[UPDATE] AirshowAssistant v3: AERIAL REFUELING

Attention, Microsoft Flight Simulator pilots! Christmas is coming earlier this year, and your present has arrived! We are thrilled to release the long-awaited addition of aerial refueling to the Flight Simulator world. This is not just a nice looking feature — it’s real, and it’s a challenge that won’t be easy.

Prepare for the thrill of mid-air refueling with two options: the drogue system and the flying boom system. Choose your favorite aircraft and master the art of precision flying.

Over 50 aircraft are already configured and ready for aerial refueling, ensuring a wide variety of flying experiences. But that’s not all—you can make ANY aircraft compatible by simply setting the contact point position before takeoff.

We provide two tankers for your refueling missions: the KC-46 and the Il-78, and as a bonus, the MQ-25 refueling drone. The list of available tankers will continue to expand, so let us know which one you’d like to see next!

To accommodate pilots of all skill levels, we have implemented three difficulty levels: Rookie, Pro, and Ace. Each level is designed to fit different types of pilots—from casual flyers to advanced aviators, and true heroes ready for the ultimate exercise.

And that’s not all—many more features are on the horizon, so keep an eye on future updates.

And now sad stuff… We are still fighting with sim limitations, so not all features work as expected yet. The update landed on the MSFS Marketplace this week contains several bugs which may affect your flying experience:

  • rookie mode does not work with helicopters and aircraft with small wing span (like F-16), choose different difficulty level to avoid it

  • if you try to use AAR right after Airshow was installed or updated, tanker will not appear; that is SimConnect issue which we can’t avoid anyhow, but for the clearance warning message will appear in next update with further instructions

  • some aircraft may have non-refualable tanks, which cause incorrect fuel indication and “infinity refuelling”

  • tanker airspeed is incorrect compare to the selected value

  • some airplanes (mostly by DC/SC Designs) has custom self-refueling script which activates when you engage built-in refueling probe or receptacle doors

But you know what is awesome? All these bugs were fixed already and a new update was sent to the MS for approval. So we are all waiting for next week’s Marketplace update with excitement. Happy flying!

Aircraft compatibility table: AIRSHOW AAR v3.6.0 aircraft compatibility - Google Sheets
Tutorial: AirshowAssistant - TouchingCloud - Microsoft Flight Simulator!

Ah, completely forget, we have increased the add-on price to $19.99. As a gratitude for everyone who has helped us during past development, it was on sale for $2 during Summer sale so I believe it’s a fair deal. Thank you!


Check out the entertaining and creative aerial refueling demo by Into the Blue Simulations! And what is most important - accurate procedures and valid approach to the refueling process are displayed. While many trying to catch the basket in same manner as arrow hits the target, in this video you can find how it happen in RL - first take position behind the left wing of the tanker, hold it for a while - to get used to the turbulence, set the throttle lever for required airspeed, feel the weather. Once you get stabilized - slowly approach the basket and insert the probe into it. Do not rush, do it smooth and clean. After basket locked, stay behind the refueling pod, slightly below, to minimize wing turbulence. Watch signal lights for distance guidance, your eyes may cheat you if you will predict the distance visually. Once refueling is complete, move to the right side of the tanker and wait until your buddies will fill the tanks too (well, some day they will be able to). Stay calm and do not be afraid to fail and start over again, we are all here to learn something new. Good luck!

And some news regarding future updates. We are working on advanced tanker routes - at the moment three made: buddy, interception and orbit. These are not linked with difficulty levels directly, but still will affect the complication of the refueling process. First one is simplest - AI aircraft join the formation with you as a leader and wait for pre-contact. Second - tanker will appear away from you, its flight path will intersect yours so you can’t miss it, but will need to join the formation quickly. And last one - tanker will move in circles at random location, so you will need to find it first, then join formation, and last - refuel even when it turns around.

I was busy with personal stuff this week so wasn’t able to finish everything, also several bugs was reported which require further investigation. But don’t worry, work is going on, stay tuned!



Short report about Airshow Assistant compatibility with MSFS2024 (tested on dev alpha 7.11.2024)

SMOKES: effects look the same as before, some minor differences in particle velocity may appear. All parameters applied to effects as intended, smoke sources positioning works correctly. Can be considered as working.

FLARES: while flare objects insertion and fall physics works correctly, visual effects (smoke trail and glare) are not attached to the object properly. Can be considered as broken.

FORMATION: AI aircraft insertion works as before. scan feature capture installed aircraft properly, aircraft model/livery can be changed without issues. Finally, helicopters may be inserted into the sim by SimConnect, but this type of simobject has different sim variables for aircraft animation and sounds replay, also helicopters AI flight model should be adjusted for natural visual appearance. Smokes and flares applied to the wingmen properly. Payload appearance may no longer work properly for some 3rd party aircraft due to payload values changes applied by developers for FS2024 migration. Can be considered as partially working.

