Update: Savage Carbon - STOL Realism Mod (v2.10 / Dec 27, 2022)

That would be great. Email is rexandrea@comcast.net. Thanks!

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Okay! Ill send it out in about 5 minutes!

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Actually probably gonna be longer, google drive upload taking a long time

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No worries. Iā€™ll watch for it.

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Just a little bit of water skiing fun, in the eastern Sierra, enjoyVideo Fun Link :)

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Sorry but I didnā€™t create the panel files used in itā€™s creation, so canā€™t pass it onā€¦ however, that panel is available from FlightSim.to It does take a bit of work to adapt it to the Savage Carbon as he has his own panel files and file structuring. The livery I created has licensed Flying Cowboys decals baked into the paint files and following legalities, I canā€™t distribute them. Besides, itā€™s nice to have at least one Livery thatā€™s just yourā€™s! ā€¦and that is just a base, not finished with it yet. I also used another individuals package to locate and re-color the struts. There is a little learning curve to doing your own liveries and implementing them in MSFS, but there are plenty of videoā€™s on the subject and Iā€™ve found that a courteous request for help goes a long way in the forumsā€¦ Not to mention that each time he updates this package will require some work to re-implement your custom stuff to it, so the more you learn the easier it should get. There is an easier way of painting, but it requires a basic knowledge of using Blender which is readily available and the app needed to pull the 3D Model to work with, and again YouTube Videoā€™s to help you do that. While it can be an extremely FRUSTRAIGHTING thing to do, it can be quite rewarding as well.

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Should be sent now mate

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@ NaiveTurtle :wink: :wink: :wink:

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Hehehe, You taught me, Gotta thank you for that! I now have 5 other liverys for the savage!

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No worries. I completely understand.


VRROOOMMM says Gravelā€™s barn

The neighbours are a tad upsetā€¦early in the morning already? Give us some peace Gravel! And why is he making his barn bigger?


Sounds like a bit of engine tweaking, hmmmmm!

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The neighbours already complainedā€¦a bit more than tweaking this time.


Our neighbors have a couple of drag strip beasts, and they can be quite annoying, either late at night or early in the morning on race day!


I didnā€™t get it, Amigo. Must be hung up in cyberspace customs or something. :upside_down_face:

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New engine?

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Okay, I can resend it if you would like


Great! Thanks. Maybe if you send me an email with no attachments first, I can save you to my address book.

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Iā€™m really enjoying the SC! Soon Iā€™ll be in it in VR and I canā€™t wait.
Iā€™m new to the sim and would like to know how does one find grass/dirt strips? Iā€™m only interested in off field operations, are there any bush fields like in XP? And how do I go finding them?

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