Unable to save multi monitor set up


I have just set up a 3 monitor view and it works very well. So pleased, much better than using TrackIR.

However, when I exit the sim and return to it, the multi monitor setup in the Experimental area has not been saved, and I have to re input the numbers every time. Is this normal sim behaviour? Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


It is not normal and it would be a new bug if it doesn’t work, which seems highly unlikely after all the time elapsed since this Experimental feature was added.

If you click “Add new render window” after returning to MSFS does a window pop up? Are you, just after you complete the set up, maybe closing the windows before you quit?

I was unaware Asobo are supporting multi monitor setup, this will be god send for home cockpit builders. The word experimental says it all, it may or may not work on some setups.

Sorry for not responding sooner. Xmas got in the way ;-).

Yes a window does pop up, but it’s zeroed out. No, I don’t close the windows when I sexit the sim.

I wonder what is different about my setup that it does not save the windows. It’s frustrating but not the end of the world as I have the offset numbers saved.

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Another suggestion: try a “Repair” of MSFS. To do this, go to Settings, Apps, find MSFS and click on it. “Repair” should be an option.

Hi there @BunchyBook9

When you create your multi monitor set up and apply save
Open up usercfg.opt and see if the windows are mentioned in there
It should look something like this see picture

If these lines are not in there then maybe this file is "read only " and you should uncheck this in properties of this usercfg.opt

If it is there than in experimental under Gui you can close that window and add a new one and it should be there under the same settings as the one you had just closed.

Another possible thing can be that the window is somewhere but positioned elswhere
This can be the cause when in gpu cpl under multi screen setup is set screen under, next to, above,etc.
This might conflict with multiscreen in the windows own. For it has its own settings and positions
And it is nessecity to uncheck some in here. See the picture

Uncheck the second option than position screens and recheck the second one
Sometimes driver updates can mess it up so from time to time check it out

I hope this may contribute to a solution.


Uninstall is the only option :frowning:

A big thank you to you sir! When I looked at the usercfg.opt file, the ‘windowcustom’ lines of code were not there. I reset up the windows, Pressed F11 (as always), checked the file and they were there??

To be honest I am not sure what I did right or wrong in the first few times I set the monitors up. I think we can count this one down as user error :-).

Thanks again.

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I’ve assumed you’re on the PC store version. If true and you don’t see the following, then it would seem something is wrong with the install:


The suggestion in the previous post is a good one, IMO. But if that doesn’t help, a Reinstall may be your next option. Hopefully you’ll learn something more about the issue beforehand.

It was resolved. See my post above. I use the Steam version.

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