Hey all…I’m trying to figure out how to load some screenshots here and cant get it to work…it says wrong format when I try to upload here…I hit alt f1 to take them…they save as a jxr…I use nvidia control panel…is it saving in the wrong format maybe? Shouldn’t drag and drop work? If I convert them to jpg they will upload but look like crap…Thanks
Usually the PRT/SC key works just fine. Paste that into Paint and save it as .jpg or .png
Note, if you have multiple monitors you can use ALT + PRT/SC. It will capture only the monitor
that you have your mouse focused on.
Nope. They will look fine.
Thanks CooganBear…I’ll go try that now…I have only 1 monitor…they look great when opened in the jxr format on PC…is there a way to change that ext in the Nvidia control panel?
I tried earlier a couple times after converting to jpg… they are washed and awful compared to whats saved in my folder…I use HDR…would that effect anything? Thanks
HDR is useless for screenshots unless you are prepared to spend time post processing them. HDR images contain data that basically makes them look completely washed out if you upload them as screenshots without post processing. There are various tool and scripts you can run against HDR screenshots that will make them look normal for uploading to websites, but for me it’s a load of work that I don’t have time to do after a flight, so I don’t use HDR.
Try the Xbox Game Bar screenshot command. I think it’s Win-Alt-G (bring up the Game Bar via Win-G and look at the Captures widget). It will save a non-HDR version. It saves them in your Videos > Capture directory.
I think it defaults to Alt + Win + Print/scn and in HDR mode it saves both formats (HDR and non HDR jpeg) so you can decide whether or not to do post processing.
I use HDR and would not run without it.
But it does screw up a screenshot.
As @nixonredgrave says, Xbox Game Bar will give you a great screenshot.
It provides a ,png and a ,jxr file.
Use Win + G keys to display the Game Bar.
Select Capture to get a screenshot.
Use Win + V to see the captures in the Clipboard.
Thanks all…I tried to pull up the game bar as suggested and it wont pull up with the Win + G or Alt + Win + printscreen and also tried Win-Alt-G…
Is it installed, and/or enabled via Windows > Settings > Gaming > Xbox Game Bar?
You have Windows 11, yes/no?
Thank God for Forums and kudos to the ones here that lead us PC clumsy people in the right direction…Much appreciated… Happy Simming…
I take shots in HDR with the xbox app, it creates a PNG file along with the HDR pic. Best of both worlds.
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