Update lock asobo-vockpits-instruments-generic-0.1.131.fspatch

Hello all

I try to do the last update but she’s lock during the update to :“Asobo-vockpits-instruments-generic-0.1.131.fspatch”

*I played before this update there are 1 month ago and no problem with any update. *

*Someone Have the sames Issue? *

I m on the onestore build. Win11 Last build too . Updated

Ty for your futurs answers.

Brief description of the issue:

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

PC specs and/or peripheral set up of relevant:

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

Go to the “Official Onestore” folder and find the “Asobo-vcockpits-instruments-generic” folder.
Remove that folder (cut and paste it somewhere outside of the sim files) and restart the sim.
MSFS will make a new folder and replace it with the latest.
That should fix it for you.
When it all works out, you can delete the old folder.

Lol Just after i posted the msg i deleted this folder and tryed but not worked. i have restart the game and again and again and restart my internet box and Magic … The problems was solved… But ty for your answer @TheSevenflyer

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Thanks for your advice, I have tried to move / re-download the folder, but does not works for me. The displays are blank. Also tried to adjust the brightness with the MFD/PFD knobs, but only the blank screen become lighter or darker.