Update MSFS 2020

Yeah, but it’s been flagged and will be deleted and I’ll probably be banned for another week. Nobody here has a sense of humor.

But I don’t really care. I was away from MSFS Forums for a month and it didn’t help at all. My sim still ran like manure.

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I laughed. :sweat_smile:

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Finally, things are happening and install taking place apparently servers are overloaded …I am having to do a full re install … not necessary for everyone I guess, annoyed yes … but this is a brilliant sim none the less…

I guess its being patient which on many occasions I am not :slight_smile:

After rebooting, trying again and clicking OK, and leaving it to do its thing, it came back downloaded and waiting at the main menu for me.

Now where’s the SDK update?

Another update along with the havoc they cause. Now the flight dynamics are all screwed up and the planes wobble all over the sky. And, the identification gray bar appears on top and won’t go away. Every time I have the program working perfectly hears comes another update to screw it up

Try hitting Alt 11, or ctrl 11. Or maybe ctrl enter or alt enter. In regards to getting rid of the top bar.

Mine finally updated, but it took 40 minutes at 5:00am in the morning.

Mine downloaded as well and it did not disappoint. My experience is photoreal and spectacular and worthy of video sharing this experience with family, friends. Microsoft, please don’t break this!!!

I attempted to update yesterday (Oct. 20) and the download was going reasonably well – got about 2/3 of the way through and then it just started re-trying the same file download over and over. Closed and re-opened MSFS – it picked right up where it left off but was still stuck re-trying the same file for the rest of the day. Never any connection error or other error – Just stuck re-trying. I closed it and figured I’d try again the next day.

Today it resumed just fine, got almost done with the remainder of the download and once again got stuck re-trying a file. Closed and re-opened, and then it just stayed on the empty progress bar, attempting to connect but not doing anything else. Closed it and re-opened again and finally it got a connection and downloaded the last 11 files it had been stuck trying to download. Still, no connection error messages or any indication that there was a problem.

To me, part of the problem seems to surround the fact that the update process requires every.individual.folder to be individually downloaded, verified, and installed before the next one can download. There are so many individual client-server transactions that the chances for any one of them having an error condition that could halt the update is rather high. It would seem safer for the update to come in the form a number of roughly equal-sized, larger sections which can be downloaded, checksummed, and then unpacked into the sim’s file directories in a sort of series of batch operations. The current folder-by-folder system is inefficient with numerous small file transfers.

Same here …last night and again today

This is off topic but does anyone know how to fix this? I also have this in my cockpit

This is off topic but does anyone know how to fix this?

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