Update: Savage Carbon - STOL Realism Mod (v2.10 / Dec 27, 2022)

Thanks NaiveTurtle57, sure would appreciate it…


Just wanna say, after I just liked your post I got a notification I only have a few likes left today :laughing:

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Anyone up for a flight today at 1800z or possibly later at around 2100z?

There is some VL3 activity here:



Yes I wrote that article :sweat_smile:


I’m trying to learn to waterski with crash damage on, and I have a problem with the sim, when you crash, you get just a black screen, so you can’t analize it to learn … any sugestion ?

With Crash damage off I guess it would be worst, since I’ll never crash, so never learn.

So far what I have learned is that you musn’t sink more than half of the front wheels into the water.

BTW, the tail wheel can touch the water ?

GotGravel …you tha Man!! 90% of my sim flying is in your SC . Awesome accomplishments. Been a simmer since fs98 . SO looking forward to a Scrappy build! Best Regards. Fly Safe . Be Safe. Best of the Christmas Season to you!

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When do you sleep? :grinning:

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Most fun you’ll have in this game - thanks for all the work! I made a video on how to fly tailwheel airplanes in MSFS and used this as an example of the best plane to use when learning. I’ll post a link when it’s done uploading.

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Looking forward!

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Savage Carbons with a G3X!

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Nah man steam gauges is the only way for bush planes


Got the strut cam up

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GotGravel recommended for Time Magazine cover

Weekly Saturday group flight in the Carbon at Alaska Bush Flying

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When? Where? which Server?

thanks for the invite… Dec 26th could be difficult though… we will see.

It will difficult for a few of us on that date of course, but we fly weekly on Saturdays at 18.00 gmt usually. GotGravel often joins us so we get a really helpful advice nsight into the Carbon as well as the company of other good guys

18 gmt should be doable… I hope. If not next Saturday, then some time soon :slight_smile: