[UPDATE: 3.0.16] Little Navmap


► Little Navmap 2.6.7 released - Downloads

► Screenshots of 2.6 Features
► Little Navmap and Little Navconnect User Manuals for 2.6 Versions

Known Issues

  • No SID and STAR yet from MSFS scenery library. This will come with a future update.
  • MSFS multiplayer traffic is not shown in Little Navmap.

See also User Manual - Known Problems for more.

Changes from 2.6.6 to 2.6.7


  • Updated German online and included PDF manual as well as legend for changes in version 2.6. Little Navmap - Benutzerhandbuch.

  • Updated German program translation.

  • Corrections to English online and PDF manual as well as map legend.


  • Added workaround for the simulator crashes that were introduced with the MSFS update. This was possible due to a hint in the official forum. The workaround disables the display of departure and destination for AI.

User Interface

  • Corrected issue where status bar was hidden on first start or after first installation. Now forcing status bar to be visible again when updating from any older version to 2.6.7.
  • Flight plan calculation window changed to appear near cursor on first show to avoid random placement off-screen.
  • Added recovery if main window gets off screen after changing monitors. Puts window back on top left of main screen if it is not visible.
  • Fix for Windows removing file extensions when these are hidden in Windows Explorer. This prevented saving of map images.
  • Winds aloft now scanning for the latest dataset to avoid outdated reports. Note that reports might still be outdated at times which happens if no newer one is available.

Map and Elevation Profile

  • Fixed cut off altitude labels on the elevation profile left area.
  • Measurement lines now use the declination at the end to calculate magnetic great circle course at end of line. The start course is still calculated based on start declination or attached navaid declination.
  • Fixed issue where wrong Too many objects message was shown and map performance degraded with tracks enabled.
  • Fixed several issues when centering route or flight plan legs with very long flight plans.
  • Fixed issues when painting aircraft trail around the anti-meridian.
  • Now painting full aircraft trail even when jumping long distances.
  • Adjustments and optimizations for taxiway label drawing. Map shows more labels now.
  • Markers are now fetched from the simulator database in default scenery mode just like the ILS. Previously markers from add-on sceneries were not visible.
  • Fixed issues where marker tooltips appeared after hiding ILS and markers.
  • Fixed zooming functions with keyboard input in map where normal zooming was not possible on US and other keyboard layouts.
  • Disabled home key which zoomed the map all way out when hit accidentally.
  • Fixed crash when disabling all labels for measurement lines. This caused the program to crash on startup which was hard to recover.


  • Fixed issue where intercept procedure legs were not calculated correctly. Examples: LGKO SID 32 KOPA3A and LILJ SID DOL1W.
  • Small improvements in procedure drawing for turn legs to avoid too large course discrepancies between label and line caused by drawing turn.
  • Corrected drawing for several procedure leg types and labels in elevation profile.

Scenery Library

  • Now also including MSFS scenery with content type CORE which kept Little Navmap from loading some add-on airports.
  • Now skipping file maintenance.bgl from Navigraph update in MSFS scenery library which caused warnings when loading.
  • Airport names now loaded from base scenery with Navigraph update in MSFS. Were missing previously.
  • Now omitting scenery library entries which are marked with active="false" in Content.xml. This lets Little Navmap to recognize changes made by scenery management tools now.

Flight Plan and Export

  • Now always adapting departure and destination airport names to the names taken from the selected scenery library. This also affects the proposed files names when saving or exporting flight plans. Behavior before was confusing since it kept an airport name from a previously used simulator scenery database.
  • Flight plan calculation now correctly omits waypoints which are part of a procedure. These should be avoided for en-route navigation and are excluded now from calculation except for airway waypoints.
  • Folder names are now remembered correctly for MSFS and FSX/P3D manual flight plan export instead of using an arbitrary place depending on scenery library selection.
  • Now setting voice type to Full as a default for vPilot export since other values produce error messages.
  • Applied workaround for XML files with wrong encoding in header. This helps to read wrongly decoded ForeFlight flight plans which are saved in UTF-16 while having a UTF-8 indication in the file header.
  • Fix for GPX export to allow saving of files and trails without flight plan. An empty flight plan does not disable the export menu item now and allows to save only the trail as GPX.
  • Fixed issue with X-Plane FMS plans where long airport idents like XRP0001 cannot be loaded by the simulator. Idents are now truncated to six characters.
  • Exported FLP flight plans Aerosoft Airbus and others and Aerosoft CRJ now get a suffix 01.flp to avoid import problems in the aircraft. Note that the number is static and is not counted up.

See the included CHANGELOG.txt file or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.



► Little Navmap 2.6.8 released - Downloads

► Screenshots of 2.6 Features
► Little Navmap and Little Navconnect User Manuals for 2.6 Versions


Read the linked chapter below to minimize issues when loading flight plans into MSFS:
User Manual - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Airports and Navdata.

Known Issues

See user manual for general known problems:
User Manual - Known Problems.

See user manual for limitations and issues around Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:
User Manual - Known Problems - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

Changes from 2.6.7 to 2.6.8

Help and Manuals

  • Revised German user manual for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Small additions and corrections to English manual.


  • Reverted change that was needed for work around a MSFS crash which occured when connecting. Now fetching destination and departure for AI aircraft again.
  • Fixed unrecoverable crash on startup which can occur with Mercator projection zoomed far out.
  • Resolved crashes when showing information for VOR and NDB having no type like High or Terminal.
  • Added error handling for missing layout file on startup if Load window layout from last used file in Options on page Startup and Updates is checked. Removing or renaming the layout file resulted in an unrecoverable crash on startup.
  • Fixed procedure display issues for turn bow after circular legs. Example: LGSR VOR-B transition BINKI.
  • Fixed issue where weather from FSX and P3D was not transferred across networked connections.
  • Logbook details (route preview and trail) on the map are now only shown if one entry is selected in the logbook search result table. Selecting more than one entry shows only the direct connection lines if enabled. This fixes performance issues when selecting many logbook entries.
  • Added warning dialog when user switches to offline mode.
  • Fixed issues with disappearing flight plan and measurement lines. Lines might still disappear near the poles for long flight plan legs depending on zoom factor.
  • Navaid resolution when loading flight plans or switching scenery databases is now more tolerant for wrong ICAO regions. Navaids were marked red with an error in the flight plan table before if the region did not match.
  • Fixed issue resulting in degraded drawing performance for airport diagrams. This was most visible on large airports.
  • Various drawing and user interface corrections.

Flight Plan

  • Fixed issue where waypoints inserted for procedure endpoints received wrong altitude when saving or exporting flight plans right after calculation. This caused error messages when loading the resulting LNMPLN files. GitHub issue #608.
  • Now extracting ICAO airport idents for waypoints, NDB and VOR for MSFS export. PLN element ICAOAirport was missing before and caused problems when loading flight plans in MSFS. GitHub issue #614.
  • Split up export options for JARDesign and Rotate aircraft to allow export for both separately.
  • Corrections to X-Plane FMS export. Using keywords DEP and DES now instead of truncating ident. This allows to reload the FMS file in Little Navmap.
  • Fixed a regression where circle-to-land approaches could not be loaded by X-Plane due to missing destination runway in FMS export.
  • Fixed flight plan export for FSX and MSFS which used the wrong coordinates for destination element DestinationLLA in flight plan. This confused third party programs which relied on this value.
  • Corrected wrong departure position for saved LNMPLN and FSX/P3D PLN flight plans. Now uses position from parking, helipad or runway/start for PLN DepartureLLA and LNMPLN Start element. GitHub issue #613.
  • Fixed issue where LNMPLN flight plan procedures were replaced with waypoints inadvertently if enabled in export options menu. This happened when saving LNMPLN plans with multiexport.
  • Removed extra space to fix flight plan export for iFly (.FLTPLAN).
  • Other small corrections for flight plan export.

See the included CHANGELOG.txt file or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.


►► This is a bugfix release which addresses an unrecoverable crash on startup when downloading tracks (Caught unknown exception in file ... line 85). ◄◄


► Little Navmap 2.6.9 released - Downloads

► Screenshots of 2.6 Features
► Little Navmap and Little Navconnect User Manuals for 2.6 Versions


Read the linked chapter below to minimize issues when loading flight plans into MSFS:
User Manual - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Airports and Navdata.

Known Issues

See user manual for general known problems:
User Manual - Known Problems.

See user manual for limitations and issues around Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:
User Manual - Known Problems - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

Changes from 2.6.8 to 2.6.9

  • Fixed unrecoverable error when downloading PACOTS tracks (Caught unknown exception in file ... line 85).
  • Improved error handling for unreadable track information. Program now logs an error message instead of crashing.
  • Fixed error when reading procedures with invalid or unknown approach types from FSX, P3D and MSFS. Now logging error instead.

See the included CHANGELOG.txt file or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.



► Little Navmap 2.6.10 released - Downloads

Known Issues

Read the linked chapter below to minimize issues when loading flight plans into MSFS:
► User Manual - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Airports and Navdata.

See user manual for general known problems:
► User Manual - Known Problems.

See user manual for limitations and issues around Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:
► User Manual - Known Problems - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

Changes from 2.6.9 to 2.6.10

  • Fixed crash that occurs when showing the dialog The flight plan had no valid start position on startup. This kept the user from starting Little Navmap.
  • Removed wrong warning dialog about start position when loading MSFS flight plans. MSFS cannot load start positions like gates from a flight plan file.
  • Fixed missing time, fuel and altitude values for departure and destination legs in flight plan table.
  • Corrected message in progress tab which gave the wrong impression that program is already connected when using a network connection.
  • Fixed issue where minimum zoom was wrongly set in the elevation profile in some cases. As a result the user could not zoom in to the minimum of around 4 NM and was stuck at much higher levels.
  • Changed keyboard shortcut for Create Approach in context menus to Alt+Shift+R to avoid overlap with Calculate Flight Plan.
  • Added new sub-menu Track Sources in menu Flight Plan which allows to enable or disable the different track systems to load. Note that AUSOTS is disabled per default since there are no flex tracks available for almost one year and the service is unreliable causing download errors.
  • More small user interface and map display improvements.

See the included CHANGELOG.txt file or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.



► Little Navmap 2.6.11 released - Downloads

Known Issues

Read the linked chapter below to minimize issues when loading flight plans into MSFS:
► User Manual - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Airports and Navdata.

See user manual for general known problems:
► User Manual - Known Problems.

See user manual for limitations and issues around Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:
► User Manual - Known Problems - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

Changes from 2.6.10 to 2.6.11


  • Fixed Error downloading or reading wind data issue. Adapted URL for winds aloft download to NOAA changes and added atmos as directory. #623
  • Now suppressing wind and other downloads with log warning message if URLs are empty. #623
  • New decompression methods to speed up weather and track downloads.
  • Now showing airport weather symbols on higher zoom levels. Avoiding simple line on wind barb which can be confused with low wind.

Flight Plans

  • Corrected approach identifier in FLP flight plan export and loading for Aerosoft aircraft. Now using ARINC identifier for approaches and ignoring transitions of type VECTOR. Adapted changed keywords in file for CRJ. Problems still appear when loading flight plans into the aircraft. This will be fixed in one of the next updates.
  • Added extra entry for Aerosoft MSFS CRJ in multi export to avoid loading issues because of a too long file name.
  • Added patch by Slawek Mikula to support loading of Aviamaps flight plans. #616
  • Exporting online network flight plan files from menu now correctly remembers last used folder for each format.


  • Adjustments to drawing. ILS, online aircraft and AI aircraft are now shown at higher zoom levels.
  • Added support for new VATSIM JSON version 3 data feed. Better update rate for online networks is now one minute for VATSIM and PilotEdge and two minutes for IVAO. Allowing centers and clients (VATSIM prefile) without coordinates now throughout program. Keep in mind that the real center boundaries are not depicted yet. #606
  • MSFS: Now ignoring invalid content types like Unknown in MSFS manifest.json file which are often set wrongly by add-on developers. This kept add-on airports from showing up.
  • Fixed issue where userdata CSV backup files could not be loaded and had to be manually corrected before import.
  • Updates for detection of military airports and name capitalization.
  • More small user interface corrections.

See the included CHANGELOG.txt file or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.


This version contains mostly bug fixes, adaption to MSFS scenery library changes, support for the new X-Plane TCAS scheme and a reworked web user interface.

Version 2.6.12.beta was an unofficial beta release.

► Little Navmap 2.6.13 released - Downloads

Known Issues

Read the linked chapter below to minimize issues when loading flight plans into MSFS:
► User Manual - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Airports and Navdata.

See user manual for general known problems:
► User Manual - Known Problems.

See user manual for limitations and issues around Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:
► User Manual - Known Problems - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

Important Notes

  • You have to update/reinstall Little Navconnect and Little Xpconnect if you use these since the data protocol has changed. This version is compatible with Little Navconnect 2.6.11 and Little Xpconnect 1.0.24 or newer.
  • Aircraft label settings are reset back to default. Adjust these in the options dialog on page Map Display 2.
  • All MSFS scenery library related changes need at least MSFS version 1.16.2 .
  • MSFS users need to reload the scenery library to new features like SID and STAR.
  • Do not use the scenery library mode Do not use Navigraph Database if you have the Navigraph udpate installed. You will see errors in procedures. Instead update the scenery database of Little Navmap using the Navigraph FMS Data Manager.

