Upgrading Flight Joysticks

Hi all, i am looking to upgrade from a Logitech x52 pro.
I am REALLY disappointed that i cannot realistically fit the Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo equipment as it is just too large, my computer setup is in the main bedroom so not too much room to “expand”
I would now like to add, yes, i have measured and remeasured and the wife has to stay, so i am not happy. LOL
So, i would like some advice as to where to upgrade to now. I love the look of the Warthog setup as there seems to be plenty of switches to map and its more of a “Desktop” style like the x52.
The other that has really caught my eye is the Thrustmaster Airbus Officer edition with quadrant. I am leaning very close to this as this is going to be, by the looks of it, paired with 2 more quadrant’s for landing gear and flaps, and this is again, more of a desktop solution.
I would lover the honeycomb, but i just cannot figure a way of having one AND keeping the space down.
Thanks for any replies.

Have the Thrustmaster Airbus edition flight stick and is so much better than the Logitech Extreme 3d Pro I had before. Aircraft are much easier to control. The only problem might be getting hold of one.

The Thrustmaster Officers pack is back ordered. I pre-ordered one in July, from the Microsoft store. Still waiting, Thrustmaster is saying maybe late December or January.