Uninstall and reinstall game due to World Update 8

Anyone else have to uninstall and reinstall game due to update 8. Think I’m getting to the world record for reinstalling a game


I’m having to redownload the game, but I didn’t choose to uninstall it!


The same for me, when the update was finished I had a short power outage and next time I entered the sim it got stuck saying “Searching for updates” forever…

Then I verified files from steam version and once I entered the game…it says “update available”, but it was the FULL GAME 122GB and then 30GB of content

I´m still downloading the content, it goes very slow right now :frowning:

Could it be because my computer turned off suddenly??


Hi there, When you choose verify files, it will uninstall the sim or remove it…


Oh I see,

It didnt gave me any chance when it was stuck in “searching updates”

Anyway, it seems now downloads faster

Thanks for the info

Also having to re-download the whole thing, 130GB+. First time that this has happened to me.



Same here. MS Store portion of update exited early and somehow deleted the whole MSFS folder. First time I’ve ever had an issue and now I’ve got to reinstall everything as a result, plus recreate all my custom cameras. Grrrrr! :frowning:

and another nasty shock…everything in the community folder disappeared too. Aaagghhh.


Use the addon linker, it creates links in the community folder, so the addons itselfs will not be touched…:

exactly the same for me with MS Store which exited early. I have now 2 days of download ahead of me :grimacing:

Same. I am kicking myself as I used to copy away the contents of the Community folder before doing an update but I was in a hurry and, given that I’d had zero issues with every update in the past, I just got punchy and went for it. Serves me right I guess :frowning:

I can handle the work required to reinstall but it’s the time and effort spent getting the camera’s right in the planes I use that is now all gone. Yes, I know, backup, backup and backup but I swore I’d configured Carbonite to back up CFGs but, as it turned out, I had not added the MSFS folder to the “include” list. Doh!! :frowning:

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Yep, that’s what “verify” in Steam does with MSFS. I suppose Steam only “knows” about the launcher and therefore clears everything else to force a full download.

I cannot believe there is no way to just reinstall that last failed update other reinstalling the full game :open_mouth:

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SU8 yes I had to along with SU7 both hung the same file, DEA STICK TOTORIAL. This update went fine, and to think I was about to have a nervous break down just before clicking the update button given the last 2 times I hit that button. Perhaps they could make the UPDATE button RED and then tell people NEVER ever hit the red button!.. I think things would sort it self out.


I find the number of MSFS re-installs to be interesting.
I have never had to re-install the sim because of a failure of the sim and I have no clue why.
I have, however, reinstalled the sim as a backup/restore test on a test drive.
Everybody does have tested backups, right ?

Oh, I forgot to mention. I do not have any addons.
My community folder is empty and will stay that way until I feel this sim is stable enough to add 3rd party “stuff” that may interfere with my beloved flight sim.

Same here. I’m on Steam. Stupid slow download.

Neither have I. This last update was the fastest I’ve had. Mandatory/optional updates combined took about 10 minutes. I’ve no proof of this, but suspect that many people tinker too much with their systems in pursuit of ‘better’, thereby leaving Gremlins behind to do their usual dirty tricks. I’ve been with these machines since before the ‘XT’. Other than upgrading storage, I’ve never messed with the system,

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Smile… I think you are exactly right. Good One !

On the other hand you can mess with XP11 files and it doesnt make an once of difference when updating, it just detects changes, asks you if you want to keep or update the altered files and away it goes. If a little company can make a decent update system that isnt bothered by changes to core files, why cant a much bigger company who are in turn contracted by a multi billion dollar one?

It probably is changes that messes things up but the point is, it doesnt have to be like that.

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The latest update SU8 has not fully installed. No Iberia, or Bush trips etc. I have uninstalled and re installed the game but still no luck. When the update was downloading it got to 50% then zoomed to 100%. So I suspect the download was not completed.
Is there anyway to remove the update and re download it?

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