Changes from 2.6.11 to 2.6.13

Flight Plans

  • Corrected loading and saving of GPX tracks. Now also saving timestamps and considering disconnected trail segments. A flight where the aircraft was moved or warped during flight results in a straight line connecting the two segments. Changing aircraft, restarting the simulator or Little Navmap results in disconnected trail segments.
  • Fixed issue causing error messages on flight plan elevation profile calculation if destination airport is below sea level and an approach procedure is used.
  • Flight cruise altitude was set wrongly after calculating route with metric altitude units.
  • Now omitting visual reporting points (like VP123) and other obscure numbered waypoints from route calculation. Also ignoring half degree points like H5711 in north atlantic now. Simplified and optimized loading of routing network.
  • Fixed issue where a flight plan calculation resulted in not optimal routes. This happened when a nearby navaid connected to the airway system could not be found.

Flight Plan Export

  • Enabled departure parking position for MSFS flight plan export and import. Enabled check for parking position for MSFS export which shows a warning if starting on a runway. You can also set a fuel pad as starting position but note that runways and helipads as starting positions will be ignored by MSFS.
  • More relaxed user waypoint naming conventions for MSFS. Now allowing more special characters.
  • Corrected Aerosoft CRJ flight plan export as far as possible. Now exporting a list of waypoints instead of airway routes for MSFS CRJ to minimize issues when loading plan in aircraft. Adapted changed keywords in .flp file and compressing airway segments now. #632
  • Added export of modified PLN format for Integrated Simavionics / ISG devices and gauges.
  • Export option for MSFS PMS50 GTN750 Garmin added. This export saves the flight plan using a fixed filename fpl.pln.
  • Now always adding procedure entry and exit waypoints for flight plan export formats not supporting procedures like FSX/P3D PLN. User can an additional waypoint in the simulator if needed.
  • Corrected default flight plan pattern to use departure and destination ident if flight plan pattern is empty. Used departure airport ident wrongly before.
  • Changes to allow updates for new export formats.
  • Now clearing invalid procedures (red error message below flight plan table) before saving LNMPLN. Reloading a saved LNMPLN clears any error messages now.

Procedures and Scenery Library

  • Now fully recognizing SID and STAR from MSFS scenery library. Many thanks to icykoneko for implementing this. #649
  • Adapted loading of approach procedures and some airport structures to new MSFS changes since 1.16.2. This fixes the issue of empty and not selectable approaches in the procedure tab.
  • Constant turn radius legs in procedures are now correctly depicted for MSFS.
  • Fixed issue where some navaids did not get airport ident assigned if in different BGL file.
  • Other improvements for procedure drawing.
  • Added speed limit for MSFS procedure legs.
  • Now checking all MSFS procedures before saving in the database. A warning will be logged and the procedure will be omitted if not valid.
  • Now omitting closed ■■■■■ airport structures having no runways and no start positions which are used by MSFS as POIs.
  • Fixed issue where an error was shown when loading Library.xml files from add-on aircraft.
  • Library.xml files are now considered when excluding folders from loading.
  • Removed exception for invalid files in X-Plane CIFP path. Now simply writing a warning to the log file.


  • Fixed issue where tooltips and click regions for route preview were wrongly active when showing more than on logbook entry highlighted.
  • Added new airspace types MCTR, TRSA and GCA where GCAis for unknown and general types. #607
  • Function Center map on aircraft and next flight plan waypoint now uses defined box for aircraft and waypoint to avoid aircraft or next waypoint leaving screen space. More improvements to aircraft centering to avoid permanent updates or hanging view.
  • Corrected flight plan editing on map which could cause various issues if editing near a missed approach which is hidden on the map.
  • Removed wrongly drawn procedure point underlay (like overfly indication) from intercept point for legs.
  • Now updating online centers (transceivers) in VATSIM network every five minutes. Fixes issue where user had to restart LNM to update VATSIM centers.


  • Logbook entry now uses a separate aircraft trail which does not include previously flown segments from other flights.
  • Corrected storing of local real time in logbook. Now uses a time format with timezone (not shown in logbook search result table).
  • Avoiding crash if previously created logbook entry cannot be found on landing.

User Interface and General

  • Completely reworked web user interface. Now with mouse wheel zoom, a mode to follow the user aircraft and more. Big thanks to u-an-i for implementing this!

  • Now using new X-Plane TCAS AI and traffic scheme based on sim/cockpit2/tcas/targets datarefs. Note that X-Plane provides only limited information about AI or multiplayer aircraft. Only transponder code, position, groundspeed, vertical speed and heading are available. #525

  • Fetching transponder code for all simulators now.

  • Added transponder code to user and AI aircraft. Now showing in tooltips, information and map.

  • Added transponder code option to aircraft labels. Note that aircraft label settings are now reset back to default.

  • Added properties to transferred simulator aircraft data to avoid future incompatibilities when adding new values.

  • Increased data version to 11 to force incompatibility. This requires to update/install Little Navconnect and Little Xpconnect as well.

  • Added links in flight plan table header to quickly get information and jump to departure, departure parking and destination on map.

  • Added clickable airport link to procedure search header to get information and jump to airport on the map.

  • Corrected issue where airport files were not found in related documents folder when using translated file and folder names. Adapted all translations to this change.

  • Added new userpoint icons based on Bushtalk Radio categories.

  • Little Xpconnect: Offloaded loading of aircraft files and scanning for keys to separate thread to avoid blocking main thread on startup. This could have caused stutters when starting X-Plane.

  • Chinese translation revised. Thanks to Tong Hui and yudongx for their effort.

  • Small updates to user manual regarding MSFS limitations.


This version contains bug fixes, small user interface improvements and support for the new IVAO interface which allows higher update rates.


► Little Navmap 2.6.14 released - Downloads

Known Issues

Read the linked chapter below to minimize issues when loading flight plans into MSFS:
► User Manual - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Airports and Navdata.

See user manual for general known problems:
► User Manual - Known Problems.

See user manual for limitations and issues around Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:
► User Manual - Known Problems - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

Important Notes

  • MSFS: Avoid the scenery library mode Do not use Navigraph Database if you have the Navigraph update for MSFS installed. You will see errors in procedures. Instead directly update the scenery database of Little Navmap using the Navigraph FMS Data Manager.
  • The manual is not updated for the webserver / web user interface changes. Scroll by clicking or tapping and zoom by using the mouse wheel or the two-finger pinch gesture.
  • The table column order and width for the search results is reset to default for the tabs Online Clients and Online Servers.

Changes from 2.6.13 to 2.6.14

Flight Plan

  • Fixed issue where waypoints being part of a missed approach were removed when saving a flight plan. #728
  • Now disabling Add Alternate in map context menu for empty flight plan to avoid crash when selecting without plan.
  • Enabled information display on right click or double click in flight plan table for navaids which are part of a procedure. Menu item was wrongly disabled before. #727
  • Fixed problem where flight plan could be internally corrupted after saving. This caused a wrong warning about invalid destination airports when exporting plans and other issues like disappearing flight plan legs.
  • Fixed issue where Garmin Base Camp could not load GPX files. Added missing attributes and default namespace in XML according to specification.
  • Now avoiding ICAO region when exporting MSFS flight plans since it is not reliable for airports and the sim garbles the flight plan when loading. Example: Direct EDMG to LHSK.
  • Reworked resolving of departure parking, helipad or runway positions from flight plan. Now omitting positions which are too far away from saved position for all simulators now. Fixed issue where helipad starting position was not loaded correctly in some cases.
  • Saving and loading departure type (runway, parking, helipad, etc.) to LNMPLN now.
  • Reorganized and cleaned up text in tab Fuel Report.


  • Now omitting flight plan when saving a logbook entry instead of saving an invalid plan with missing waypoints. This happens if no flight plan was set while flying. Note that you still might see an exception if you try to save a flight plan from older log entries from flights without a plan.
  • Now ignoring invalid or missing flight plans when saving GPX files from logbook entry. Previously showed an exception Invalid LNMPLN flight plan file ".". No waypoints found..
  • Adjustments for flying user aircraft detection to avoid creating log entries for low passes. #693


  • Now correcting final procedure legs where last altitude restriction is wrongly below airport elevation. This can happen due to errors in scenery libraries or runway threshold elevation being below general airport elevation. Little Navmap refused to build the elevation profile if this happened. #711
  • Fixed issue where a far away VOR was selected instead of a closer ILS with the same ident when resolving fixes for procedures. Example: LJMB SID PETO5D RWY 32 showed a 800 NM leg towards a remote VOR.
  • Corrected display issue in flight plan table where DME terminated procedure legs showed the wrong navaid and the wrong distance. Example: EGPH I06 via TLA showed D322O+5 instead of TLA+20.

User Interface

  • Added Toggle Flight Simulator Connection function with keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+A in tools menu. This allows to quickly connect to the simulator.
  • Added previously missing keyboard shortcuts for functions ViewShow Aircraft (Ctrl+Alt+B) and ViewShow Aircraft Trail (Ctrl+Alt+T).
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for map themes: Ctrl+Alt+1 to Ctrl+Alt+6 for default themes.
  • Fixed issue where coordinates for online aircraft map link were not updated in information panel. Clicking on the link Map showed the wrong aircraft position as a result. #722
  • VOR now shows Calibrated declination and Magnetic declination in information window where the latter one is the environment value.
  • Added flown distance and takeoff time to progress tab. This is also available without flight plan.

Scenery Library

  • Fixed issue where empty folders like OneStore in the wrong place confused detection of MSFS. Now also checking for file .../fs-base/layout.json in required path.
  • Now logging empty, invalid or inaccessible XML and JSON files while scanning for MSFS or P3D scenery instead of throwing an exception. #720
  • Now computing ARINC approach id (e.g. I27C) for all approaches from FSX, P3D and MSFS to allow better procedure detection when loading flight plans across different simulator databases.


  • Added support for IVAO JSON 2 format in whazzup parser. Removed unneeded attributes for online airspaces and clients. Resetting online client, center and server search result table layout for database schema changes. Update rate is now 15 seconds for IVAO instead of two minutes. #722
  • Several updates to the internal webserver / web user interface by u-an-i.
  • X-Plane and Little Xpconnect: Now using more datarefs from flightmodel which are not affected by failures. #693
  • Updated Qt libraries to 5.12.11.

See the included CHANGELOG.txt file or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.


This version contains bug fixes, small user interface improvements, support for MSFS scenery library changes and a new airport ident search for X-Plane.


► Little Navmap 2.6.15 released - Downloads

Known Issues

Read the linked chapter below to minimize issues when loading flight plans into MSFS:
► User Manual - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Airports and Navdata.

See user manual for general known problems:
► User Manual - Known Problems.

See user manual for limitations and issues around Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:\
► User Manual - Known Problems - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

Important Notes

  • All simulators: Reload the scenery library to get the changes. Also update Little Navmap on remote/networked computers before copying a new scenery library database. Older Little Navmap versions will crash with the new databases.
  • MSFS: Avoid the scenery library mode Do not use Navigraph Database if you have the Navigraph update for MSFS installed. You will see errors in procedures. Instead directly update the scenery database of Little Navmap using the Navigraph FMS Data Manager.
  • The manual is not updated for the webserver / web user interface changes. Scroll by clicking or tapping and zoom by using the mouse wheel or the two-finger pinch gesture.
  • The table column order and width for the search results is reset to default for the search result table in tab Airports.
  • The status bar can be hidden in some cases. Show it again by selecting WindowShow Statusbar.
  • The window layout might be different after updating in some cases. Reset it to default using WindowReset Window Layout to Default or load a saved window layout.

Changes from 2.6.14 to 2.6.15


  • Changed weather download process to minimize user interface freezes during wind aloft or METAR downloads with slow internet connections. #737
  • Correcting VATSIM weather address which was taken over wrongly from old versions in some cases. The wrong address caused quickly repeating downloads.
  • Now allowing to set departure airport as alternate in the map context menu. The menu item was wrongly disabled before.
  • Added estimated flight time to top of descent and destination to profile header.
  • Menu WeatherAirport Weather now allows to disable the weather source which also disables all file accesses. The airport weather menu item and toolbar button will disabled if this is selected.
  • Added function to disable the moving of dock windows by click and drag on the title bar. Uncheck Allow Window moving in menu Window to avoid accidental movement of dock windows which might mess up the window layout. You can still resize the dock windows at the border.
  • Fixed issue where flight plan calculation window header text was not updated on flight plan changes.
  • Fixed crash when decoding procedures. Example: Sumburgh (EGPB), approach ILS 27, transition D064L for P3D scenery.
  • Fixed crash that occured when moving flight plan legs in empty or one leg plan with the keyboard.
    Now updating context menu items in flight plan table accordingly.
  • Showing status bar again which might be hidden after recent updates.


  • Adapted MSFS scenery library loader to new scenery file structures in MSFS introduced in version 1.18.9. This is needed to avoid missing procedures. #735
  • Several fixes in MSFS flight plan export. Approach transition waypoints are now removed. Removing airway for STAR entry waypoints. SID and STAR transitions can be used now. Keep in mind that some information will be lost when reloading MSFS PLN files. Several problems with MSFS flight plan import remain.
  • Localizer approaches were not recognized when loading MSFS PLN files into Little Navmap. Fixed now.
  • Corrected export for circling approaches and localizer backcourse approaches in MSFS PLN which can now be loaded.


