Now the long post…realism. It has been rightfully brought up, and deserves a more complete answer and analysis. So here it goes!
First of all, is this plane realistic? Well yes. Watch this:
Nothing new here to be honest, only difference is, now you can do it too. How cool is that?
But I have never seen that before! Well, this is called STOL (Short Take Off and Landing) and is made possible by whacking the ■■■■ out of bush planes with big wings, big engines, VG’s, slats, upgraded brakes and much more. Realistic? Well…see the video again.
So where does the Carbon Savage come in? How come it does what it does? Well a lot is down to math and physics (as Mike Patey would say I suppose), which brings us to a very important aspect of a STOL plane: the power-to-weight ratio. Let’s compare 2 other bush planes we know very well, and our Savage Carbon:
Savage Cub
HP: 100
Empty weight: 650 lbs
Cruise: 89 kts
Power-to-weight: 0.154
HP: 180
Empty weight: 1216 lbs
Cruise: 126 kts
Power-to-Weight: 0.148
Savage Carbon
HP: 141
Empty weight: 585 lbs
Cruise: 120 kts
Power-to-weight: 0.241
So you see, nothing too amazing actually, except for that awesome power-to-weight ratio. And all I did was lose 10% of weight by using carbon fiber instead of aluminum (again, totally realistic) and add 41 more HP to it by using an accurately simulated Rotax 915iS (same engine as in Trend Palmer’s Freedomfox). I even was conservative on the top speed and constrained her a bit.
And here you have it. The STOL plane that the Savage Carbon truly is!
Only issue I would like to mention is the climb rate. Yes that is a little too high. But so it is for every other plane in the game that has the cruise speeds properly setup. Asobo is currently having a global issue with climb rates and service ceilings that needs fixing. This is out of my control. So yes she currently does 2200fpm (at MTOW, 5500 RPM), and maybe it should be 1800-2000fpm or so. And yes she does 3000fpm without passenger and 1/3 of fuel (nice setup for STOL competitions by the way!) But I can’t fix the climb rate without sacrificing cruise.
In any case, I hope you found this post/article enlightening and continue to enjoy this highly realistic simulation of a true STOL machine (minus the climb rate for now yes?)
Above all, have fun, and see you in the skies!