Update Famous Flyer III: Bonanza V35

I noticed today that the official thread for this aircraft is closed and new replies no longer allowed.

As the title says, please update this plane, it’s too good to be languishing in the hangar. At the very least it would make sense to have it compatible with the latest GNS530/430. This is especially pertinent if aircraft are still offered for sale on the marketplace, particularly those under the ‘official’ banner of Microsoft - they should work properly on the latest code.

I’m pretty sure a mod would reopen it, if asked.

Thanks, I will ask.

EDIT: It is now open again.


Does anyone think we will ever get docs for this plane, like the other Carenado planes?

What sort of docs do you need? Have you searched for the POH of the real plane? It very likely flies pretty close to the numbers on the real plane.

Sadly, Microsoft never documents how the Autopilot should work, for instance, though, if it’s modeled on the real one, sometimes the POH for it will work (not always, sadly).

Here’s one…

A quick google search finds a ton.

A few flights in the V35B last week, almost forgot how much I do like this one! I came back to it after enjoying the new to me piston Dukes, which are of course on another level. That said, the Bonanza is terrific for what it is in the sim and I find it has much more character than the G36.

Thank you so much! The info was very helpful

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