  • Added ICAO, FAA, IATA and local airport codes to search result table as well as in information and tooltips. This is only used by X-Plane. Move the columns in the search result table out of the way by clicking and dragging the column header or shrink them to minimum if you’re not an X-Plane user. Note that Navigraph additionally provides IATA codes while FSX, P3D, and MSFS do not provide any additional official codes at all. #706
  • Enabled search for the additional airport codes in ident field in airports tab. This means that Little Navmap matches all internal, ICAO, FAA, IATA or local idents to the search input.
  • X-Plane internal idents (X..., five or more characters) are now hidden throughout the whole user interface except in information and tooltips if an airport has one or more official idents assigned. The internal ids might show up occasionally, e.g. in the flight plan table when switching simulators.
  • The flight plan route description now uses and outputs one of the official codes for airports if available.
  • Fixed issues with X-Plane flight plan export where airports have an internal ident different from official ICAO and FAA codes.
  • Fixed missing display for X-Plane airport flatten attribute.
  • Fixed potential crash in search functions for airport.
  • Resetting table layout for airport search since columns have changed. #707
  • Added columns faa and local to airport table and removed column xpident in database schema. Database minor version updated to 20.

See the included CHANGELOG.txt file or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.



► Little Navmap 2.6.16 released - Downloads

Known Issues

Read the linked chapter below to minimize issues when loading flight plans into MSFS:
► User Manual - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Airports and Navdata.

See user manual for general known problems:
► User Manual - Known Problems.

See user manual for limitations and issues around Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:
► User Manual - Known Problems - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

Changes from 2.6.15 to 2.6.16

X-Plane flight plan export and loading #741

  • Now falling back to DEP/DES keywords in X-Plane FMS flight plan files. These keywords denote departure or destination as a waypoint or a not identifiable airport opposed to ADEP/ADES. This avoids loading issues in X-Plane FMS and third party tools. Flight plans should be loadable in X-Plane FMS and GPS in any case. The conditions for this case are below:
    • Airport ident is longer than four characters. Example: White Lake (XC0004).
    • Airport has ICAO and this does not match internal id. Example: Torres with official ICAO id SSTE using internal ident of SBTR.
    • Airport has no ICAO but FAA code which does not match the internal id. Example: Red Lion with FAA code JY73 using internal ident of N73.
    • Airport has neither of above but a local code which does not match internal. Example: Edmonton Cooking Lake having local code of CEZ3 and internal X-Plane ident EZ3.
  • Now truncating all X-Plane airport idents to six characters. Also the ones used in intermediate waypoints.
  • Enabled loading of X-Plane FMS plans with truncated airport ids.


  • Added airport elevation to tab Runways and airport transition altitude in tab Weather in information window.
  • Fixed issues with flight plan and waypoint remarks being truncated when saving plan as HTML, printing plan or copying plan as CSV (Ctrl+C in table).
  • Fixed issues when copying CSV text to clipboard in flight plan table and search result tables (Ctrl+C in table). Wrong columns were copied into the CSV text if columns in the table were reordered.
  • Added missing flight plan remarks field to HTML export and print.
  • Table columns which are shrinked to minimum width are now excluded from export to HTML and CSV.
  • Fixed issue where the wrong flight plan columns were printed or exported to HTML or columns were missing. This happened if the user rearranged the flight plan table columns by moving the headers around.
  • Small corrections to options dialog text, aircraft labels on the map (TCAS vs XPDR) and airport labels on the map.
  • More tolerance for finding airports when loading flight plans. Trying all available internal and official ids (ICAO, FAA, IATA and local) now.
  • Now also showing ILS frequency for final approach in flight plan table for circling as well as IGS, LDA, LOC and SDF approaches if navaid is present.

Web interface

Fixes provided by u-an-i.

  • Fixed JavaScript errors on desktop due to pointer move after generalizing touch zoom.
  • Now giving user commands always priority if server does not respond.
  • Adjusted fast map refresh to not produce images too large at for slow connections.

See the included CHANGELOG.txt file or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.


This release adapts Little Navmap to the latest MSFS changes that cause crashes when loading the scenery library, as well as other fixes and improvements that also affect X-Plane.

Hotfix for SSL intialization failure

Install vcredist_x64_2010.exe and vcredist_x86_2010.exe to fix this issue.


► Little Navmap 2.6.17 released - Downloads

Known Issues

Read the linked chapter below to minimize issues when loading flight plans into MSFS:
► User Manual - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Airports and Navdata.

See user manual for general known problems:
► User Manual - Known Problems.

See user manual for limitations and issues around Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:
► User Manual - Known Problems - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

Changes from 2.6.16 to 2.6.17


  • Fixed crashes when loading scenery library of MSFS SU6. #799
  • Corrected MSFS airport detection. Now ignoring airport closed flag which removes many POI wrongly detected as airports.
  • Reduced warnings for unknown BGL records to avoid flooding the log with messages and crashing when reading scenery.


  • Limited minimum detail level to -2 to avoid confusion about missing map features when user selects a too low value. Now resetting details to default on update.
  • Fixed issue where runway offset markings were not visible on unknown runway surfaces like when using scenery library mode Use Navigraph for all Features.
  • Corrected drawing for logbook entries where departure or destination airport could not be found in the scenery library database.


  • Changed IVAO weather URL to use HTTPS (secure connection). The URL is now reset to the new default on first startup.
  • Fixed issue where AI and user aircraft tooltip settings were not restored in options.

Flight Plan

  • Corrected flight plan calculation using radio navaids. Selected navaids were too close in some cases. Example: PAYA MDO ODK CDB ELF DUT PADK where CDB and ELF are too close resulting in zig-zag routing.
  • Added heading for departure parking position to LNMPLN flight plan format.
  • Adjusted cost factor for flight plan calculation to avoid direct calculation (no airways at all) on the last two ticks of the slider. Default value for slider after installation is not centered.
  • Fixed issues where departure position type (runway, parking, helipad or airport) was not saved in LNMPLN after changing start position to a runway or assigning departure airport. Departure position type now set correctly to runway after assigning a runway automatically.

Logbook Search

  • Fixed broken search for departure and destination airport in logbook.
  • Disabled not working airport filters in logbook search context menu (Filter by ... in context menu). These will be enabled again in a later version.
  • X-Plane: Fixed several issues where an airport using official ids (ICAO, FAA, IATA or local) was not found in logbook context menu, logbook edit dialog and information display for log entries.

Other and User Interface

  • Fixed issue where an internal cache gave wrong results which caused random wrong airport assignments when working with flight plans or after switching scenery library databases.
  • Removed slow down in internal airport queries when searching by official codes. This caused short freezes when clicking on an airport for information in some cases.
  • Fixed several issues where airports were wrongly identified as X-Plane airports. Corrected display of airport ids.
  • Fixed issue where a X-Plane was still wrongly detected while using scenery library mode Use Navigraph for all Features.
  • X-Plane: Adjusted display options for official airport codes. IATA is now used before internal ident in all cases. Route description now shows IATA code as well if available.
  • Adjustments to flight plan and aircraft centering when getting close to ground while flying. Now avoiding too close zoom.
  • Added Pilot Nav to airport link list.
  • Removed Work offline option in file menu since it is of limited use and causes too many problems if users check this inadvertently.
  • Fixed bug with wrong airspace assignment for class F and G when reading OpenAir files. #797
  • Better coordinate parsing. Removing separators |, ;, _ and : for latitude and longitude now.
  • Fixed several typos in user interface and more small user interface improvements.

Build and Development

  • Now using Qt libraries 5.15.2.
  • Changed build to use OpenSSL library provided by the Qt installer on Windows.
  • Updated flight plan schema file lnmpln.xsd and LNMPLN file format documentation in the user manual.

See the included CHANGELOG.txt file or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.


Known Issues

Read the linked chapter below to minimize issues when loading flight plans into MSFS:

► User Manual - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Airports and Navdata.

See user manual for general known problems:

► User Manual - Known Problems.

See user manual for limitations and issues around Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:

► User Manual - Known Problems - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

Changes from 2.6.17 to 2.6.18

This release adapts Little Navmap to the latest MSFS changes that cause problems when loading the scenery library as well as more fixes and improvements affecting other simulators too. This release contains only the most important or easy to integrate issues. Development is going on in parallel for the next release 2.8 and an alpha version 2.7 was already released.

User Interface

  • Removed hillshading option since server providing the data was shut down by User:theDJ. This will be replaced by other maps in the next version of Little Navmap. #838
  • Fix for Windows icon notification preventing toolbar hiding on windows with Raise Windows options enabled.
  • Docking Allowed setting is now applied to map window as well.


  • Fixed issue where all airports were recognized as add-on with MSFS update 9 due to new folder fs-base-genericairports.
  • Corrected detection of MSFS Navigraph update due to name change in manifest.json. This fixes issues where add-on airports did not update scenery correctly.
  • Fixed issues for updating airports by disabling a corner case from FSX and P3D which does not apply to MSFS. Before a feature was not updated if the new airport did not contain new features like aprons or taxiways. Example LICC add-on.
  • Corrected closed airport logic for MSFS. Now fully relying on closed airport flag for MSFS to get consistent behavior with the simulator. This can result in closed airports having open runways and open airports having all runways closed. #876
  • Fixed issue in scenery library loader where airports were wrongly recognized as MSFS POI dummies.


  • Fixed IVAO weather download to use new interface. IVAO weather URL is now reset to new value on update.
  • Added reset buttons for weather URLs in options dialog.

Flight Plan

  • Fixed issue where wrong distance was calculated for disconnected course to fix flight plan legs which resulted in wrong leg and cursor positions in elevation profile.
  • Fixed issue where flight plan distance to destination was not correct in some cases.
  • Fixed issues with anti-meridian detection and line split resulting in kinks in flight plan depiction around 180° East and West.


  • Fixed issue where all logbook attachments were replaced with the files from the first edited entry when doing bulk edit. #829
  • Query for airport by official code failed if ICAO columns was not available or not populated. Could not find airport in logbook entry dialog when using MSFS. #808
  • Increased limit in logbook statistics from 250 to 1000 rows.


  • Now skipping empty lines in X-Plane file header which appear in some malformed apt.dat files.
  • Fixed issue when downloading NAT tracks containing PBCS TRACKS AS FOLLOWS/V W X/END OF PBCS OTS.
  • Now dropping all artificial waypoints created only for procedure or airway resolution.

See the included CHANGELOG.txt file or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.



► Little Navmap 2.6.19 released - Downloads

Known Issues

Read the linked chapter below to minimize issues when loading flight plans into MSFS:

► User Manual - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Airports and Navdata.

See user manual for general known problems:

► User Manual - Known Problems.

See user manual for limitations and issues around Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:

► User Manual - Known Problems - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

Changes from 2.6.18 to 2.6.19

User Interface

  • Fixed issue where main window could not be resized below 1000 pixels. Minimum limit is now 300 pixels.

  • Changed style Night to improve visibility for checked icon menu items and menu separator lines which were barely visible before.

Map Display

  • Disabled GLS and other virtual paths which were wrongly shown as ILS when using latest Navigraph databases updated for future versions of Little Navmap.

  • Fixed issue where new user airspaces were not drawn after reading from disk.

Flight Plan and Elevation Profile

  • Fixed issue which appeared when airport altitude is reported higher from simulator than runway altitude from navdata for procedures. Program showed wrongly a violated altitude restriction at runway and refused to build elevation profile.

  • Fixed issue where alternate airport was lost and error message remained after switching scenery library databases.

  • Corrected mapping of parking names for empty or invalid MSFS parking spots which broke reloading of parking positions from flight plans. Exported MSFS PLN files now have correct parking name set for these cases.

  • Fixed issue where flight plan leg in elevation profile had wrong position offset related to restriction.

  • Fixed issue where elevation profile could not be calculated if a STAR has an At Altitude restriction.

  • Fixed missing waypoints in MSFS flight plan export for all distance, altitude or otherwise terminated procedure legs.

  • Fixed issue where MSFS SID and STAR cannot be loaded due to missing runway in database.

  • Extended waypoint coordinate parser for all ARINC 424 Code Convention full degree waypoint formats like 57N30, 5730E or 57S30. Flight plan route description can now read these waypoints independent if they are in the navdata or not.

  • Improvements to Flightgear XML flightplan files import and export. Thanks to @colingeniet at Github for the fixes.

Scenery Library

  • Database minor version updated to 21. Reloading is adivsed to see bug fixes.

  • Added push request #6 of @flpduarte. Fixed bug in which Little Navmap would only read and display a single transition from addon (Community) SIDs and STARs, despite these procedures actually having more than one transition. This happens when using the latest MSFS SDK (SU9 or later).

  • Now saving invalid and null parking names from MSFS with indicator NONE into the database to allow handling in flight plans.

  • Fixed issue where airport frequencies were written as 0 instead of null for MSFS resulting in wrong search results.

  • Now skipping empty X-Plane apt.dat files to avoid program freezing in an empty loop for malformed files.


  • Now decreasing connection rate for long running sessions using autoconnect to avoid loss of internal SimConnect resources. An attempt to connect is made every 30 seconds after half an hour and every minute after one hour. Workaround for SimConnect issue mentinoned in #91.

Development and Build

  • Moved version number to variable VERSION_NUMBER in file littlenavmap.pro instead of coding it into sources.

  • Now writing files version.txt and revision.txt files into install folder allowing deployment scripts to automatically name archives. These files can be used to identify a version without opening the program.

See the included CHANGELOG.txt file or here online for a complete list across all versions.

All files are checked by VirusTotal.



You have to use the beta for MSFS SU11 or later. Version 2.6.19 does not work anymore with MSFS.


This is a public beta release which is feature complete but might have small issues.

