User name changed, can't reinstall

I totally hosed my computer while trying to move to a new ssd. I know, stupid mistake. Then I couldn’t reinstall anything so I had to get a professional to reinstall windows. In the process, my user name was changed. I reinstalled some of the MSFS before getting stuck in the decompressing loop. Should I change my user name back to what it was before and how do I do that?

I just realized there is no users/mynewuser name/AppData folder.

Your computer can have a different MS account login from your Xbox account.

Just make sure your MS/Xbox account (which you bought MSFS from) is signed into the MS Store app and the Xbox apps on your computer with that account.

Your MS/Xbox account which you own MSFS on does appear to be: NonstopOyster0

I’m not sure you can merge your old Xbox account (the one you bought MSFS with) into the newer account. You can contact Xbox Support at:

I am having to reinstall after a computer mishap (self imposed). The reinstall seems to proceed as normal on startup it wants to install all again. I can see the installation path in the usercfg file. Is there a way to see the entire installation path on the startup screen to see if they match? BTW, the files seem to be installed where they should be.

The part of the installation path that’s visible on the installation page seems correct.

I have continually downloaded the sim. It seems to download ok and the files are in


But it still won’t open and continues to ask for more updating.

My MS user name and my MS Store user name are the same. Does the NonStopOysterO name used here and on MSFS have to be the same as the user name on Xbox?

I would appreciate any help anyone can give.

Hello @NonstopOyster0,
You may also seek support via Zendesk.

You can make a reference to your topic here on the forum.

This turned out to be a Windows problem. When I ran sfc scannow it fixed some errors but reported some were not repaired. I then ran DISM to repair the image and reran scannow which reported all errors were fixed. I also had a loose GPU which was reseated in the slots. Then MSFS loaded as expected.