Hello to all the community, I would like to present you a small mod that I created and that could answer a need for some people who like to fly at night. As soon as the simu was released I said to myself “what a pity that with a game of this quality that the exterior lighting is not worked”. That’s what I’ve been trying to do since April 2021 by working on ground lighting projection textures and the visual aspect with the means at hand and without knowledge. Here is the page where this mod is available New Light ( enhancement taxi, landing light and other extrior light ) pour Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS . By the way, some developer contacted me to integrate Newlight into their model or mod, I don’t know if I can quote them but I will gladly do so to thank them again if possibleBy the way, some developers contacted me to integrate Newlight in their model or mod, like FSLTL for its air traffic, FLYSIMWARE for its C414AW and TJCaviation for its Salty 747-8 Mega Pack. Thanks again to them… By request of the MSFS staff, please make the support request on the mod’s website or on the discord indicated on this one. LIGHT UP THE SKY
Updated for AAU 2