This changelog also explains new features. First look here if anything is not clear or missing.

First a big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

This version is ready for MSFS SU11 and for the X-Plane 12 beta. See known issues below.

X-Plane users: In any case reinstall Little Xpconnect from this package. Otherwise fuel flow
calculation or other functions might not work correctly in Little Navmap.

Little Navmap probably reminds you to reload scenery library databases after updating. Please do
so to benefit from new features and bug fixes.

Note that certain settings and table layouts are reset to default after updating.

Use one of the scripts Little Navmap Portable.cmd (Windows),
Little Navmap Portable.command (macOS) and Little Navmap Portable.sh (Linux) to let
Little Navmap store all settings, databases and caches in the installation folder (portable mode) to try out the program.

Some features like MSA, vertical paths or en-route holdings require either X-Plane, the included
AIRAC 1801 database or a Navigraph database newer or equal than AIRAC 2201.

See here for a list of issues done.
More issues are solved than publicly known on Github. This changelog lists the most important.

Please report if something does not work or does not work as expected.

Known Issues MSFS

  • Active pause in MSFS breaks the connection and does not allow to reconnect.
    Use the Escape key for normal pause to avoid problems.
  • Some third-party plugins like traffic add-ons might cause connection issues when used together
    with Little Navmap and MSFS.
  • The autoconnect function of Little Navmap does not work reliably with MSFS. Connect manually
    after starting your flight if you see problems.
  • Little Navconnect can have the same issues as Little Navmap since it always uses
    autconnect. Start the simulator first and then Little Navconnect.

Known Issues

  • Running Little Navmap with autoconnect for P3D, FSX or MSFS for several hours without starting
    the simulator leaks a small amount of resources. This is mitigated by reducing the connection
    rate automatically after 30 minutes. Disable autoconnect or quit the program to avoid this.
  • En-route holding courses were not correct due to an error in declination calculation. This was
    fixed with AIRAC cycle 2210.

Changes from 2.8.1.beta to 2.8.2.beta

Windows Builds

There are two builds of Little Navmap and Little Navconnect for Windows available now. :

  • Windows 64-bit: For MSFS and all X-Plane versions.
  • Windows 32-bit: For FSX and Prepar3D.

Note that Little Navmap and all related programs are interoperable across the network (Little Navmap and Little Navconnect)
as well as the X-Plane plugin (Little Navmap, Little Navconnect and Little Xpconnect).

User Manual and Help


  • Little Xpconnect version 1.0.30 now adds items in X-Plane plugin menus to set AI fetch and performance options. See README.txt or
    Little Navmap User Manual - Little Xpconnect.
  • Internal changes in Little Xpconnect to mitigate probable simulator stutters with X-Plane 12.
  • Change Little Xpconnect build for Linux to use a minimum of dependencies to avoid issues with X-Plane 12.
  • Calculating RNP value now correct for procedures from X-Plane data.


  • Fixed issue where airport city names were missing since MSFS SU11 beta. Note that country names
    are not available from the simulator.
  • Changed fuel detection for MSFS. An airport now gets Avgas and Jet A availability assigned if it
    has a fuel pad (which has no fuel type information). Now showing only Fuel for MSFS if both are
    available. #918
  • Added GFP flight plan export for TDS GTNXi and MSFS IniBuilds Airbus.
  • Added workaround for wrong on-ground state in MSFS AI.


  • Added option to hide dock window title bars in menu WindowShow Dock Window Title Bars.
    Uncheck this to get more screen space inside the main window.
  • Added function MapGoto User Aircraft to the toolbar.
  • Copied MapDelete Aircraft Trail back to the toolbar. Enabling question dialog for this
    action again to avoid accidental deletion.
  • Added zoom out on takeoff option. See Options on page Simulator Aircraft checkbox Zoom out on takeoff.
  • Added cleanup function for logbook which removes invalid logbook entries that can result from
    pattern work or repeated approches. Main menu LogbookCleanup Logbook Entries or logbook
    table context menu.
  • Added menu item AircraftWarning for Aircraft Type Mismatch which is enabled per default.
    This allows to disable the warnings for aircraft types which are often wrong from the simulator.
  • The default performance profile which is created when using menu AircraftNew Aircraft Performance
    is now based on the data of a Cessna C172 and named Example Performance Profile. This avoids warning
    messages when using a new performance profile. Adapt it to your aircraft as needed.
  • Changed aircraft performance type error to warning. Removed warning about wrong aircraft type
    from fuel report.
  • Now clearing undo/redo data in logbook and userpoint databases if updating from 2.8.1.beta. This
    happens only once during update and was implemented due to a bug in 2.8.1.beta which could leave
    the databases in inconsistent state.
  • Fixed parsing of coordinates for ARINC formats when lat/lon is swapped in the user interface.
  • Corrected display of endurance which differed from map and progress display. Now using 10 second
    rolling average for both values.
  • Removing artificial waypoints from procedure preview for tooltip, context menu and information to
    fix duplicate waypoint entries in context menu. This type of waypoints is present in the database
    but should not be shown in the user interface.
  • Fixed issue where paths were stored with the wrong separators in the scenery library database on
  • Removed built-in map legend. This now available either online or in the included PDF user manual.
    The HTML manual can now be downloaded from the User Manual Page.
  • Fixed missing tooltip and information click for RNP/GLS approaches when having ILS disabled.
  • Fixed issue where changing AI aircraft TAS labels affected other settings.
  • Now clearing out departure and destination alternates from SimBrief to avoid strange routing.
  • Now always using IFR for SimBrief imported flight plans. For all other functions the current
    IFR/VFR state is kept. #943
  • Now downloading track automatically after changing sources in Flight Plan
    Oceanic Track Sources.
  • Fixed several issues where values were not reset after using Restore Defaults in options dialog.
  • Adjustments to map display features like Show selected altitude range (green banana), turn path
    indicator Show turn flight path and AI aircraft labels.
  • Changed layout and texts in search dock window to allow a slightly smaller window.
  • Updated stock icon translations. Translated userpoint types now shown in tooltip and information
  • Fixed hanging wait cursor after userpoint or logbook import exception.
  • German translations updated.
  • Updated French translation by Patrick.
  • Many more user interface and text corrections and improvements.
  • Added command line language code option -l or --language for user interface.


  • Resetting wind source to NOAA on update now. Adjust as needed.
  • Changed user interface for wind for more consistency. Removed wind checkbox from fuel report
    header and added drop down box which mirrors the items in menu WeatherWind source.
  • Added manual wind layer altitude to fuel report which is independent from flight plan cruise
  • Improved indications in wind tooltip to show manually selected wind altitude layer, altitude of
    shown wind barbs and flight plan cruise altitude indication.
  • Performance optimizations. Wind barbs now drawn sparse at higher zoom levels and near the
    poles. #940


  • Fixed issues with macOS aliases. These can now be used in X-Plane Custom Scenery.
  • Default style on macOS after first start is now Fusion and also reset on update since the default
    macOS style is too clunky.
  • Removed check for wrong macOS version on program startup.
  • Raised macOS minimum requirement to 10.13 High Sierra.



This is a public beta release which is feature complete but might have small issues.

This version is ready for MSFS SU11 and for the X-Plane 12 beta. See known issues below for MSFS.

Draft user manual available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual

See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Beta Releases.

This changelog also explains new or moved/changed features.
First look here if anything is not clear or missing.

X-Plane users: In any case reinstall Little Xpconnect from this package. Otherwise fuel flow
calculation or other functions might not work correctly in Little Navmap.

Little Navmap probably reminds you to reload scenery library databases after updating. Please do
so to benefit from new features and bug fixes.

To try out the program: Use one of the scripts Little Navmap Portable.cmd (Windows),
Little Navmap Portable.command (macOS) and Little Navmap Portable.sh (Linux) to let
Little Navmap store all settings, databases and caches in the installation folder (portable mode).

Note that certain settings and table layouts are reset to default after updating.
Some features like MSA, vertical paths or en-route holdings require either X-Plane, the included
AIRAC 1801 database or a Navigraph database newer or equal than AIRAC 2201.

See here for a list of issues done.
More issues are solved than publicly known on Github. This changelog lists the most important.
Please report if something does not work or does not work as expected.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Known Issues MSFS

  • Active pause in MSFS breaks the connection and does not allow to reconnect.
    Use the Escape key for normal pause to avoid problems.
  • Some third-party plugins like traffic add-ons might cause connection issues when used together
    with Little Navmap and MSFS.
  • The autoconnect function of Little Navmap does not work reliably with MSFS. Connect manually
    after starting your flight if you see problems.
  • Little Navconnect can have the same issues as Little Navmap since it always uses
    autoconnect. Start the simulator first and then Little Navconnect.

Other Known Issues

  • Running Little Navmap with autoconnect for P3D, FSX or MSFS for several hours without starting
    the simulator leaks a small amount of resources. This is mitigated by reducing the connection
    rate automatically after 30 minutes. Disable autoconnect or quit the program to avoid this.
  • En-route holding courses were not correct due to an error in declination calculation. This was
    fixed with AIRAC cycle 2210.

Changes from 2.8.2.beta to 2.8.3.beta

Flight Plan Export

  • Fixed duplicate waypoints in some formats like FMS 3 with departure or destination runway selected.
  • Fixed dot in GFP export separating waypoints wrongly.
  • Waypoints resulting from departure and runway selection (extended runway center line and other points)
    are now omitted in all export formats for complex aircraft and third-party Garmin units to avoid
    issues when loading. Use the aircraft FMS or MCDU to select a departure or approach runway.

Map Display

  • Better alignment for ILS feathers with runway due to rounding errors. This does not
    affect offset ILS.
  • Fixed issue where ILS heading was offset after switching scenery library databases.
  • Optimizations for ILS display. Now omitting details and alignment on higher zoom levels.
  • MSA, holdings and MORA grid are now shown when using MSFS and scenery library mode
    Do not use Navigraph Database. Buttons and menu items in View were previously disabled.
  • Fixed on-ground indication for MSFS user aircraft (gray icon border now restored on ground).

Aircraft Performance

  • Fixed issues where merge aircraft performance dialog window showed the example profile values.
  • Omitting warning message about wrong aircraft type now when using new example performance profile.


  • Fix for X-Plane 12 METAR file name changes. Made file selection more tolerant and applied
    optimizations for faster reading. #950
  • Added delayed loading for information display to avoid freezes when loading X-Plane METAR files.
    Added wait pointer when loading X-Plane METAR files. Optimizations for loading.
  • Added hours and colored warning for more than 3 (orange) and more than 6 hour (red) old METAR reports
    in airport tab, airport tooltip and airport weather tab.

User Interface

  • Fixed issue where flight plan was centered on startup despite using
    On startup show on mapLast position or Home position on options page Startup and Updates.
  • Changed X-Plane FMS export menu item for X-Plane 12 to avoid misunderstandings. #949
  • Fixed program freeze when trying to load user airspaces with an empty path or an empty list of
    file extensions.
  • Updated program translations: Brazilian Portuguese by Ricardo, French by Patrick, Italian by Flavio and German.

Command Line and Portable Mode

  • Added option l / --log-path to put log files into a separate folder.
  • Adapted portable scripts to store log files into folder Little Navmap Logs.
  • Fixes for overriding log and settings paths when using portable mode scripts. Paths and files are now
    correctly referenced and shown in about dialog and tools menu.
  • Corrected wrong settings file name from little_navmap to little_navmap.ini when using portable mode.
    Rename the file to restore your settings if using portable mode.


  • User manual updated.
  • Now automatically using HTML help files from folder help/en or other supported language
    codes if installed. Download help from
    User Manuals - Beta Releases and extract the zip file to
    .../Little Navmap/help/en to use the offline user manual.

Little Xpconnect Version 1.0.31

  • Updated Linux build and removed unneeded dependencies to shared libraries.
    This helps to avoid conflicts with other plugins.


  • Completely restructured build system to make all OS versions automatically in virtual
    machines running on Linux.
  • Added scripts for generating announcement post and Github release drafts automatically.

These changes help to make more frequent releases.




This is a public beta release which is feature complete but might have small issues.

This version is ready for MSFS SU11 and for the X-Plane 12 beta. See known issues below for MSFS.

Draft user manual available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual

See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Beta Releases.

This changelog also explains new or moved/changed features.
First look here if anything is not clear or missing.

X-Plane users: In any case reinstall Little Xpconnect from this package. Otherwise fuel flow
calculation or other functions might not work correctly in Little Navmap.

Little Navmap probably reminds you to reload scenery library databases after updating. Please do
so to benefit from new features and bug fixes.

To try out the program: Use one of the scripts Little Navmap Portable.cmd (Windows),
Little Navmap Portable.command (macOS) and Little Navmap Portable.sh (Linux) to let
Little Navmap store all settings, databases and caches in the installation folder (portable mode).

Note that certain settings and table layouts are reset to default after updating.

See here for a list of issues done.
More issues are solved than publicly known on Github. This changelog lists the most important.
Please report if something does not work or does not work as expected.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Known Issues MSFS

  • Active pause in MSFS breaks the connection and does not allow to reconnect.
    Use the Escape key for normal pause to avoid problems.
  • Some third-party plugins like traffic add-ons might cause connection issues when used together
    with Little Navmap and MSFS.
  • The autoconnect function of Little Navmap does not work reliably with MSFS. Connect manually
    after starting your flight if you see problems. Little Navconnect can have the same issues as
    Little Navmap since it always uses autoconnect. Start the simulator first and then Little Navconnect.

