I found through fiddler that the simulator seems to be trying to connect to *.ssl.ak.tiles.virtualearth.net to download satellite images, but the server returned a 400 Bad Request
Only data like roads, buildings, landmarks, etc. are loaded (as shown in the figure below)
online functionality has been turned on and data limitation is off
the rolling cache is also off
there is nothing in the community folder
Developer Mode is turned on
how to solve this problem?
I have what I think is the same problem. Only autogen data (and photogrammetry where available) is showing (everywhere). I have all my graphics setting on ultra as previously with bing data on. I would post a before and after screenshot but can’t see a load image button??? I have been using the sim since release and have had absolutely no problem otherwise until now. Last night (25 feb) Xbox live was not working and I thought to run the sim offline to try to post that problem but gave up after a requester came up asking me to change settings. I may have inadvertently switched something off on that requester before cancelling. I didn’t get asked to save anything but who knows. I would have thought the settings made in game would override those anyway. Strange that photogrammetry is getting through but not the Bing images?? The sim is useless in my view without the photo scenery.
Thanks for the advice, CasualClick. Three screenshots - Mont Blanc normal (bottom), Mont Blanc now and data settings. I was wrong about the photogrammetry. That I saw was part of a scenery add on not Microsoft photogrammetry. It is obvious that nothing is being downloaded from the net (even the cloud image on the world map is missing.
No, I was wrong about the photogrammetry. London looks awful. Seems Mihaita has the same problem (latest topic). I have tried emptying my community folder as was suggested to someone a few months back with a similar problem but that made no difference. I also tried unchecking the Xbox setting which flags my pc for offline use but that made no difference either.
Just make sure you know your password, but try cycling out of the XBox account while in the sim. Exit, restart and log back in. Not sure what else to try other that.
Solved with switching off online functionality, saving, then switching back on and saving. Wasn’t clear to me how I could switch out of the Xbox account while in the sim. I’ve also no idea what my Xbox password is, unless its the same as my microsoft account. It logs me in automatically when I start my PC.
After several days of trying, I found that only when I set the language of the non-Unicode program (in the control panel, clock and region, region, management) to English instead of Chinese, I can download satellite maps
This shows that there are bugs related to the character set in the program after the update, and I hope the developer can fix it in the next update!
This is the fix unless of course you prefer to learn Chinese…
Exit MSFS2020
Open Microsoft store and log out, then login again and exit store
Open Xbox-console Companion and log out
Start MSFS2020 and log back in Xbox when prompted