Upgrade time maybe?

This was true of the MB manufacturers (mainly ASUS) with the AMD x3d cpu’s but not Intel with their 13th and 14th gen cpu’s. As per PC Gamer:

“Intel has just explained that the elevated operating voltages are caused by high (Core VID) voltage requests from the processor to the motherboard, causing the motherboard to deliver (VCore) voltage to the CPU. These high voltages degrade the chips over time. The fix limits these voltage requests to 1.55 V.”

Basically the “fix” dumbs down performance from what it was previously. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’ll see how it goes, nothings perfect in life and not too much to just install an new mobo, cpu and ram, I’ll have enough bits to make another pc to sell on :joy:


At first, Intel blamed the motherboard manufacturers but after the issue was highlighted by Gamers Nexus Intel has found that faulty processor microcode has been causing the processors to operate under excessive core voltages.

Fly safe capt :smiley:

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Thank you, you too. Its all a learning curve and then ya die.

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