Changes from 2.8.3.beta to 2.8.4.beta

  • Flight plan is now saved to a temporary file on exit if created from scratch. This avoids the question
    dialog when exiting the program after building a new plan. This means: You create a new flight plan from
    scratch and Little Navmap will not ask to save the plan when exiting. Instead the same plan
    is reloaded on next startup. Continue editing without saving and the changed plan will be
    reloaded on next startup. You can still use the Save and Save as functions as before.
  • Now allowing arbitrary points for departure and destination. This covers all navaids, user points
    and coordinates which can be used as start or destination points. The elevation profile is now
    calculated without error messages for these kind of flight plans. Note that you have to install the
    GLOBE elevation data to get the correct elevations for these points. You have to use the Add to flight plan menu item, the Append to flight plan menu item, the keyboard shortcut
    Ctrl+Alt+Click (add), Shift+Alt+Click (append) or the drag and drop flight plan editing to add
    arbitrary points as departure or destination. Note these flight plans are not supported by all
    simulators or add-ons.
  • Fixed for label placement on flight plan line. Label is now placed aside if the options
    Transparent line or Text background are not used in options on page Map Display Flight Plan.
  • Fixed performance issue when loading X-Plane 12 METAR and GRIB (wind) files resulting in temporary
    program freezes. Now only reading the latest three METAR and the latest GRIB file.
  • Now removing area/country codes from X-Plane country names.
  • Now also taking userpoint names into flight plan waypoint if ident is missing.
  • Reverted change “MSA, holdings and MORA grid are now shown when using MSFS and scenery library
    mode Do not use Navigraph Database”. The scenery library mode Do not use Navigraph Database now
    strictly fetches all data from the simulator database which results in certain features being
    disabled in this mode.
  • Updated Italian translation by Flavio Borgna.
  • More small text, translation and user interface fixes.



This is a release candidate for the next major release of Little Navmap.

This version is ready for MSFS SU11 and for the X-Plane 12 beta. See known issues below for MSFS.

The user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual

See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Beta Releases.

This changelog also explains new or moved/changed features.
First look here if anything is not clear or missing.

X-Plane users: Reinstall Little Xpconnect from this package. Otherwise fuel flow
calculation, X-Plane weather information or other functions might not work correctly in Little Navmap.

Little Navmap probably reminds you to reload scenery library databases after updating. Please do
so to benefit from new features and bug fixes.

Note that certain settings and table layouts are reset to default after updating. These are
mentioned in the list of changes below.

See here for a list of issues done.
More issues are solved than publicly known on Github. This changelog lists the most important.
Please report if something does not work or does not work as expected.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Known Issues MSFS

  • Active pause in MSFS breaks the connection and does not allow to reconnect.
    Use the key Esc for normal pause to avoid problems.
  • Some third-party plugins like traffic add-ons might cause connection issues when used together
    with Little Navmap and MSFS.
  • The autoconnect function of Little Navmap does not work reliably with MSFS. Connect manually
    after starting your flight if you see problems. Little Navconnect can have the same issues as
    Little Navmap since it always uses autoconnect. Start the simulator first and then Little Navconnect.

Changes from 2.8.4.beta to 2.8.5.rc1

Flight Plan, Export and Procedures

  • Update flight plan saving to files. Changes are now kept in a background file without asking for
    save. This is now also true if a plan was already saved to a file. You can disable this behavior on
    options page Startup and Updates by disabling Load last used flight plan. The temporary plan is
    stored in the settings folder as file little_navmap.lnmpln besides little_navmap.ini.
  • Corrected export format MSFS IniBuilds A310 and updated default export paths.
  • Fixed issues where the table layout in multi export options was lost at times.
  • Avoid overwriting Flight Plan with not matching departure and destination now enabled per
    default on new installations. You can disable this setting in the options dialog on page Flight Plan if needed.
  • Fixed regression where waypoint altitude was missing in X-Plane FMS flight plan export.
  • Fixed safe altitude not updated in flight plan table if elevation profile window is hidden. Now
    always calculating elevation data in background.
  • Improved airport matching between simulator and navdata when selecting procedures. Example:
    Scandinavian Mountains (ICAO ESKS) was not found since it has an internal X-Plane ident of XESV5
    but its ICAO code is equal to the internal X-Plane ident ESKS for the closed Strängnäs Airbase.
    Now relying more on coordinates when checking for airports using official ids.
  • Fixes for flight plan export. Now saving display ident (ICAO, IATA or others) instead of X-Plane
    internal for airport into LNMPLN files now. This eases exchange of plans with other simulators.
  • Fixed export for X-Plane FMS to use ADEP/ADES keywords when using procedures at airport.
  • Corrected display for procedures usable with all or parallel runways in procedure search tab.
    The tree display now shows a list of runways or All again instead of a wrong single runway.
  • Adjusted warning for descent fuel flow to allow slightly more fuel flow than in cruise phase.


  • Adjusted airport drawing. Corrected size of minor airport symbols at higher zoom levels. Airports
    are now shown up to zoomlevels of 8000 km for Spherical and 10000 km for Mercator projection.
  • Smaller font for airport labels on large zoom levels.
  • Adjusted size of airport add-on highlight on map.
  • Now showing top of climb and top of descent on map and in elevation profile even if very close to
    departure or destination.


  • Weather reading for X-Plane 12 fixed which failed to recognize new files if the weather folder
    was intially empty. This affected METAR and GRIB (winds aloft) files.
  • Added warning message if X-Plane 11 or 12 weather files cannot be read due to broken weather
    paths or wrong simulator base path in dialog Load Scenery Library.
  • Changes in display of wind barbs to avoid flooding the map with symbols. More optimizations to
    speed up map rendering at high zoom levels.

User Interface

  • Fixed wrong display of airways in tooltip and information tab on NDB and VOR having no airways
  • Changed status bar to avoid growing and shrinking fields. Now keeping maximum size to avoid jitter.
  • Now keeping the undock map window state to avoid a messed up layout after a restart when using
    Restore Defaults. The Allow to undock the map window option on page Map is now unchanged
    after resetting settings.
  • Simplified update notification dialog to show only HTML message from server. Removed Download in Browser button as well as header information and Download now.
  • Warning for performance file aircraft type mismatch is now reset to off on update since MSFS
    causes too many issues. You can enable this again in menu AircraftWarning for aircraft type mismatch if you use another simulator than MSFS.
  • Corrected logic for edit and save aircraft performance to avoid wrong questions to save file.
  • Added changelog item to help menu.
  • Enabled missing tooltips with full path on aircraft performance recent menu.
  • Updated French translations by Patrick.
  • Updated Italian translations by Flavio.

Little Xpconnect Version 1.0.32

  • Adapted new weather and environment datarefs to X-Plane 12 changes.



This is a release candidate for the next major release of Little Navmap.

This version is ready for the latest MSFS and for X-Plane 12. See known issues below for MSFS.

The updated user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual

See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Beta Releases.

This changelog also explains new or moved/changed features.
First look here if anything is not clear or missing.

X-Plane users: Reinstall Little Xpconnect from this package to get but fixes and changed. Otherwise fuel flow
calculation, X-Plane weather information or other functions might not work correctly in Little Navmap.

Little Navmap probably reminds you to reload scenery library databases after updating. Please do
so to benefit from new features and bug fixes.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Known Issues MSFS

  • Active pause in MSFS breaks the connection and does not allow to reconnect.
    Use the key Esc for normal pause to avoid problems.
  • Some third-party plugins like traffic add-ons might cause connection issues when used together
    with Little Navmap and MSFS.
  • The autoconnect function of Little Navmap does not work reliably with MSFS. Connect manually
    after starting your flight if you see problems. Little Navconnect can have the same issues as
    Little Navmap since it always uses autoconnect. Start the simulator first and then Little Navconnect.

Changes from 2.8.5.rc1 to 2.8.6.rc2


  • Fixed case of wrong elevation profile error if restrictions at end of STAR conflicts with restrictions at
    beginning of an approach transition. Example: EHAM, arrive using STAR NORK2A via ARTIP and R18R.
  • Now checking regularily for updates instead of only on startup. Update notification messages
    might now also pop up after startup except when being connected to a simulator or having a dialog
    window open. Not that the update check across the network is still done only every day, week or
  • Changed display of missed approaches in procedure preview. Missed approaches can now also be
    disabled for the procedure preview on the toolbar or in view menu Show missed approaches.
  • Fixes for approach transition and STAR procedures when drawing flight plan.
  • Corrected display in airport information for missing paths.

Little Xpconnect Version 1.0.33

  • Added menu item Load AI Aircraft Information which allows to disable the background loading of
    .acf files.
  • Fixed an issue where ICAO type and other values of AI and multiplayer aircraft were messed up.
  • Now detecting on-ground status correctly for AI or multiplayer aircraft.


:christmas_tree::gift: Wishing you all a magical holiday season and best wishes for a happy New Year! :gift::christmas_tree:


This is a stable release of Little Navmap.

Screenshots of new 2.8 Features
for an overview of new features.

This version is ready for the latest MSFS and for X-Plane 12. See important known issues below for MSFS.

The updated user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual.

See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Stable Releases.

This changelog also explains new or moved/changed features.
First look here if anything is not clear or missing.

X-Plane users: Reinstall Little Xpconnect from this package to get but fixes and changed.
Otherwise fuel flow calculation, X-Plane weather information or other functions might not work
correctly in Little Navmap.

Little Navmap probably reminds you to reload scenery library databases after updating. Please do
so to benefit from new features and bug fixes.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Known Issues MSFS

Active pause in MSFS breaks the connection and does not allow to reconnect.
Use the key Esc for normal pause to avoid problems.

Changes from 2.6.19 to 2.8.7

This list describes the most obvious changes. See below for details and changes between the beta
and candidate releases as well as links to the related user manual chapters.

See Screenshots of new 2.8 Features
for an overview of new features.


  • Updated English user manual:
    Little Navmap - User Manual.
    Adapted to new features and is available online as well as included as PDF
    (see User Manuals - Stable Releases).
  • Now automatically using HTML help files from folder help/en or other supported language codes
    if installed. Download help from
    User Manuals - Stable Releases
    and extract the zip file to .../Little Navmap/help/en to use the offline user manual.
  • Added changelog item to help menu.
  • Removed built-in map legend. This now available either online or in the included PDF user manual.
    See online
    Little Navmap User Manual - Legend
    or from the menu Help.

Windows Builds

There are two builds of Little Navmap and Little Navconnect for Windows available now:

  • Windows 64-bit: For MSFS and all X-Plane versions.
  • Windows 32-bit: For FSX and Prepar3D.

See Little Navmap User Manual - Windows Builds for details.

User Interface

  • Changed status bar to avoid growing and shrinking fields. Now keeping maximum size to avoid
  • Added option to hide dock window title bars in menu WindowShow Dock Window Title Bars.
    Uncheck this to get more screen space inside the main window.
  • Added airport transition level for X-Plane and Navigraph data.
  • Resetting flight plan table, airport search result table and navaid search result table view on
    update now to avoid display of wrong columns or missing table columns.
  • Added introductory dialog for first time users explaining further steps.
  • Swapped Shift+F11 and F11 functions. Fullscreen is now F11 since this is a common shortcut
    for most applications.
  • All actions for None and All in toolbar button dropdown menus can now toggle between states
    none, all and last selected state. Click All a second time to revert to the previous selection.
  • Now checking for base folder structure (Little Navmap Documents) only on first startup to avoid
    issues when changing language. Folder structure can be now be created manually from Tools
    Create Directory Structure. #782
  • Added warning message when using scenery library with not matching simulator in connect dialog.
    This shows up when connecting to MSFS with an active X-Plane scenery database, for example.
  • Separated tab bar reset into a new menu item Reset Tabs to Default in menu Window. Window
    layout and and tabs can now be reset separately.
  • Added show map cache to menu ToolsFiles.
  • Changed symbol for nautical miles to correct official NM.
  • Fixed issues with macOS aliases. These can now be used in X-Plane Custom Scenery to link to
  • Default style on macOS after first start is now Fusion and also reset on update since the default
    macOS style is too clunky.
  • Removed check for wrong macOS version on program startup to avoid false warnings.
  • Raised macOS minimum requirement to 10.13 High Sierra.
  • Updated French translations by Patrick.
  • Updated Italian translations by Flavio.