AERIAL REFUELING: tankers insertion (buddy, intercept and orbit) works correctly, Live mode not tested yet. Tankers have the correct visual appearance, refueling hose and booms animation works properly, custom lights are triggered. 3rd party tankers not tested but expected to work correctly as well. Comms messages played properly. Fuel flow works for default Asobo aircraft as intended, but some issues may happen with 3rd party aircraft as some planes will get fuel system updates/changes. Can be considered as working but compatibility issues with 3rd party aircraft will happen in the future.

Overall, add-on still works, even if some issues exist. SimConnect was not changed much but some system commands no longer work as before - like pause detection, and I am sure there will be dozens of such issues discovered in the future. Most of the 3rd party devs will apply changes to the fuel system or payload of their aircraft, or maybe even geometry and AAR custom switches, it will take months to bring user experience to the same level as we have reached in MSFS2020, so please be patient - you will catch various issues during add-on usage for a while.

I can’t see it being possible to release an add-on on the day one of the MSFS2024 release as it highly likely will uncover some other major issues not listed above. I will provide another report after the add-on will be tested on the release version of MSFS2024, until then - we are still working on various improvements of MSFS2020 version. And yes, it is still supported and will get updated for several next months on MSFS2020 for sure.


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AirshowAssistant compatibility with release version of MSFS2024:

  • Flares visual effects does not appear correctly
  • Sparks smoke visual effect does not appear correctly
  • Flare sound replayed constantly if you have used flares at least once
  • Refueling hose/boom may not be attached to the probe/receptacle visually correctly

You can use this add-on in FS2024 with caution.

As product still in development, we are not ready to jump to the new SDK yet to continue post updates for FS2020 users. We will fix as much issues as possible with old SDK, like flares and effects. Aerial refueling seem to work properly but feel free to report about issues, especially compatibility with 3rd party aircraft - it can be easily broken because of such simple thing like aircraft model change.
FS2024 native update and appearance in Marketplace can be expected near beginning of the December 2024, price will be the same. No update costs - feel free to purchase it for FS2020 while it on 50% discount.

Another announce - we are adding new tankers (KC-97, A330MRTT, C130, Valiant, KC-390 and so on - list is long) and, eventually, liveries for the existing tankers. But we decided to not include them into package as these will increase add-on size dramatically and not actually needed for most of the customers. It will be sold as dedicated product, in the same way as liveries packs sold for the aircraft. We will provide full list of tankers and liveries once it will be clear, you will be able to add your wishes on top which we, possible, will be able to fulfil.

Pictures: F-4E taking fuel from KC-97 (MSFS2020 vs real photo)


Important news for Airshow Assistant users. We are close to the AAR feature development finale, only things left are realistic wingmen refuelling simulation (basic refuelling available in today’s update on MS Marketplace), liveries selection for existing and 3rd party refuelers, and some issues to be fixed - comms speech, basket/boom simulation, AI aircraft behaviour (both tankers and wingmen).

Due to the high success of the air-to-air feature, we decided to expand planned borders of the project and would like to propose aerial refueling tankers pack- Aerial Refueling DLC. This pack will cover most of the modern and 20th century aircraft which have refueling capabilities, even as buddy refuelers with attached accessories. These aircraft are in fact AI traffic planes, i.e. you can’t fly them as a pilot, but you can request them as a refueler or wingman with Airshow Assistant, or any other tool which can inject AI aircraft into the MSFS. We weren’t able to finish it before Christmas so the release planned around 30th December (but can be delayed). It has 15 aircraft already, in addition to 7 built in Airshow tankers, and the list is growing every week. Price is $9.99, discount will be applied for the Airshow owners but not sure about the amount yet (I suppose around 30%).

To ensure that the final result will be the best, I would like to start discussion about which liveries community would like to see. We choose liveries by aircraft type, so if you see some planes in the list which never performed refueling as a tanker in the past - my apology, but it will stay available for the user experience sake.

Let’s start with the finest - Lockheed C-130 Hercules. It is in service in so many countries so we had to separate the list into two parts. You haven’t found the livery of your country or favourite squadron? Let us know in this topic! Just ensure it has enough references so we can make it accurate.

12-5769 United States Air Force
164598 United States Navy
96-7325 United States Air Force
2001 United States Coast Guard
65-0985 Armée de l’air du Niger
G-781 Royal Netherlands Air Force
KAF325 Kuwait Air Force
XV196 Royal Air Force
NZ7003 Royal New Zealand Air Force
5150 French Air Force
A-1318 Indonesia Air Force
747 Hellenic Air Force
CH-09 Belgian Air Force
N118TG International Air Response
9052 Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force
3616 Mexican Air Force
8T-CC Austrian Air Force

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Our next object of interest - Airbus A310 MRTT!

The Airbus A310 MRTT Multi-Role Tanker Transport is a military air-to-air refuelling tanker transport aircraft, capable of operating multi-role missions. The A310 MRTT tanker aircraft is a subsequent development from the earlier Airbus A310 MRT Multi-Role Transport, which was a military transport aircraft for passengers, cargo, and medical evacuation. The A310 MRT and A310 MRTT are both specialist military conversions of existing airframes of the civilian Airbus A310-300C wide-bodied passenger jet airliner. While effective, the A310 MRTT was not produced in large numbers due to its replacement by more advanced tankers like the Airbus A330 MRTT in most air forces.

