[UPDATED] Fully animated First Officer for the FBW A32NX | FS2Crew

The co-pilot genre in MSFS has forever changed!

FS2Crew is proud to announce the release of the 1st commercially available fully animated First Officer for MSFS!

This is a ground breaking advancement that takes your simming to the next level.

The FO’s mouth even sync’s with the FS2Crew FO’s audio :wink:


It only works with FS2Crew for the FBW A32NX project. That product is the required base. Promo pricing is available.

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9 September 2023:

The Animated FO has been updated.

Major change is a more globally diverse FO model set (white, asian, black and hispanic are now available).

Update via theFS2Crew Product Manager!

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Product Manager download:

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All FS2Crew MSFS Products were updated today!

The biggest change is the new “female” animated FO model for the FBW Airbus version of FS2Crew.

To see the female FO, you must select a female FO voice set on the FS2Crew FBW Settings Page.

Also, the “human animated” flows are faster now compared to the initial release version.

Important links:

Change Log Page:

Discord Support Channel:

FS2Crew Website:

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How hard is to export an animated person to MSFS? I tried once and failed.