Changed my Live password this morning and now unable to log in - stuck at that ‘XBox - Let’s get you signed in’ box and cannot progress.
Been through the list below, and executed them all as well as a few other things (disabled firewall etc), and also submitted a ZenDesk report. Any thoughts please?
Update: If in doubt, use a very large hammer…
…moved all files into temp folder and re-ran on Steam; first boot of MSFS - not happy (cannot find files); second boot it started to re-install the core files; once done I then got the option to log into XBox (hurrah!?) - did so; quit it; moved all files back; restarted and went through the ‘Accept’ (with speech); now re-installed 17GB of updates - probably the standard edition stuff I’d disabled (airliners etc) - I can live with that.
I’ll leave this here for anyone else that has a similar problem
Another Zendesk report submitted but this is ridiculous - I don’t want bodge it like I did last time only then to have to download an extra 17GB just to have to uninstall it again, and lose my logbook too (though that’s near empty after the last time) - any thoughts please?
Ah-ha! it seems that Alt+Enter (simply changes it to windowed?) allowed me to pick an account/sign in, but now it’s telling me that I’ve not got enough SSD space as I guess it’s simply reset the whole game to default - double grrr.
I hope I don’t have to go through this every time I change my e-mail password (ie ‘Live’)
You are a genious, thank you, i was about to throw my computer out of the window from the 4th floor after 2 days of struggle trying to log into the sim, can’t understand how microsoft can take every simple thing as logging into an applicationand and make it almost impossible.
Having same issue as you , ALT-ENTER still not allowing me to log back into the XBOX account , extremely frustrating. Tried to use alternate email method but same issue , unable to type alt email address in “verify your email” Did you ever get it resolved ?
I got it working in the end but the work around was un-necessarily complicated. I log on using PC. When the log on pop up came, I had to continually click on the left mouse as I entered my username and password letter by letter. Clearly the log on pop up has bugs. Raised it with Microsoft but the answer can be summarised as one of ‘meh’.
Odd, I rebuilt my pc/windows installation and dont recall any issues getting 2020 back up and working(though I may have subconsciouly used Alt-Enter to resolve it). Mind you, I didn’t change my password which seemed to be at the root of all my previous problems