Flight Plan

  • Flight plan is now saved to a temporary file on exit. This avoids the question dialog when
    exiting the program after building or modifying a plan. This means: You create a new flight plan
    from scratch or modify a present one and Little Navmap will not ask to save the plan when exiting.
    Instead the same plan is reloaded on next startup. Continue editing without saving and the changed
    plan will be reloaded on next startup. You can still use the Save and Save as functions as
    before. You can disable this behavior on options page Startup and Updates by disabling Load last used flight plan. The temporary plan is stored in the settings folder as file
    little_navmap.lnmpln besides little_navmap.ini.
  • Avoid overwriting Flight Plan with not matching departure and destination now enabled per
    default on new installations. You can disable this setting in the options dialog on page Flight Plan if needed.
  • Now allowing arbitrary points for departure and destination. This covers all navaids, user points
    and coordinates which can be used as start or destination points. The elevation profile is now
    calculated without error messages for these kind of flight plans. Note that you have to install the
    GLOBE elevation data to get the correct elevations for these points. You have to use the Add to flight plan menu item, the Append to flight plan menu item, the keyboard shortcut
    Ctrl+Alt+Click (add), Shift+Alt+Click (append) or the drag and drop flight plan editing to add
    arbitrary points as departure or destination. Note these flight plans are not supported by all
    simulators or add-ons.
  • Magnetic course of flight plan legs is now always calculated using normal magnetic declination.
    VOR calibrated declination is ignored. Other options to display VOR inbound and outbound magnetic
    course are now available. See
    Little Navmap User Manual - Magnetic Declination.
  • Added optional inbound and outbound VOR course to aircraft progress display considering VOR
    calibrated declination. This is always shown when the next or last waypoint is a VOR, VORDME or
    VORTAC. Enable this in ToolsAircraft progress display options → branch Next Waypoint
    Leg course from and Leg course to.
  • Removed Ignore declination of VOR and other radio navaids on options page Flight Plan since
    there are other ways to display VOR inbound and outbound magnetic course now.
  • Removed merging (e.g. grouping of multiple deletions into one) of same changes for undo or redo
    in flight plan operations. Now single changes can be undone.
  • Changed flight plan calculation to a normal non-blocking dialog window also to avoid the short
    popping up on start. Note that these non-blocking dialog windows can be put behind the main window
    and show up in the Windows or other task lists as well.
  • Highlight of active in flight plan table can be disabled in options on page Flight Plan. #785
  • Removed forced assignment of runways if no parking is set for departure. An airport can now be
    used as a departure point. Improved parking selection dialog.
  • Related navaids in flight plan table and other places in program now use notation with prefix R
    like R090 for radials instead of °M.
  • Changed flight plan table column selection to use configuration tree dialog including a
    description column. Can also be used to disable header and footer labels in flight plan window.
  • Added optional footer line in flight plan table which shows distance, time and fuel for selected
    flight plan entries. Flight plan table options (menu ToolsFlight Plan Table Options
    Flight Plan Table FooterSelected Flight Plan Legs) allows to disable selection and error
    footer lines in flight plan table. #892
  • Added safe altitude display in flight plan table (orange line in elevation profile). Can be
    enabled in menu ToolsFlight Plan Table Options.
  • Users can now select departure runway with extended runway center line instead of a SID. See
    context menus or menu Flight Plan´ -> Select Departure Runway`.
  • An offset angle relative to runway heading can now be selected when choosing the destination
    runway (former Create Procedure function). See context menus or menu Flight Plan´ -> Select
    Destination Runway`.
  • Added departure and approach runway information to flight plan table header.
  • Added header label in flight plan tab Remarks showing used scenery data, cycle and performance.
  • Added column for related/recommended fixes and navaids in flight plan table. These are now shown
    with frequency and radial in flight plan table, elevation profile and other places.
  • Added latitude/longitude columns shown in user selected format to flight plan table as well as
    CSV and HTML export.
  • Improved start position selection dialog (menu Flight PlanSelect a Start Position). Added
    runway dimensions, runway facilities and surface. User can now search for airline codes or other
    texts in the parking, runway or helipad entries. Airport center is always added as an option.
  • Improved error messages in tooltip on error label in flight plan tab. Removed redundant error
    label in elevation profile. Showing aircraft performance related warnings now in flight plan table
    footer which can be disabled.
  • Fixed issue where flight plan was centered on startup despite using On startup show on map
    Last position or Home position on options page Startup and Updates.
  • Resetting flight plan table, airport search result table and navaid search result table view on
    update now to avoid display of wrong columns or missing table columns.

Flight Plan Export

  • Added functionality to fetch and send flight plans to/from SimBrief to file menu. Use menu File
    Open Flight Plan from SimBrief and Export Flight Plan to SimBrief. Follow instructions in
    dialog windows. #828
  • Waypoints resulting from departure and runway selection (extended runway center line and other
    points) are omitted in all export formats for complex aircraft and third-party Garmin units to
    avoid issues when loading. Use the aircraft FMS or MCDU to select a departure or approach runway.
  • Several fixes for X-Plane flight plan export.
  • Added file patterns for multi export which can be set for each format. Improved context menu,
    keyboard shortcuts and error messages in multi export options. Added bottom label in multi export
    options dialog to preview export file path and name as well as other information. #751
  • Added reading support for Garmin GFP flight plan files. These are text files containing the
    flight plan after the prefix FPN/RI:.
  • FileExport Options are now unchecked for this update since these often cause issues. Now
    showing warning dialog if these options are enabled.
  • Added X-Plane 12 FMS export which uses the same X-Plane format but a different folder.
  • Added separate export option for PMDG MSFS aircraft.
  • Added flight plan export for iFly Jets Advanced Series. #817
  • Added GFP flight plan export for TDS GTNXi and MSFS IniBuilds Airbus.
  • Added support for MSFS parking suffix to allow reloading LNMPLN flight plans. Example EDDG, 18A
    to 18E. MSFS still cannot load parking positions with suffix. Not even its own ones.
  • Changes to Flightgear plan import and export: Waypoints with missing coordinates can now be
    loaded. Waypoints marked <type>basic</type> can now be exported and loaded. Thanks a lot to
    colingeniet at Github for the fix
  • Changed GPX loading and saving to use millisecond accuracy. Fixed timezone issues when loading
    and saving GPX. GPX loading now reads both millisecond and second ISO date. #907


  • Added hours and colored warning for more than 3 (orange) and more than 6 hour (red) old METAR
    reports in airport tab, airport tooltip and airport weather tab.
  • Added warning message if X-Plane 11 or 12 weather files cannot be read due to broken weather
    paths or wrong simulator base path in dialog Load Scenery Library.


  • Resetting wind source to NOAA on update now. Adjust as needed.
  • Changed user interface for wind for more consistency. Removed wind checkbox from fuel report
    header and added drop down box which mirrors the items in menu WeatherWind source.
  • Added manual wind layer altitude to fuel report which is independent from flight plan cruise
  • Improved indications in wind tooltip to show manually selected wind altitude layer, altitude of
    shown wind barbs and flight plan cruise altitude indication.
  • Performance optimizations. Wind barbs now drawn sparse at higher zoom levels and near the poles.
  • Added more layers for winds aloft download to get more accuracy at lower levels.
  • Changed wind altitude levels in toolbar button to use a slider instead of fixed altitude levels.

Aircraft Performance

  • The default performance profile which is created when using menu AircraftNew Aircraft Performance is now based on the data of a Cessna C172 and named Example Performance Profile.
    This avoids warning messages when using a new performance profile. Adapt it to your aircraft as

  • Added menu item AircraftWarning for Aircraft Type Mismatch which is disabled per default.
    This allows to enable warnings if aircraft type in the performance profile does not match the one
    in the simulator aircraft. Recommended is to disable this when flying MSFS and keep it enabled for
    X-Plane and all other simulators.

  • Warning for performance file aircraft type mismatch is reset to off on update since MSFS causes
    issues with this function. You can enable this again in menu AircraftWarning for aircraft type mismatch if you use another simulator than MSFS.

  • More warnings for invalid fuel flow and speed values in aircraft performance: Climb fuel flow is smaller than cruise fuel flow, Descent fuel flow is higher than cruise fuel flow, Climb speed is higher than cruise speed and Descent speed is much smaller than cruise speed.

  • Added simulator type to aircraft performance file, edit dialog and display.

  • Added display for average wind at cruise level only in tab Fuel Report.


  • Reordered pages in options and added new pages Map Display Keys, Map Display Labels, Map Display User and Map Display Flight Plan. Removed page Map Display 2.
  • Added new page Map Display Labels in options and moved tree settings from Map Display 2 to
    it. Setting description is now shown in a second column instead of tooltips.
  • Added option for tooltips in menus which is off per default. Option to show tooltips in whole
    program is now reset to enabled. Menu tooltips are not available on macOS.
  • Now keeping the undock map window state to avoid a messed up layout after a restart when using
    Restore Defaults. The Allow to undock the map window option on page Map is now unchanged
    after resetting settings.
  • Added option to disable startup image screen (splash screen) on page Startup and Updates.
  • Added option to change main toolbar icon size on page Display and Text.

Undo / Redo

  • Added progress dialog for long undo operations in logbook and userpoints which can happen when
    undoing the import or a bulk change of large datasets. Operations can be canceled now.
  • Fixed performance issues for undo and redo operations resulting in frozen program.
  • Fixed issue where import of logbook or userpoint data resulted in a messed up undo state.
  • Logbook and userpoint undo function assigned to Ctrl+Shift+Z and Ctrl+Shift+Y to avoid
    overlap with flight plan undo/redo functions.


  • Simplified update notification dialog to show only a HTML message from the server. Removed
    Download in Browser button as well as header information and Download now to simplify release
  • Little Navmap now checks regularily for updates instead of only on startup. Update notification
    messages might now also pop up after startup except when being connected to a simulator or having a
    dialog window open. Note that the update check across the network is still done only every day,
    week or month.

X-Plane 11 and 12

  • Scenery library data compilation adapted for X-Plane 12 folder changes. #867
  • Little Navmap now requires x-plane_install_11.txt and x-plane_install_12.txt as well as a
    valid installation path to be recognized. Run the X-Plane installer or X-Plane once to create this
    file so that Little Navmap can detect the simulator.
  • Now supporting X-Plane 12 METAR airport weather reports and GRIB winds aloft by checking folder
    Output/real weather. Added folder configuration in options on page Weather Files. #926
  • Fixed issue where X-Plane 12 add-on airports were not read from Custom Scenery in some cases.
    Airports not included in the file scenery_packs.ini are now treated like enabled. #927
  • Corrected userpoint export and import to and from user_fix.dat for X-Plane 11 and 12. Exporting
    and importing waypoint flags and full name for X-Plane 12 now. The Little Navmap Userpoint tags
    field is used to load and save the ID of the airport terminal area as well as the waypoint type.
    Waypoint type is based on ARINC 424 field type definition 5.42. Spaces are replaced by underscores
    ‘_’ for userpoint tags. Alternatively double quotes and spaces can be used. Example tags:
    EDDF V__ is a VFR Waypoint at airport EDDF, ENRT "I " is an en-route unnamed charted intersection
    and ENRT R__ is an en-route named intersection.

Little Xpconnect

See also
Little Navmap User Manual - Little Xpconnect.

  • Fixed an issue where ICAO type and other values of AI and multiplayer aircraft were messed up.
  • Now detecting on-ground status correctly for AI or multiplayer aircraft.
  • Little Xpconnect now adds items in the X-Plane plugin menu to set AI fetch and more performance
  • Adapted new weather and environment datarefs to X-Plane 12 changes.
  • Little Xpconnect now supports Apple Silicon / ARM 64 machines. The Zip file contains two folders
    Little Xpconnect arm64 for Apple Silicon and newer Intel machines and Little Xpconnect x86 for
    older Intel machines. See link above. #923
  • Changed Little Xpconnect build for Linux to use a minimum of shared library dependencies.

Map Display User Interface

  • Replaced map theme and map projection boxes in toolbar with a new tool button having a drop down
    menu (dark globe icon on toolbar). This saves space in the toolbar area. Removed Map Projection and Theme Toolbar.
  • Combined the three toolbar buttons for map detail into one drop down menu button on the toolbar
    containing a slider and reset menu item. Moved map detail level settings from menu ‘View’ to menu
  • Added toolbar drop down menu button for a more detailed airport display filter including runway
    length, type, procedures and light status.

Map Display

  • Added turn prediction line for user aircraft also having tick marks for one NM distance. This is
    disabled by default in menu ViewShow Turn Flight Path.
  • Added option to display selected autopilot altitude range as a dark green arc on the map. Enable
    this in menu ViewShow selected altitude range. Note that some add-on aircraft misuse the
    autopilot altitude which results in a wrong display. #247
  • Added display on map and elevation profile for GLS/RNP paths. Showing information for these
    virtual approach paths in tooltip and info window now. Enable RNP/GPS path display in menu View
    NavaidsShow GLS/RNP Approach paths or elevation profile context menu.
  • New option to show aircraft endurance as circle around user aircraft. This is based on reserves,
    contingency, fuel load, current fuel flow and ground speed (but not wind). Enable in menu View
    Show Aircraft Endurance. Note that this shows the endurance based on current fuel flow. Numbers
    on range ring shown in warning and error colors depending on endurance. #341
  • Added forced navaid display for recommended navaids from used procedures including indication in
    tooltip. This means that a related VOR being part of a procedure in a flight plan is shown even if
    the display of VOR is disabled. This allows to have a clean map with only flight plan related
  • Added display of MSA (minimum sector altitude) diagrams on map similar to range rings. Can be set
    by user in map, flight plan table, airport search and navaid search context menus. Enable display
    of MSA icons in menu ViewNavaidsShow MSA Sectors. Enable a larger scaled display by
    right clicking on the MSA icon and selecting Add MSA diagram at .... #498
  • Added option for MSA diagram transparency and text size in options on page Map Display User.
  • Added display of en-route holdings to map display, map context menu, information display and
    tooltips. Old saved user defined holdings are discarded. #363
  • Unpaved, heliports and water airports are now shown smaller than paved airports depending on zoom
    level. Now adjusting airport label font size depending on zoom and minor airport status. Minor
    airports have a smaller symbol and text on higher zoom distances.
  • Added button and menu item to disable online aircraft and simulator AI separately. #754
  • Added new range ring dialog allowing to add a label, change the coordinates or change the color.
    Removed range ring setting from options dialog since radii can now be changed when adding rings.
  • Display of a feature category is now automatically enabled on the map after adding an user
    feature like range rings.
  • Added function to zoom and jump to defined coordinates on map in main menu and map context menu.
    See map context menu MoreJump to Coordinates ....
  • Added Go to User Aircraft menu item in menu Map and toolbar plus keyboard shortcut
  • Added tooltip for distance measurement lines showing distance, label, initial and final course.
  • Outbound and inbound VOR calibrated declination now ignored per default in normal route leg
    course shown in the moving labels.
  • AI aircraft label visibility is now adjusted depending on aircraft ground status and details.
  • Final course for measurement lines at VOR is now calculated based on VOR calibrated declination.
  • Fixed issue where ILS heading was offset after switching scenery library databases.
  • Moved whole map configuration to a file maplayers.xml embedded in program. This can be
    overridden in configuration folder for a detailed map display customization. Program is watching
    overloaded file in settings folder for changes and updates map accordingly. See file
    maplayers.xml and embedded comments for more information here:

