Apart from the initial launch issues, I had smooth sailing in terms of game loading times and was able to complete several career achievements, free flights etc.
However about 2 days before the latest patch was released, the career missions wont load. I just get a white spinner on the Accept Mission screen for up to one hour and perhaps more. I am able to interact with the UI, but just not able to do any flying. Now I am noticing the same behavior for all the flying activities. To summarize
Career mode, white spinner on Accept Mission page, unable to get past this step.
Free flight - After selecting a plane and airport (e.g. A321 at EFHK), white spinner in the runways section. The runways and gates don’t load and unable to start free flight
Photography Mode - After selecting a particular category (e.g. Castles) and a specific objective, white spinner on the Start Flight page which remains grayed out and unable to start the objective.
Have already done the following
DNS flush
Reinstall MSFS24 post latest patch release. Have the latest build installed.
Checked bandwidth (Getting 100MBPS+), connected to different VPN regions. Did not make any difference.
Deleted and recreated rolling cache (Set to 500GB)
I have I9-12900k, RTX 4090, 64GB Ram system.
Any ideas or suggestions on possible solutions would be much appreciated. Thank you.
If your Live Weather is turned off, try turning it on. Some users have reported that it fixes their loading issue.
Going into the options menus > Online and activating Live Weather
I’ve not had previous issues but I get into game no issues. I set up my free flight, goto accept flight. World map zooms above my airport and just sits there.
I’m going to wipe out my community folder just in case…
Yesterday, I wanted to help someone so I launched MSFS 2024 after a long time. Unfortunately, I couldn’t provide assistance because due to issues beyond our control an endless spinning loading circle prevented me from helping.
Having the exact same issue today, doesn’t matter if live weather is on or off. Also doesn’t seem to matter which airport I try.
EDIT: I removed the FSLTL base folder from the community folder, and that fixed it. I’m not exactly sure if that was the culprit, or if it’s just coincidence.
Removing FSLTL, AIG, GAIST and any other traffic add-ons from the community folder now allows me to start flights without an endless spinning circle. Seems like the same symptoms and workaround as the “simobjects limit” issue we saw a while back in MSFS 2020? I was not having this issue in MSFS 2024 with all those add-ons present until the last patch (the big one) was pushed.
After trying multiple things such as deleting shader cache etc., reducing the MSFS 2024 cache size and rebuilding the rolling cache seems to have solved the issue for me.
Originally I had set the cache size to 500gb, now reduced to 50GB using the following steps.
Quite MSFS24.
Delete the current cache folder and the rolling cache file in it.
Restart MSFS24. It should reset the size to 16GB (default value).
Increase size to 50GB and select the correct new folder
“I did the same google searches until I found the answer. Asobo addressed this during the twitch stream. It was on their list as one of the top bugs and is on their fix list. I think they said it was due to the sim trying to find all the integral parts of the airport selected. Since it can’t find it all it goes into infinite loading. Go and look at the stream they put out last week and you will see it listed as a project for fix and when they have it slated to be fixed.”
Yes it seems to reoccur sporadically. I am having the same issue in career mode since yesterday. On a given day, you are never sure if you are going to actually fly on MSFS24