Updates to Bell 47J Ranger, Junkers F 13, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industies MU-2

Updates to these three Local Legends/Famous Flyers are now available from Content Manager. Please see below for the patch notes.


Local Legend 14: Bell 47J Ranger (v1.0.4)

  • Improved the lighting of the aircraft’s exterior lights.
  • Aircraft’s throttle now highlights when the cursor hovers over it.
  • Aircraft’s throttle can now be selected / manipulated using the cursor.
  • Keyboard can be used as input for the GNS 430.
  • Fixed an issue with the left Quickview camera view.
  • Aircraft is referred to as the “Bell 47 J-2” in its hangar description.
  • Fixed an issue with beacon light bulbs not emitting light.
  • Fixed an issue where the throttle doesn’t highlight in the cockpit. [All Variants]
  • Fixed an issue preventing opening of the cursor keyboard in the WT 430W GPS unit. [GPS]
  • Fixed an issue preventing pilots from selecting the throttle while using the cursor mode on a controller within the Bell 47 J-2.
  • Fixed quick view issues based on Community feedback.

Local Legend 6: Junkers F 13 (v0.1.6)

  • Fixed the string for the Attitude Gyro’s circuit breaker.
  • Fixed an issue where the engine would not start from cold & dark under specific conditions.
  • Adjusted the aircraft’s cruise performance to better align with the POH.
  • On the aircraft’s clipboard, the Engine air start checkmark will now disappear after toggling off.
  • The color arcs on the HUD’s Airspeed Indicator have been corrected to align with the POH.
  • Fixed an audio issue related to multiplayer.

Famous Flyer 7: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries MU-2 (v1.0.21)

  • Fixed the issue with the cabin’s texture that was visible in External view.