Map Display Options

  • Added option on page Map Display Labels to show start and end course labels also considering
    VOR calibrated declination. Useful when flying VOR to VOR. Labels are shown at a fixed position at
    start or end of flight plan legs.
  • Added option to show compass rose with true heading. See options on page Map Display Labels in
    branch Compass Rose.
  • Outline color (old and default style in Little Navmap) and semi-transparent (like SkyVector)
    for flight plan can now be selected. Option for semi-transparent flight plan line also affects
    logbook preview and procedure preview. See options on page Map Display Flight Plan.
  • New options for semi-transparent highlight circles. Colors for highlights can now be changed.
    Page Map Display User.
  • Added option to disable magenta highlight for active leg in options on page Map Display Flight Plan in checkbox Highlight active leg. #785
  • Added optional label Distance and Bearing from User for AI aircraft. This can be enabled in
    options on page Map Display Labels, branch AI, Multiplayer and Online Client Aircraft in line
    Distance and Bearing from User. #708
  • Added options for measurement lines thickness, color and font size. These can be changed in
    options on page Map Display UserDistance measurements.
  • Added size option for highlight marks in options on page Map Display UserCircle Size.
  • Added option for navaid radial display when drawing a measurement line from a VOR, VORTAC or NDB.
    Default is off. Enable this in options on page Map Display Labels branch Measurement Lines. #860
  • Added options for display of user and AI aircraft coordinates on map. Page Map Display Labels.
  • Added AGL label option for user aircraft on map. See Map Display Labels.
  • Added optional display of red ice warning labels on map (not in elevation profile) on page Map Display Labels. #745
  • Wind pointer is now kept when disabling aircraft display. Wind pointer can be disabled separately
    in options on page Map Display Labels in branch Top of Map.
  • Split delete options for user feature types like range rings or measurement lines for all feature
    types in menu Map and Reset all for a new Flight. Holdings and traffic patterns can now deleted
    independently, for example.
  • New option for verbose tooltips on page Map. Default is enabled. Disable this to get brief
    tooltips when hovering the mouse cursor over the map.
  • Option to hide user feature tooltips (traffic patterns, measurement lines and others) on page
    Map added.
  • Added option to reverse all mouse wheel functions in map and elevation profile in options dialog
    on page User Interface.

Map Display Themes

  • Added MapTiler, MapBox and Thunderforest map themes plus required API key and token assignments.
    Little Navmap User Manual - Map Display Keys
    for more information on using these maps.
  • Themes requiring keys or tokens are marked with a * in menu and dropdown box. A dialog window
    with more information is shown when selecting a map theme needs more information. See options on
    page Map Display Keys for key or token input.
  • Fixed graphical “smearing” issues with maps not covering the whole view like the
    Norway N50 Topo Map.

DGML for Map Theme Developers

  • All themes are added to the drop-down list by name as extracted from the DGML files. Now checking
    visibility flag in DGML. Themes having this set to false are excluded. All themes are now shown
    without distinction between user or stock.
  • Added option to pass key/value pairs to replace in DGML map configuration files. This is needed
    for online maps requiring API keys or tokens. These keys are collected from DGML map configuration
    files and can be edited in options on page Map Display Keys. #85
  • Added new key {language} in DGML for custom map request URLs. This allows to fetch Google map
    tiles using the user interface language instead of getting map labels in random languages. Append
    &amp;hl={language} to the download URL path in Google map themes to force map tiles in the user
    interface language or &amp;hl=en to force all maps in English. This fixes issue with random
    language used for labels in some maps. Note that you have to clear the tile cache to see the
    changes. See
    User Manual - Disk Cache.
  • Added commented example for DGML configuration including new keys in


  • Changed loading of user airspaces now by showing a separate loading dialog similar to the scenery
    library dialog. Removed user airspace paths and patterns from options dialog. #490
  • Added reader for IVAO and VATSIM JSON boundaries. You can now read IVAO JSON and VATSIM GeoJSON
    files. Currently you can find IVAO boundaries here:
    Airspace Boundaries.
    VATSIM boundaries are available here
    VATSPY Data Project.
  • Added two sliders in airspace toolbar button dropdown menu for minimum and maximum altitude in
    500 ft steps to show overlapping airspaces. #612

Elevation Profile

  • Added display of required (by approaches) or calculated optional vertical descent flight path
    angle to elevation profile map and tooltip. Calculated vertical angle is shown with transparent
    background and required angle is shown with yellow background. #803
  • Showing optional vertical track line from user aircraft on the elevation profile. Enable this by
    checking Show Vertical Track in the elevation profile context menu. #247
  • Added options to display vertical path angle and speed to reach the next waypoint at the
    calculated altitude. Can be shown in elevation profile (ToolsElevation Profile Display Options) as aircraft label and in aircraft progress tab (ToolsAircraft Progress Display Options). Made aircraft labels in elevation profile optional.
  • Vertical paths in approaches are now considered like altitude restrictions and enforced while
    calculating profile. Error messages can appear if altitude restrictions related to a vertical path
    are violated by a too low cruise altitude.
  • Added option to vertically and horizontally zoom to aircraft and destination point in elevation
    profile. Enable this in context menu of the elevation profile (Zoom to aircraft and destination).
  • Added top header to elevation profile optionally showing course, distance and related navaid.
    Optional flight plan line labels added to elevation profile. Profile labels can now be set in
    options dialog. Added context menu item to disable top label in profile.
  • Added display options for profile on options page Map Display Labels in branch Elevation Profile.
  • Added optional display of altitude and speed restriction labels in elevation profile. #601
  • Moved elevation profile display settings from page Map Display in options dialog into a
    separate configuration dialog. Added menu item in Tools, elevation profile context menu and a
    button in elevation profile window for configuration options.
  • Fixed several cases of wrong elevation profile errors where profile could not be calculated.

Flight Plan Route Description

  • Flight plan route description window is now non-blocking and allows to continue working with the
    main window while opened. Note that the non-blocking dialog window can be put behind the main
    window and shows up in the Windows or other task lists. Update description by clicking Load from Flight Plan after changing plan on the map or flight plan table.
  • Flight plan route description string is now saved independently from flight plan and reloaded on
  • Changes done by clicking Create Flight Plan can now be undone in the tab Flight Plan.
  • Enabled undo/redo in the description input field. Use keyboard shortcuts or the context menu to
    undo changes.
  • Removed Read Route Description button in route description window and replaced its
    functionality with a delayed automatic update. Results updated while typing.
  • Removed IFR/VFR selection box from route description window. The flight plan type is now
    taken from the tab Flight Plan.
  • Extended waypoint coordinate parser for all ARINC 424 Code Convention full degree waypoint
    formats like 57N30, 5730E or 57S30. Flight plan route description can now read these
    waypoints independent if they are in the navdata or not.
  • Added separate help area in route description window. Open or close the help area with the blue
    help button at the right.
  • Added new options to route string dialog: Write STAR and transition reversed (format
    TRANS.STAR or TRANS STAR) and Write SID/STAR and transition space separated.
  • Now reading both space and dot separated notation SID TRANS, SID.TRANS as well as
    STAR TRANS, TRANS STAR, STAR.TRANS and TRANS.STAR in route description.
  • Fixed issues where airways were wrongly detected in route description.

Online Flying #761 and #754

  • Completely reworked removal of duplicate aircraft (shadow aircraft) coming from both the
    simulator and the online network. Registration/callsign match function is now replaced by a
    distance and altitude match. There is no need to have matching registration/callsign values now.
    This applies to the user aircraft as well as multiplayer aircraft.
  • Added note for simulator and online shadow aircraft in tooltip and information window.
  • Showing connected online network in main window title bar now.
  • Moved option Remove duplicate aircraft from online service and simulator to page Online Flying in options dialog.


  • Added footer line to logbook search which shows summed up values for travel times and distances
    for selected logbook entries.
  • Added simulator and real travel time to logbook search result table.
  • Logbook entry dialog is now pre-filled with all data (flight plan, performance and trail) from
    current session. This can be removed by pressing reset.
  • Added cleanup function for logbook which removes invalid logbook entries that can result from
    pattern work or repeated approches. Main menu LogbookCleanup Logbook Entries or logbook
    table context menu.

Flying and User Aircraft

Little Navmap User Manual - User Aircraft Centering
for more explanations.

  • Removed confusing move/zoom gesture when on ground with simple aircraft centering. Now keeping
    current zoom value when jumping back to user aircraft.
  • Added option to modify zoom for aircraft and next waypoint. Options on page Simulator Aircraft
    input field Zoom Distance.
  • Added zoom out on takeoff option. See Options on page Simulator Aircraft checkbox Zoom out on takeoff.
  • Added distance option to zoom in on aircraft touchdown in options on page Simulator Aircraft.
  • Added separate timeout to jump back to current active leg for flight plan table on page
    Simulator Aircraft.


  • Added random destination finder in airport search tab to select a random departure and arrival
    from the current search result. Enable this by checking Random Flight in the drop down menu
    button. Thanks to u-an-i for implementing this.
  • Added undo/redo functionality to logbook and userpoint search tabs. Can be accessed in main menu,
    context menu or shortcuts. The undo/redo information is saved in the database and permanent between
    restarts. Warning dialogs before deleting entries removed. #280
  • Added literal search using double quotes for navaid and airport idents. Example: Search for “TAU”
    including the double quotes to find exactly the two VORs with this id instead of waypoints like
  • Idents in airport or navaid search can now be separated by space to search for a list. Example:
    Enter LIRF EDDF without quotes to find these two airports.


  • Added procedure preview showing all available procedures of an airport on the map. Enable with
    new button in airport search tab on the top or from Preview all procedures context menu. View is
    updated automatically when changing search parameters in procedure tab.
  • Procedures can now be selected into flight plan by right-clicking on a waypoint or other fix of a
    procedure preview in the map.
  • Procedures and custom arrival and departures can now be deleted from the map context menu when
    right-clicking on a flight plan procedure waypoint.
  • Added name search filter in procedure search tab. This filters the procedures by the content of
    the field Ident. The parameter is saved between sessions.
  • Added separate procedure filters for STAR and all approach types like ILS, RNAV or VORDME.
  • Added indicator for transitions (T) in procedure search tab for SID, STAR and approaches.
    Number of transitions is shown in the remarks column.
  • Added display of aircraft category and required navigation performance indicator to procedures
    and procedure legs in flight plan table and procedure search.
  • The vertical angle now shown in procedure leg restrictions in flight plan and procedure search.
  • Changed display of missed approaches in procedure preview. Missed approaches can now also be
    disabled for the procedure preview on the toolbar or in view menu Show missed approaches.

User Aircraft Progress

  • Added user aircraft progress tab configuration using a tree control which allows to select data
    fields to show. The dialog also shows a description for each progress data field. Open this
    configuration dialog by clicking on the small button on the top right in the progress tab (gear
    symbol) or by using the context menu. #768
  • Added new data fields fuel load, gross weight, real time, top of climb and autopilot selected
    altitude to aircraft progress.
  • Showing vertical path and required descent rate in aircraft progress in descent and approach
  • Endurance in progress tab now considers reserves and contingency fuel.
  • Added options to display speeds, altitude and vertical speed in other than selected default
    units. This is for indicated and actual altitude as well as indicated, ground and vertical speed in
    the progress display tab. Enable this in menu ToolsAircraft Progress Display Options. #656


  • Now showing the canonical path (i.e. symbolic links, Windows shortcuts and Windows junctions
    resolved to the real path) for airport add-ons in information display. This means that the real
    installation location of linked add-ons using symbolic links, shortcuts, junctions or aliases is
    shown now.
  • Added ChartFox to airport information in link section. You have to be
    logged into ChartFox to see charts.
  • Added radial and distance to related navaid in waypoint information for special waypoints like
    D095J which is 95°M and 10 nm from VOR SUM.
  • Added display of transition level to information airport and weather tab. Only X-Plane or
  • Showing detailed waypoint description now if available (Navigraph and X-Plane). Examples are
    Named, RNAV, VFR or Off Airway. #321


  • A userpoint category is now automatically enabled after adding one on the map. This helps to
    avoid confusion when a userpoint is hidden right after adding.
  • Added separate symbol size and text options for userpoints. See page Map Display User.
  • Updated stock icon translations. Translated userpoint types are now shown in tooltip and
    information tab. Note that translated types cannot be used in search.

