I think we need seperate subforums for the big categories in the wishlist forum. (and within these subforums we really should enforce one wish per topic)
In the last Q&A Sebastian mentioned we need more specific topics. And I agree, ‘improve AP/ATC/flight model/…’ is a bit broad and the content of the topic tends to be all over the place. Separating these into smaller bits will make it more clear to Asobo what we really want to see improved first. It allows them to take ‘babysteps’, which is a good development practice.
Ofcourse, dividing topics into smaller subjects probably means fewer votes. Perhaps you could upgrade the wishlist overview on the Q&A with: 10 most upvoted general requests, and then 2 - 3 most upvoted within a big topic.
My suggestions for the big topics would be: ATC, AP, Flight Model, Airport (parking, visuals, services), UI, SDK, new airliner/airport requests (I don’t think these requests make sense, especially airliners. but oh, well many still do)
I guess you could come up with some more, but these would be a good start.
I know we currently have tags to categorize topics. But there are several problems:
- They are not enforced.
- For me at least it doesn’t help keeping a good overview of this subforum
- People still put a lot of requests in a single topic, and bigger requests often result in more votes. While dividing your request into pieces actually allows Asobo to take better steps to implement it.
It would also make it easier to spot identical request and merge them, or close topics when they are implemented.
I firmly believe topics should be closed if Asobo considers them implemented, and if we’re not happy with the implentation a new topic should be opened. This again makes it easier for Asobo to spot our concerns.