i recently upgraded the GPU in my Dell XPS 8940 with an RTX1660TI GPU to a PNY Rtx4060TI. I expected increased image quality. But I didn’t get it (maybe due to the older monitor I have) and importantly I saw essentially no video performance increase from the 4060TI over the 1660TI.
Question…does this surprise you…that I see no video performance improvement?? Maybe the needs of MSFS2024 are such that doesn’t require significant GPU upgrades.
Would appreciate any thoughts you have on this.
Thank you.
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Thanks for the guidance. Newbie here.
Can you post a screenshot of the developer tools FPS screen while sitting at KJFK?
How do I fps developer tool?
Go into the sim settings->advanced tab->developer mode (1st option) = on. A menu bar will appear on the top left of the screen. Click on Debug->fps counter = on. A fps debug window will appear on the top right of your screen. Exit out of settings.
Repeat the steps above to turn off the fps window by unticking the option.
The image quality depends on the settings and the resolution, if you don’t increase your graphics settings it will remain the same regardless of the GPU installed.
1660TI 15-18 in medium setting
4060TI 35-38 in medium setting
25-28 in ‘high end’
16-18 in 'ultra.
Correction the 4060TI fps in ‘ultra’ is 25-28
We need a screenshot so we can see all the other data the tool provides, such as screen and render resolutions, thread latencies, memory usages etc.
Sorry about that…this is the screenshot sitting at JFK RTX4060TI @ Ultra setting.
Maybe someone with a similar combo (10700/4060Ti) can chime in but those thread latencies look suspiciously high to me at such a low resolution.