First, I have auto trim on but when I pitch down I get warning sound and the plane starts shaking and then the plane’s Yoke doesn’t respond, can’t pitch up or any. Why?
And how do I turn the warning alarm off (without settings) just from cockpit.
Second, if I’m flying to multiple airports; do I need to shut down aircraft systems in every airport? I mean, the Objectives tells me to but I’m afraid that it will cancel the whole flight plan.
And why do sometimes Flight plan / purple line appear and sometimes it doesn’t?
Not sure if I should create a separate topic for this, sorry
It’s Boeing 747, I added multiple stops… This is my first stop, do I need to shutdown aircraft as the Objectives say? is it going to cancel the whole flight plan if I did?
And yes, the rest of the questions are for Boeing 747.
First, I would ensure all the Piloting Assists are turned off.
The warning sound and when the plane starts shaking, I think that might be the Stall Alarm and the Stick Shaker letting you know you are close to a stall.
When a plane stalls it will fall and unless you know what to do, it will be hard to recover, and your yoke, as you noticed, will not do much unless you get some airspeed in a hurry.
The line is your course, and if the FMC has a discontinuity in between waypoints, you won’t have a line to follow on the ND.
Push the alarm button that is lit up to cancel the noise.
If you are unfamiliar with all this, you should watch some YouTube vids on how to program and fly the 747.
As far as the objectives go, I must confess to never using them.
I would suspect that if you at least keep the batteries and the APU on, you won’t lose your flightplan.