Unable to delete Asobo KDEN from Marketplace

Hello Gang!

After the latest mini update that took place on 12-8-2020, I developed a particular issue. As you can see in the attached image, I have the Asobo default KDEN scenery active in the marketplace. I want to delete it because I own the FlightBeam KDEN version which is better. In order to prevent both sceneries from conflicting with each other, I want to delete the Asobo version. Problem is that there is no “delete” option. When I click on the dependencies button, it tells me that an earlier version of MSFS2020 (I believe a September version) is required to run this scenery. That should not be an issue since it calls for an eearlier version of the SIM and I have the latest installed. Any ideas how to correct this??? Many Thanks.

I refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave some days ago.

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Thank you for the recommendation. Removing it manually seemed to have fixed it. Thanks again.

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What I want sure about was whether the sim would detect this missing content, and perhaps try and force you to download it. If it doesn’t, and simply reports it as available in the Amy Content view, then you are good.

It is possible however that when the next patch is released, it may get re-installed then, so double check after the 22nd.

In my view this may become a problem. At least X-Plane uses a hierarchical list of content (scenery_packs.ini) that establishes which content takes priority over which based on precedence in the list. Here we have third party content being added on one side, MSFS forcing its own updates on the other and the user loosing track of which content is placed on top of which since updates are coming from both ends at any given time. I believe the content I choose to pay for aside from the simulator should have the highest priority unless I choose to uninstall it and therefore opt for the base content.

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There is a file which maintains this order, and you are correct, unlike FSX, I believe MSFS does not respect changes to the file necessarily, and will perform operations like reordering the packages for various reasons. So, it’s a good idea to make a backup every time you make a change to the file, and then you can use a tool like Winmerge to figure out what changes.

I haven’t submitted a feature request myself yet, but I would like to see Asobo create an editor for this, at least similar too what FSX had. They could do better.

The other problem, however, is that, unless a mod goes about excluding everything underneath itself, whether a scenery has priority or not does not guarantee items from any scenery underneath it will not “poke through”.

This may not be entirely true for Airports, however, depending on which switches have been thrown in the “Delete Airport” section of an Airport Object. I don’t know, however, if these commands work on every iteration of an airport, only keeping the one with the highest priority, or if it only acts on the “base” level airports. It may also be true, however, that the author didn’t throw all the switches, in which case, well, who knows.

The best test for Flightbeam KDEN would be to edit the content file and move it past Asobo’s updated airport. That may be all that’s required, or, it might not be.

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