Unable to go online

Hello, a few hours ago my wifi died and i get disconnected from the sim, but rn wifi is running nice and i cant connect to online services at MFS for some reason. I already tried restarting the console but nothing changes. Any solution?

Can’t go online neither. Online services unreachable.

It keeps telling me my internet is off. It is fine (this forum post is working).

I was in a flight and everything froze. After a reboot, the no internet notice popped up.

I can’t connect either. I keep getting a pop up saying online services unreachable.

Same thing for me - no online services available.

Same here…no servers

Same. 1st logon in a week and I hit this…

Yep same here

same, cannot connect. From East USA

Same here US east coast. Was trying to trouble shoot the 60% freeze issue, and then lost connection after one of them. Says unable to connect now.

Same situation on the West coast, Vancouver.

Now working

i hadn’t this problem, it’s connected all the time, but in flight some place/time with permanent second-5seconds disconnect with popup message what force me to push esc. click ok, and press esc. again… and this is start from su5, and have nothing with my internet stability or speed

Just happened to me… can I find out what did u do to get it to work again?

Hey I’m in PC and I also reboot my wifi
I can’t connect to the online services do you know how the solution to fix it ?

If you have a solution please answer me asap

I dont have idea. It look like in the time when i posted this, also happened to another people in the east server.

Ok thanks I can’t even choose a server that’s annoying the problem is here since 5 days at least I would say for me.

It’s been almost 2 weeks for me. I have no clue what to do. Nothing has worked. This is becoming a joke

5 and nearly 6 days for me
I guess we just need to wait or something. Time has been the solution for pepole on othres forums but I don’t know if it’s working.
Maybe we need to wait for a patch