Using a (General Aviation | Helicopter | Military) Headset with a PC - Flight Sound X

I’ve got a Bose A20 Aviation Headset that I’ve been using with the Flight Sound X FSX SOLO-GA (GENERAL AVIATION) USB adapter for PC for months now and it works great. It looks like this:

^ I highly recommend using Bostik Blu Tack to hold the Flight Sound X adapter in place.

With my Bose A20 Aviation Headset plugged in it looks like this:

Then all I need to do is make sure I have it selected by clicking on the speaker icon on the taskbar and clicking on Headphones (7- Flight Sound X):

They also have a USB adapter for Helicopter headsets the FSX SOLO-H (HELICOPTER).

In addition they also have a USB adapter for Military headsets the FSX SOLO-M (MILITARY).

When you have your headset up and running I highly recommend setting up Dolby Atmos as Microsoft Flight Simulator supports it, I’ve posted a guide on how to set it Dolby Atmos here: Dolby Access app - Dolby Atmos for (Headphones | home theater) - Active Spatial Sound = On


I have the flightsound adapter somewhere in a box and likewise, a Flightcom headset which is also gathering dust. I didn’t get much from it in FSX to be honest. There always seemed to be some lag, but the real killer was that of comfort. Now here is where your £1000 Bose headset will score and (I have a standard Bose headset) the comfort is usually epic. A GA headset can be quite a squeeze to give it good passive sound deadening and my head felt like a toothpaste tube. Great for flying but a pain for longer sessions at the PC. If you have ANR, you will really feel that difference.

The Bose A20 is comfortable to wear and it has ANR and Bluetooth so I can receive mobile phone calls automatically :smiley: I haven’t had any issues with lag.