Trying to route a muti-POI trip over New York, but I can only set Arrival & Departure. Can’t add custom destinations. It’s a real mood killer.
It let me do it previously flying over Yosemite, but here when I added a stop, went to set the next one and it automatically deleted them. I’ve also tried to set Arrival & Departure first, and still no luck.
I’m on Xbox SX.
Any help would be appreciated!
I just have to zoom all the way inon the map to get it to work.
I think you need to set a Departure and Arrival first… Then you add the custom waypoints in between afterwards. You don’t add waypoints as you go until the arrival at the end. You build the final destination first (pun intended), then add the waypoints in between in order.
Custom waypoints can be a real pain at times. I find I have to zoom right into the map, pretty much to the full extent, before the ‘Add’ will accept an input, if I’m not zoomed in enough it will do nothing.
On top of that I’ll, very occasionally, find that even that doesn’t work and I’m left having to make my own way to any POI or location that should have been a waypoint.
I’m on PC, not sure if that makes any difference, but give zooming in as much as you can to the location you want as a waypoint a try - hopefully that may be your problem.
Hang on, is that just a empty space with nothing on them that you want to add as a waypoint? I think you can only add them as waypoints when they are actually true waypoints, in an IFR navdata, sense.
Set departure and then arrival and then exit the world map (go back to welcome screen)…then go back to world map and you will be able to create waypoints.
sometimes I don’t have to do this, sometimes I do.
Occasionally also the flight planner will if it considers the waypoint you want to add to far from the current blue course line…will allow you to add the waypoint but actually won’t visually run the blue route thru it making you think it’s not been added ….just double check and if so remove the waypoint you want then add a temporary waypoint closer to the projected blue route line and then re load your chosen waypoint it might then show the route thru your chosen waypoint and you can delete the temporary one……LOL I hope that made sense