Maximum fuel capacity: 155,000 lbs (~70,300 kg)
Refueling sources: 2x hose-and-drogue pods mounted on wings, optional: 1x boom refueling station
Interesting fact: Canada’s CC-150T Polaris variant is also used for VIP transport, including missions for the Prime Minister.

5 variants coming soon as part of Aerial Refuelers DLC pack for MSFS 2020/2024

15005 Royal Canadian Air Force Airbus CC-150T Polaris
15004 Royal Canadian Air Force Airbus CC-150T Polaris
10+26 Luftwaffe Airbus A310-304 MRTT
10+27 Luftwaffe Airbus A310-304 MRTT
EC-HLA Airbus Industrie Airbus A310-324(MRTT)

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The McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender is an American tanker and cargo aircraft that was operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) from 1981 to 2024. A military version of the three-engine DC-10 airliner, the KC-10 was developed from the Advanced Tanker Cargo Aircraft Program. It incorporates military-specific equipment for its primary roles of aerial refueling and transport. A total of 60 KC-10s were produced for the USAF. The Royal Netherlands Air Force operated two similar tankers designated KDC-10 that were converted from DC-10s.

Maximum fuel capacity: 356,000 lbs (161,480 kg)
Refueling sources: 1x boom refueling station, optional: 2x hose-and-drogue pods mounted on wings
Interesting fact: Before its retirement in 2024, the KC-10 served for over 40 years, providing critical refueling and transport capabilities.

6 variants coming soon as part of Aerial Refuelers DLC pack for MSFS 2020/2024

T-264 Royal Netherlands Air Force McDonnell Douglas KDC-10-30CF
T-235 Royal Netherlands Air Force McDonnell Douglas KDC-10-30CF
82-0191 US Air Force McDonnell Douglas KC-10A Extender
82-0190 US Air Force McDonnell Douglas KC-10A Extender
N264DE Omega McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30CF
N974VV Omega McDonnell Douglas DC-10-40

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The KC-707 was a cost-effective solution for aerial refueling and transport, leveraging the proven Boeing 707 airframe to meet military needs. Its versatility and reliability ensured its use across multiple air forces for several decades. In addition to refueling, the KC-707 could transport troops, cargo, and even serve as a VIP transport. No dedicated KC-707 models were produced; all were converted from Boeing 707 commercial airliners.

Maximum fuel capacity: 160,000 lbs (~72,600 kg).
Refueling sources: 2x hose-and-drogue pods mounted on wings, optional: 1x boom refueling station
Interesting fact: Israeli 707 Tanker’s receive Remote Vision System - the boom operator performs their tasks from the main cabin via an array of cameras at the back of the plane that feeds into the RVS. In both cases, a hybrid 2D/3D system is used, requiring the operators to wear special glasses.

9 variants coming soon as part of Aerial Refuelers DLC pack for MSFS 2020/2024

2401 Brazilian Air Force Boeing KC-137
295 Israeli Air Force Boeing KC-707
A20-627 Royal Australian Air Force Boeing KC-707
13704 Canadian Armed Forces Boeing CC-137
903 Chile Air Force Boeing KC-707 Aguila
FAC1201 Colombian Air Force Boeing KC-707
MM62150 Italy Air Force Boeing KC-707
T17-2 Spain Air Force Boeing KC-707
N707MQ Omega K-707 Boeing K-707

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Important announcement for the Airshow Assistant users!

Due to the FS2024 Marketplace opening delays we are not able to submit a new version of the tool compiled with the latest SDK, which caused its removal from the legacy add-ons list, even if you have purchased it in MSFS2020. As a temporary solution we will post free demo on our website.
This version has all new improvements except tanker aircraft, only two available - KC-46 and IL-78 (like in initial release). Until Airshow Assistant appears in the FS2024 marketplace, PC users can use it as normal, but don’t forget to remove it from the Community folder after that to avoid files conflict. We can’t propose any solutions for Xbox users sadly.

If you have not purchased Airshow Assistant yet and wish to try it - that is your chance. But you’ll have to make a decision soon as we will share the demo version only for 1-2 months, until FS2024 Marketplace is back.

Please notice that our tool does not work in FS2024 as well as in FS2020, it will take time both for our team and Asobo to solve all issues. Feel free to post FS2024 bugs reports as comments on our website or FS forum

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Airshow! Aerial Refueling DLC is available in FS2020 marketplace! 20 tankers and buddy refuelers, 100 unique liveries. Price: $9.99

And list is growing, month later will be another large update with additional 5 tankers and more than 50 liveries!

And, the final result:


Hose wave damage will be added in the next update - try to contact with the same airspeed as a tanker to prevent wave appearance. Ensure that hose is tensioned during refuelling, otherwise wave amplitude may be increased which will cause basket rip off.

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