Updates Question

Why could it not be set up that we could do the updates after we finish playing rather thn have to wait till the update is done to play?

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It would take development time to implement something like this, which would take time away from other features in the roadmap they have commited to.

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There are plenty of folks that are :

  1. quite happy with the way the sim works at the moment.
  2. have slow connections where once the dreaded update available shows they know they are not flying that day.
  3. Read the comments of folks who already have the newest update and new problems.
  4. Do not fly online or use any other live function and could easily postpone an update until they ELECT to run it.

I think an option to postpone the update would be a really good idea. But I think there have been a few requests or posts on the wishlist which have gone nowhere.

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That just won’t work with a Sim that’s relying on online connectivity as much as MSFS is.
All clients need to have the correct version to communicate with the servers correctly.

is there a update today?

[RELEASE] Release Notes ( World Update II: USA Now Available!

I can’t argue that point, because I honestly do not know.
For me it makes no sense if all I want is possibly the scenery and in my case the area I fly in 99% of the time is in my local cache file.

So what else would my flying need from the server ?? Even some of the X-box FPS or Racing sims I use allow to run the software on a version that is one older than the current one with a few limitations.

I think, yes I know thinking is not knowing, they could allow something like that if they wanted to.
At the moment I am downloading 17.56 Gb of stuff I don’t need, fixes that I don’t need or want on a 6.75 Mbit connection. So instead of flying a few flights around the Canary Islands and making a few virtual $$ with FSE I am forced to read a book :slight_smile:

Just because you are not using multiplayer or live traffic doesn’t mean that you are not streaming data from the MS servers. It will be next to impossible to do this and would lead to bugs being raised on previous versions that are fixed by the latest patch etc - a massive headache. This sim is part of an online ecosystem - that isn’t going to change and so optional updates seem beyond unlikely.

So take y example and explain if you like what data I am streaming ??
Because I have a â– â– â– â– â– â–  connection it has cut out midflight on a few occasions and the flight completed without problems aside from the little popup about the lost connection.

I also had the sim running and was flying today without any issues as I was trying to modify the Icon A5 to become a real amphibian in developer mode. In order to ensure that the cfg changes I made are really loaded I switched off the sim and on restart it tells me I must update…
So an older version can coexist without any issues that I can see or they would have to cut the connection to any running sim when they release an update :wink:

I do agree with the argument about complaints about stuff that is fixed in a new version by folks who did not update.

Personally I would have loved to be able to simply buy a FULL version that does not need any online connection at all even if I had to buy another 4 TB SSD just for the sim
and looking at how many posts this Update issue has generated here and on a few FB groups I follow I am not alone in that.

I have been really lucky in not having any issues with MSFS. The aircraft I like to fly the most work or as with the DA62 have been modified by talented folks to work to POH values…something that ASOBO honestly has not been able to do with a single aircraft they provided.

I understand that there the online component is much more woven into this verson of FS than ever before.

Yeah. The world data is 2 Petebytes though, not 4 Tb.

The only way you are streaming nothing is if you turn all data off. Don’t expect to enjoy the experience as it will look horrible. All those autogen buildings you are seeing - streamed. Not just the PG.

Obviously you can stream the world data, as you’ve been doing, without changing the sim, but it is all or nothing when you restart - for exactly the reasons I said, plus other people do want to do multiplayer etc.

And finally…you have a licence which requires online validation.

In order to get enough SSD storage to store the entire 2PB of data locally, it would cost enough that you could have a 10 Gbit fiber optic line run to your house and pay for your monthly internet service for a few years.

Ok…thanks for the explanation.
In my case as I said the Canary Islands , Cape Verde Islands and Marocco are wher I fly 99% of the time so that area is cached locally.

In my company IT distributes updates to the individual PCs etc as needed. But since some updates require a reboot we have the option to defer an update 3x times.
Would be really stupid in my case if I am online with a customers machine troubleshooting and have to tell him “well we are out of luck I just got a mandatory update and reboot…call you again in a few hours”

So there are options and this mandatory thing is really ■■■■■■■ people off that are otherwise quite satisfied with the MSFS product. That is something they should consider…because they certainly have tons of folks that are anything but satisfied :slight_smile:

  1. I don’t need the whole world coverage…as pointed out. Because I don’t give a hoot about many areas. The US update which is probably the largest part of todays Update I can easily do without. I flew over the US IRL for 17 years :slight_smile:
  2. I can buy what I want but at my location at the moment nothing faster than 6.75Mbits :slight_smile: Unless I move of course.

That might happen but there is too much more basic dev going on fire the next few months.

I can understand the frustration when you don’t have access to high speed internet at your location. For me, that’s actually a requirement. I utterly refuse to live anywhere I can’t get a minimum of at least a 100 Mbit connection. Not that it’s an issue because I’ve been living in my current house for 22 years now and I have gigabit. But I’m actually in the market to sell and downsize and move out just outside of the city limits. And so far, there’s nothing that offers me more than 10 Mbit, so I’m not moving. lol

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Nutbush city limits, by any chance? I was banned from going there on my Harley back in the seventies.