Even if I try to return the aircraft with the joystick, it will rebound with a strong force and I cannot control it.

This doesn’t happen every time, it’s normal sometimes.
It happens on any default aircraft.
This happens even if I empty the Community folder.

It didn’t happen until August.
Is this a bug in FS2020 or something dependent on my environment? Does anyone have the same problem?
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My first inclination is you have interfering control binds somewhere. Second is a bad controller. Go into the control panel, printer and devices and check the controller is working as it should. Lastly. check your keyboard for stuck keys (my left cntrl key sticks sometimes and causes problems).

Thank you very much for your advice.

I tried removing the joystick and keyboard and replacing the mouse, but the aircraft still became uncontrollable and crashed.

There was intense input in the yaw and vertical directions on the add-on’s input viewer.

If no one else has the same problem, reinstalling may be the only option. :frowning:

Which addon? Do you mean the controller view, where you would alter the response curve? If so, that will flat out tell you which axis/controller is doing that. If you unplug all controllers except mouse, and keyboard does it do it then?

Apologies if this is what you meant in your last.

After removing the joystick and keyboard, I started FS2020 and looked at the input viewer below, and there was input in the yaw direction.
Since I couldn’t remove the mouse, I replaced it with another mouse and tested it.
Thank you very much.

I don’t know if it’s related, but since I create scenery, I restart FS2020 dozens of times.

It’s possible you have a binding to a key or some other on/off input, so something that would either be full on or off, or full left or full right in this case. Can you past an image of what you see?

It would also be worth reviewing what you have bound to ailerons.

This may not work since settings are saved in the cloud they may just reload again. If you have no controller, keyboard, and a new mouse then I think your mouse settings are wonky. Go to the mouse settings in the controller settings menu and select the default setting and see what happens. Likewise, you can always select the default settings for any controller to get back to the basic settings and troubleshoot from there.

Reinstall should always be a last resort.

I would agree, a full re-install should not be needed for a controller issue. Reset all connected devices to their default settings, but do them one by one so when one of them fixes it you will know which one it was. By the sounds of the OP, the only device they have connected should be the mouse. I would be interested to know whether that is true though, and the mouse really is the only device that appears on the controller screen.

thank you.
I would like to reinstall as a last resort.

Even when I can control the aircraft, I sometimes cannot cockpit zoom.
I also think this is a little strange.

Aircraft Control is not set for the mouse.

There was no problem with rudder operation when it was normal, but
JOYSTIC R-AXIS Z seemed to be duplicated

They kind of are duplicates. You have:


The bottom one is an axis assigned to an axes input. The top two are that axis assigned to two digital inputs.

What I would do is unbind them from “RUDDER RIGHT (YAW RIGHT)”, and “RUDDER RIGHT (YAW LEFT)”. Those don’t read like axes, and more digital, full on or off inputs, so no matter how tiny an input you put in to those you will get full yaw left or right.

But you already said you tried this without your joystick being plugged in, so this will only be an issue if you have it plugged in, correct?

Remove those top two bindings, then re-test.

I unbinned the rudder right/left.
When I only start FS2020 once or a few times a day, the problem may not occur, so I would like to try this.

Thank you for your kindness.

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No worries, let me know how you get on.

It may take some time but I will test it and report back, thank you.

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I ran the MSFS startup test dozens of times in three days.
No problems occurred during that time.
Currently I have reconfigured Rudder Right/Left(Yaw).
And I am testing to see if the problem is reproduced.

Anyway, I’m glad the problem no longer occurs, thank you.

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After that it’s working fine.
However, there was a problem with the viewpoint control of the drone camera.
I fixed it by restoring the keyboard settings to default.
It seems that the problem occurs depending on the combination of key assignments.