Up date to the CRJ for me are a mess

Hi all
Any clu what is going on with the updates for the CRJ by Aerosoft?
I came home from work tonight looking forward to a simple bit of flight sim to find a update available for the CRJ
So I thought “how hard can this be?”
I chose to download.
This would appear to be a mistake.
I have attempted the update at least 5 times all with a Download failed message.
Why is this SO HARD?
3 hours later and I still have no success?
All screens report download failed
and I now need to give up for the night.

I have been using flight sim for almost 30 years and never had so many issues with a simple update
Thanks in advance if you can help with What do I do next?
Best wishes

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The last two updates failed for me as well so what I had to do is delete the entire aircraft from the marketplace, exit out and then download the whole thing again which doesn’t take too long. That’s the only way I was able to get it to update.


A topic better suited to the support forum over at aerosoft

You will get the help and answers quicker there.

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Moved into #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft

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It’s a marketplace issue and I think is relevant on this forum. People who purchased direct from AS do not have an issue updating.

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I purchased from the marketplace and have no issues. I’d try a full remove and reinstall rather than an update.

I had the same issues - but I also use the addon linker app and forgot to turn it off before trying the update. After I turned it off the update went through.

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