Under Sydney Harbor bridge

You can fly under it but it makes noise like you just crashed into it.

Same as the Golden Gate in San Francisco. Some planes will register this “impact” as enough to crash, some will cause damage (the Milviz Corsair, for instance, will jam up the engine and the props will be bent like a ground strike/tip-over), and others will trigger the landing gear to deploy for some reason (the FlyingIron P-38L).

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The F/A-18 Super Warrior will sometimes drop the gears and sometimes “teleport” up a couple hundred feet if you fly under it.

I have flown many time under it with no issues or crashing sounds.

I wasn’t aware that the crashing under bridges bug is dependent on the plane you try it with.

When MSFS came out I used to crash under every bridge I tried. Lately I have flown below many bridges successfully with many planes but also crashed below the Harbour Bridge with WU7 
 will have to try again with different planes

Is that picture pre-WU7? When I flew below it - or died trying - a few days ago, the bridge had some kind of decorations dangling from it.

After wu7 same day I install it.

I was able to fly under the bridge using a fixed wing aircraft but strangely crashed (didn’t hit anything solid) tring the same with the H145 helicopter. Some air dynamics of bridges/structures coming in to play? Didn’t notice any audio crash as on ‘True to Life’ settings you just get taken straight to the “you crashed” screen with the solemn music!

According to ORBX, they answered this question from me on their support forum. I’ll see if I can link it here.

Hang on a mo’

There are two flags on the top of the bridge. But they sometimes appear on the road deck or on the water. I just repeatedly fly under the bridge and those flags kept appearing in different spots nearly everytime. There might be something wrong with the way MSFS is attaching those parts to the bridge.

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my bad, it was added for carriers (when you appear under the deck). will make it work only if altitude difference less than 20m.

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