Ooh. . .this is promising:
back to patience mode. I need to get some OJ and milk from the store anyway.
Ooh. . .this is promising:
back to patience mode. I need to get some OJ and milk from the store anyway.
In the content manager, are there any outstanding to be installed?
If so, install them
When you start the sim, what version does it display?
See all my posts above. Current v. is 1.21.18. I can’t get to the 1.22.2 update.
I’ll be back to try more in a few!
Nothing shown as outstanding in the content manager?
Yeah, I could see the sim in the store.
Well crapsicle. Now it’s going backwards. While clicking on the “uninstall” button in hopes that there would be an option to repair/upgrade or whatever, it killed it completely. Now I can’t even reinstall.
Anyone ever see this nonsense before?
Huh. . .solved it for me:
Reinstalling Gaming Services is what finally worked for me. Thanks fellas.
HI What do you mean by reinstalling Gaming Services ? Could you please explain how to proceed. ? Many thks in advance.
I’m too old for all these computer craps and a bit lost with all this.
Yep. See this link:
Microsoft Store - Download and Installation issues - Basic Troubleshooting – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (zendesk.com)
Specifically this section:
and this seciton:
Hi Thank you very much for your answer. In the meantime I tried this option which I found somewhere else in the forum but it did not work with me.
Eventually I made a full uninstall/reinstall and everything went well. I can now fly normally.
As far as I’m concerned it’s the 3rd time I was facing such problems after SU5 SU6 and now this update. I also faced it couple of times after the update of the XBox. Each time I had no choice but to proceed as a.m and always got the sim working again normally. I do beleive that all this is coming from Microsoft update system and not from my PC which is brand new and top fitted. Let’s hope that they will improve it sometimes.
Thks again for your kind help.