Scenery Library Database

  • Now allowing a no simulator state of the program instead of always showing a X-Plane
    installation. This avoids the confusing X-Plane state despite not having it installed.
  • Now supporting symbolic links (all OS), Windows junctions and Windows shortcuts (.lnk files) as
    well as macOS aliases in MSFS Community and X-Plane Custom Scenery folders.
  • Fixed exclude file, exclude directory and exclude add-on recognition to work with symbolic links,
    shortcuts or junctions.
  • Scenery library database can now be loaded in background which allows the user to plan a flight
    while loading. Progress dialog is not blocking access to the program now and can be brought into
    background. Loading dialog now gives an option to use or discard a database after loading.
  • Now notifying user about wrong scenery library modes after loading. Considers MSFS and Navigraph
    special cases. Allows user to change to the recommended mode after loading.
  • Now showing a warning dialog on startup and database switch if user has a stale simulator
    database loaded. The warning shows if the scenery library database was created with a previous
    Little Navmap version or if it is older than two months.
  • Now adding suffix ... reload advised to database in scenery library menu if a database was
    loaded with a previous version of Little Navmap or if database was loaded two months ago. This is
    a reminder for users to reload after simulator updates or updates of Little Navmap.
  • Added Validate Scenery Library Settings in menu Scenery Library which helps to set the
    correct scenery library mode.
  • Now hiding artificial waypoints created internally for procedure or airway resolution from
    search, information and tooltips.
  • ILS and GLS/RNP information is now always taken from Navigraph database except when using Do not use Navigraph Database. As a result ILS course might probably not match for older scenery data or
    airport add-ons. Select Do not use Navigraph Database temporarily if this is an issue.
  • Corrected issues with runways designated by true course like BGTL. Approaches were missing runway
    assignments and could not be resolved before. #870


  • Changed handling for MSFS file Content.xml for SU10 and fixed crash when reading new file
    layout. Corrected layer ordering for MSFS scenery library to adhere to priorities in file
  • Fixed issue where airport city names were missing since MSFS SU11 beta. Note that country names
    are not available from the simulator.
  • Changed fuel detection for MSFS. An airport now gets Avgas and Jet A availability assigned if it
    has a fuel pad (which has no fuel type information). Now showing only Fuel for MSFS if both are
    available. #918
  • Now ignoring invalid waypoints with empty ICAO region code and invalid type as they appear in
    some MSFS add-on sceneries. This fixes the exception NOT NULL constraint failed: tmp_waypoint.region ... when loading. #910
  • Now also loading BGL files from missions to catch respective airports.
  • Fixed bug where Little Navmap would only read and display a single transition from add-on
    (Community) SIDs and STARs, despite these procedures actually having more than one transition. This
    happens when using the latest MSFS SDK (SU9 or later). Thanks a lot to
    flpduarte at Github for the fix.
  • Added notification message for encrypted MSFS add-ons when reading the scenery library. This
    helps to identify unreadable airports where the layout in Little Navmap will not match the layout
    in the simulator.

Command Line #431

Start program with the help option -h from a terminal to see available command line options.

Little Navmap User Manual - Command Line Options
for details.

  • Added scripts for portable execution: Little Navmap Portable.cmd (Windows), Little Navmap Portable.command (macOS) and Little Navmap Portable.sh (Linux). All settings, databases and
    cache folders are saved to the installation folder when starting the program with these scripts.
    Little Navmap User Manual - Portable Execution.



This is a stable release of Little Navmap fixing crashes and other bugs.

X-Plane: Update your Little Xpconnect installation as well with the included version 1.0.34 to
avoid wrong timezone calculations.

See Screenshots of new 2.8 Features for an overview of new features.

This version is ready for the latest MSFS and for X-Plane 12. See important known issues below for MSFS.

The user manual is available here: Little Navmap - User Manual.

See here for user manual downloads: User Manuals - Stable Releases.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Known Issues MSFS

Active pause in MSFS breaks the connection and does not allow to reconnect even when restarting Little Navmap. Use the key Esc for normal pause or click the toolbar button for pause to avoid problems. You can restore the connection by toggling the active pause on the toolbar button.

See also MSFS Common Problems in the FAQ.

Changes from 2.8.7 to 2.8.8

Flight Plan and Export

  • Added export option for X-Plane CIVA Navigation System. Files exported as FMS 3 split up into
    partitions containing nine waypoints. Procedure waypoints are included.
  • Fixed issues with multi export file selection that appeared when using a file export pattern
    without suffix.
  • Made loading of X-Plane FMS plans more tolerant for invalid files. Now throwing error messages in
    case of invalid coordinates to avoid crash.
  • Adjustments for flight plan calculation for better results with less airway usage at the right of
    the slider Prefer.
  • Updated NAT track download address to new https://www.notams.faa.gov/common/nat.html to avoid error
    messages on download. Addresses can be changed in little_navmap.ini in section [Track].
  • Fixed wrong flight plan read while importing from SimBrief and changing plan with download dialog open.

Flight Plan Route Description

  • Corrected reading of a flight plan having SID and STAR with the same transition waypoint
    resulting in incomplete plans from SimBrief import. Example: MUHA EPMAR3 MAXIM SNDBR2 KMIA KMCO. #975
  • Fixed crash while typing when entering incomplete route description texts.
  • Fixed several issues when reading and writing a route description using space separated transitions.
    This avoids error messages when reading flight plans from SimBrief.
  • Flight plan cruise altitude is now adjusted to adhere to airway and procedure altitude
    restrictions. This avoids creating new plans with initial restriction errors.
  • Tear off drop down menu in route description dialog can now be reopened again after closing dialog.

Map Display and Elevation Profile

  • Fixed issue with disappearing aircraft trail and other map lines near anti-meridian. #976
  • Now suppressing VASI display in elevation profile if approach has a large offset course compared
    to the runway. The VASI slope cannot be used in these cases.
  • Omitting wrong X-Plane runway shoulders for water runways on map.
  • Moved flight plan table colors to little_navmap_mapstyle.ini. Added new section [FlightPlan].

Online Flying

  • Fixed crash because of missing icon for unknown aircraft types. #973
  • Added white aircraft icon with question mark for invalid aircraft types like online boats.
  • Now ignoring boat traffic in aircraft shadow resolution.
  • Adjusted shadow aircraft detection online vs. simulator to better resolve duplicate aircraft when
    flying online.

Scenery Library

  • Fixed several issues with new X-Plane 12 runway surface types. Runways were previously dropped
    for unknown surface types. This resulted in airports registered without runways and having a
    helipad symbol assigned in some cases.
  • Now reading new X-Plane asphalt and concrete textures.
  • Corrected behavior when clicking Load Scenery Database which could open the loading dialog
    again and crash while still waiting for confirmation on database usage.
  • Fixed issue with mapped drives on Windows where add-on airports were not detected if having MSFS
    installed on such a drive. #967

User Interface and Other

  • Corrected window order when using Keep in Foreground to avoid blocked or hidden dialogs after
    loading scenery library.
  • The Keep in Foreground status is now applied to all non-blocking dialog windows like ‘Flight
    Plan Calculation’ and ‘Flight Plan Route Description’ to avoid windows being blocked and hidden
    by main window.
  • Added userpoint type Addon to highlight airports with a yellow ring similar to detected add-on
  • Fixed issue where bearing and distance to user aircraft was not updated in tooltips for parking spots.
  • Fixed regression where tooltips disappeared quickly when being connected to a simulator.
  • Now correcting logbook time if off by one day at arrival due to wrong time and date jumps while
    flying (caused by warp or similar tools). This previously resulted in negative travel times.
  • Corrected logbook and userpoint import functions where first row in CSV files caused an error message
    if using quoted names.
  • Fix for wrong names in options dialog. #965
  • Fixes to avoid crash with duplicate ids when adding userpoints or logbook entries after import. #985
  • Solved issue with crash when doing undo or redo quickly using keyboard shortcut repeats.
  • Wind calculation functions are now more tolerant for invalid coordinates to avoid crashes.
  • Corrections to statusbar and time. Time now correctly suffixed with UTC.
  • Updated program translation for Brazilian Portuguese by Ricardo.
  • Disabled Spanish translation since it did not receive updates for a long time and has other issues.
  • Reverted workaround for MSFS unreliable on-ground indication for user aircraft.
  • Updated SimConnect.dll to latest from SDK version
  • Corrected SSL library in Linux package to fix SSL handshake errors. Now adding correct OpenSSL
    version 1.1 to the folder lib to avoid loading of a wrong system library version 3. #974

X-Plane and Little Xpconnect

  • Fixed wrong date and timezone calculation in Little Xpconnect 1.0.34 which resulted in wrong or
    jumping endurance and turn anticipation display.



This is a stable release of Little Navmap fixing crashes and other bugs.

X-Plane: Update your Little Xpconnect installation as well with the included version 1.0.34 to
fix wrong TAS and GS speeds.

macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag for Little Xpconnect on update. See Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.

This version is ready for the latest MSFS and for X-Plane 12. See important known issues below for MSFS.

The online user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual.

See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Stable Releases.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Special thanks to Max Hille for finding the issue with Xpconnect on Linux and X-Plane 12!

Known Issues MSFS

Active pause in MSFS breaks the connection and does not allow to reconnect even when restarting Little Navmap.
This is a MSFS issue. Use the key Esc for normal pause or click the toolbar button for pause to avoid problems.
Note that you can also start active pause the usual way (keyboard or joystick) but end it with the MSFS toolbar button.
This keeps the connection intact.

The active pause problem was fixed with the MSFS SU12 Beta version.

Loading a flight plan containing user defined points (coordinates) results in some positions of the plan
placed at the North Pole. Note this was fixed with the MSFS SU12 Beta.

See also MSFS Common Problems in the FAQ.

Changes from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9

Map Display

  • AI aircraft with unreliable on-ground status injected by third party traffic tools are now
    corrected if there is vertical speed or ground speed. This helps to avoid flying aircraft
    hidden wrongly on the map.
  • Changed speed display for AI and user aircraft. Now showing ground speed on ground in map display
    labels and progress tab for AI if user and AI aircraft are moving. Disabled wrong IAS and TAS display
    labels for user aircraft on ground.
  • Fixed en-route holdings drawn with the wrong turn direction.
  • Added turn direction for en-route holding tooltips and information window.
  • Fixed issue where map highlights remained after putting a dock widget like search to the bottom
    of dock stack.
  • Added margins to map display text labels to improve readability.
  • Airport diagrams now shown earlier on map when zooming in.
  • Updated map themes on Little Navmap Downloads - Map Themes.
  • Removed unneeded Marble map theme legend files.
  • Increased maximum number of entries in map position history.
  • More adjustments and fixes for better drawing.

Flight Plan and Export

  • Corrected loading of flight plan routing network which was incomplete due to new MSFS RNAV waypoint type.
    This resulted in calculated flight plans using too many direct-to instead of airways when using
    Do not use Navigraph Database in the scenery library menu. #1001
  • Better error checking for flight plan export file pattern in multi export options. Added
    validation and error messages for export file patterns and file extensions. A file pattern with
    errors is now always highlighted red also if not selected for export.
  • Now resetting empty file patterns in multiexport to default values on loading. This fixes issues where
    the configuration was not migrated correctly from earlier versions and exported files used a flight
    plan name without file extension.
  • Now falling back to correct default file pattern on flight plan export if the pattern in the
    multi export options dialog is empty.
  • Fixed crash when loading X-Plane FMS files with negative airport elevation. Made flight plan
    loading more robust in general.
  • Increased maximum length for user waypoint names to 80 characters in MSFS PLN flight plan file export
    to allow descriptions.
  • Fixed inconsistencies for course display in flight plan leg in table, aircraft progress,
    elevation profile and the map.
  • Removed not applicable inbound and outbound VOR course display in aircraft progress at procedure legs.

User Interface

  • Fixed issue where the wrong runways were fetched for ILS in information and tooltips. As a
    result ILS were declared Offset to Runway showing the wrong runway heading.
  • Corrected airport ident to use displayed value from map and flight plan table in context menus
    to avoid confusing mismatches of airport idents between map and context menu. Now additionally
    showing display ident and internal ident in airport search context menu.
  • Added menu item ToolsFiles and DirectoriesShow Map Installation Directory
    to ease installation of new map themes.
  • Changed reading of MSFS scenery library. Now also reading manifest content type AIRCRAFT since
    aircraft add-ons may contain airports as well.
  • Fix for stacked dock windows appearing in the wrong order after un-minimizing main window. #1000
  • Updated user manual for customization, map theme installation, SimBrief changes and cold weather
    altitude correction.
  • Fixed elevation profile losing display reverting to a gray area when resetting view after vertical zoom.
  • Fixed issues with dock windows moved to the wrong screen on multi screen configurations.
  • Added AirNav.com to airport link list.
  • Fixed regression where red warning text for empty database was missing in status bar.
  • Several other small text fixes.


  • Fixed several issues with warnings about X-Plane weather files. Now warning
    if simulator is not installed or weather files are missing. Dialogs can be disabled.
  • Adapted to read new winds aloft file names from X-Plane which were introduced with version 12.04b2.
  • Made reading of GRIB wind files more error tolerant. Checking for wrong or empty files now.

X-Plane and Little Xpconnect Version 1.0.35 and 1.0.36

  • Fixed ground speed used wrongly as true airspeed for X-Plane AI and multiplayer aircraft.
    Ground speed is now correctly shown.
  • Added fix from Max Hille (maxhille (Max Hille) · GitHub) to avoid X-Plane 12 issues
    with light colors and ignored exclusion regions on Linux after installing plugin. #983